no you may not suggest those films. :sarcasm:
umm....worth seeing ? i dunno, it is ok, but IMO the story sucked and th acting at times is poor.
wtf was up with that guy and hotdogs???:sarcasm::sarcasm:
'The Happening' is a parody. hence the overacting, terrible dialogue (which is actually hilarious) and assinine plot.
Shymalan's first three films - sixth sense, unbreakable and signs are all wonderfull movie and regardless of whether you thought the plot devices of his last two films - the village and lady in the water - worked or not, you can still see the greatness in the craft evident in each frame, despite the end result.
The Happening is a terible film in many ways, but it still entertains you and that is the point.
Many don't believe it to be a parody, but i can't see any other option considering his previous work.
If you have seen a glutton of 'monstor movies' and disaster type flicks then it's obvious this is sending those films up.
i mean the film is called 'the happening' and the words 'happened' or 'happening' occurs so many times through the movie in typical b movie fashion.
in fact at one point Marky Mark says to a bunch of strange looking train drivers "why are you all drip feeding me information and not telling me what is happening" this is play at the nature of these movies where the guessing game is laborious and a mere plot function.
I enjoyed the film. Not great, even when taking it as a parody, but it was funny and a good flick to see with ya boys and laugh at.
In time this film will become a cult classic.