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What movie have you seen #2

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First Grade
1) We don't know what any god looks like, so how do you know thats not how a god would look? I KNOW WHAT GOD LOOKS LIKE - I'VE WATCHED CLASH OF THE TITANS?

Better question, why would you care? I DON'T

Are you honestly saying you would have enjoyed the movie more if they digitally added a foot of height to Thor? YES

2) As someone said it was about them putting their egos away and realising that he died in part because they couldn't work together. Did you see any other marvel movies? YES, ALL OF THEM

In addition, he was one of the few humans Thor had contact with, and was pretty tight with Iron Man. Didn't you notice how Pepper Potts was on first name basis with him, asking him about his familys trip up the cabin or something? They were friends. Of course he was upset and mourning. Captain America hardly moped about it, he was practical. IT WAS TOO CHEESY, TOO FORCED

3) Thats just the way it is. Its a superhero movie. Hulk is one of the stronger heros in the universe from what I've gathered. If you don't have some semblence of a suspension of disbelief of course you're going to be bothered by that, but then if you are then why are you watching a fantasy movie? TOO MUCH FANTASY, NOT ENOUGH REALISM.


Spiderman 2 > Iron Man > The Avengers (close 3rd)

Spiderman 2 achieved what no other movie did since Superman 2 way back, and it was the moral story of being a superhero rather than usually becoming one. The main moral story behind The Avengers is simply the best of the best forming as a team and the challenges they face having to work with each other. The first half shows blatant evidence that most of the heroes clearly don't mix well with each other (Notably Stark and Rogers) and then the one-on-one fights break out (Iron Man vs Thor, Hulk vs Thor).

After they find out they all let their guard down
They all agree to avenge against the rule of Loki and realise they must work as a team to stop him.

Chook Norris

First Grade
i tried not to read anything over the last page and a half, but please if there are spoilers use the spoiler tags



Were they really that different looking to Thor? I saw the first movie and they seemed very similar. Regardless, even if they were massively different thats you arbitrarily. And what do you mean you don't care? It was one of 3 things you listed as complaints.

Are you honestly saying you would have enjoyed the movie more if they digitally added a foot of height to Thor? YES

:roll: Thats geniused.


In what way? How exactly are people supposed to react to someone they know dying? I don't think it was at all.


Why aren't you a director when you clearly could have made a better film? There would have been less cheesiness, less forced emotion, (inconsistently) weaker heroes, slightly taller heroes, more mundane realism and less awesome fantasy. Sounds great :roll:

It is a fantasy movie. There is no such thing as not enough realism, if they made it more realistic then you might as well forget about making it because no-one can fly, no-one has superhuman strength, no-one has technologically advanced suits of armor, unbreakable shields, portals to deep space, energy attack ect ect ect. Your complaint is stupid.


The Avengers was great! So much better than what I thought.

Hulk was brilliant, everything he did in the climactic scene was either cool or hilarious.
Black Widow was eh, had too much screen time which could have been spent on Cap or Thor I thought.

Hopefully the new Iron Man and Thor movies don't ruin any chance of an Avengers 2.

The amount of money it will make will guarentee a sequel no matter how underwhelming Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 might be.


First Grade
What can beat the hulk? Maybe true love because it looks like nothing physically can harm him – unless it’s Kryptonite?

And I do remember Stark saying “now he’s made it personal….” when they were mourning over Phils death… I thought it was a little cheesy….

If you don't think anything can beat Hulk than you don't know much about Marvel. If nothing can beat Hulk then that is hardly the film's fault is it?

Anyway, Apocalypse, Beyonder, Galactus, Dark Phoenix, Silver Surfer, Thanos and all the various celestial beings and demons could beat Hulk.


Staff member
Saw the avengers today, and it has instantly shot straight to the top of my most favourite movies list. I applaud what marvel studios have done in combining very different characters and story lines into one movie so fluidly. I've enjoyed every individual movie up until this one, but the avengers is just in a completely different league.

I'd love to see the justice league brought together like this, but I honestly can't see it working as well as the avengers has.

Oh and hulk is frggin goddamn awesome!


Saw the avengers today, and it has instantly shot straight to the top of my most favourite movies list. I applaud what marvel studios have done in combining very different characters and story lines into one movie so fluidly. I've enjoyed every individual movie up until this one, but the avengers is just in a completely different league.

I'd love to see the justice league brought together like this, but I honestly can't see it working as well as the avengers has.

Oh and hulk is frggin goddamn awesome!

Unfortunately, I found the movie quite boring. I thought Ruffalo was great as the hulk, the rest of the characters there was barely any development whatsoever, other than their inflated egos making them annoying to watch on the screen. I really wanted to enjoy it, but unfortunately I think Marvel films are starting to fall victim of following the formula that made Iron Man a success, cheesy, sharp one liners, but little substance beyond that.

If they made the movie 2 hours, instead 3 with a shiteload of pointless padding, I probably would have enjoyed it alot more. I also thought the 3d was done quite poorly as well.

It was a nice nod to the comics, but the story telling was like it was straight from a comic, it just didn't do anything for me. I thought x-men first class was a far superior comic book movie to this, even though it had plenty of flaws too.

Loki was a pretty ordinary villain as well. I didn't really expect much going in, so I didn't walk away disappointed, but after all the positive comments about the story-telling, I found them to be quite unfounded. It was a hell of a lot better than Captain America and Thor, I'll give it that.


First Grade
Don’t get me wrong, the avengers was a good movie but it certainly won’ be the best marvel movie you’ll ever see…. and no I’m not a comic junkie… just a every day guy….


First Grade
Unfortunately, I found the movie quite boring. I thought Ruffalo was great as the hulk, the rest of the characters there was barely any development whatsoever, other than their inflated egos making them annoying to watch on the screen. I really wanted to enjoy it, but unfortunately I think Marvel films are starting to fall victim of following the formula that made Iron Man a success, cheesy, sharp one liners, but little substance beyond that.

If they made the movie 2 hours, instead 3 with a shiteload of pointless padding, I probably would have enjoyed it alot more. I also thought the 3d was done quite poorly as well.

It was a nice nod to the comics, but the story telling was like it was straight from a comic, it just didn't do anything for me. I thought x-men first class was a far superior comic book movie to this, even though it had plenty of flaws too.

Loki was a pretty ordinary villain as well. I didn't really expect much going in, so I didn't walk away disappointed, but after all the positive comments about the story-telling, I found them to be quite unfounded. It was a hell of a lot better than Captain America and Thor, I'll give it that.



the censored version of Billy Madison on 7mate. Some of the stuff they cut out was ridiculous


Act of Valour was great, very realistic. Also didn't have the "we are americans we are awesome" stain to it that those movies usually have

Jason Maher

Just watched The Muppets. Frankly, the presence of Amy Adams makes it difficult for me to make an objective judgement, but I personally thought it was nowhere near as good as their previous films. And I love the Muppets.

Chook Norris

First Grade
though the avengers was fairly overrated.

Sure the whole superhero, super powers and special effects were pretty cool entwined in one big movie... but to me, it felt like it lacked a more human connection

semi spoiler?
They wanted us to care about the humans as the whole apocalypse thing rose up, but i hardly felt any empathy or care at all.

Maybe that's how the comics are structured, i don't know. I just don't think it warrants all the rave reviews its been getting recently.


The Avengers - maybe it’s a sign of old age, but I wasn’t jumping out of my seat clapping in applause like a few other people after the film. My gripe were mainly around three things

1. Thor and Loki – as demi-gods - it baffles me why they are only the size and height of humans.. I would have thought anyone with creative knowledge would have made them at least 7ft tall and give them deep voices or something to give them a presence and make them look super human - otherwise they simply look like humans wearing silly Halloween costumes?!
2. Second grip was agent Phil, he dies and suddenly everyone is in mourning and “ now its personal…” please…..
3. Three – how is it that nothing – literally nothing can destroy the hulk?? As funny as it was, it was a little ridiculous….

Other than those three things, loved the film – Scarlet Johanson was hot, but I thought the other agent chick was hotter…

Agree with this

Loki was Shit. Wasn't intimidating

The agent dying was stupid

Hulk scenes were cool but a bit ridiculous

I liked the movie, don't get me wrong, but not as good as people make out


People saying avengers was too cheesy or forced in parts need to think a bit. Let's be honest what marvel movie has ever not been cheesy or forced in some degree? The only comic book movies that can pass as serious and dark is batman.

It's about a vigilante who is also a billionaire wanting to make the city good

Avengers and shit are about people who somehow become super heroes or they're Demi-gods, old world war veterans who was the very first superhero and someone who goes massive and green when he's mad, I mean come on guys how can you even make that into a serious movie without being cheesy or forced? And too me that's what makes these movies. It's just leave your brain at the door type stuff

Movies I've seen lately

Safe - Jason statham, surprised me actually quite enjoyed it

Woman in black - eh
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