i watched the movie from Mc's signature today (The Human Centipede)... well yesterday i suppose now.
what the f**k is wrong with our species? who thinks up this sh*t? i'm a seasoned denison of the internet... i can't remember the last time i was genuinely repulsed, yet that movie got to me. it will be interesting to see what my thoughts are after the inevitable second viewing... :lol:. it's hard to say whether i liked it... i love what Roger Ebert said on it -
"I am required to award stars to movies I review. This time, I refuse to do it. The star rating system is unsuited to this film. Is the movie good? Is it bad? Does it matter? It is what it is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine."
it definitely would rate in the top 3 or 4 most disturbing movies of all time... surely. totally macabre, sadistic, repugnant... i can't find enough words. major brownie points to it as a horror movie, though. given that horror movies are made to horrify, it achieved that.
if you are easily offended, repulsed or nauseated then i would strongly recommend giving this one a wide berth. it is genuinely f**ked up and will f**k your brain inside out if you're not suited to watch it. if you arent any of those things... and i mean you're near the opposite end of the spectrum on all 3 fronts, then i'd have to say watch it, just to say you have and lived to talk about it. i don't mean that as a dare or challenge.