A little ridiculous.
After the meticulous planning involved in framing Nick for Amy's murder, pointing the finger at Desi pretty much on the fly seems way over the top. It is far too convenient for new cops to come in and pretty much just close the case straight away despite there being so many questions over how Desi managed to kidnap Amy.
Desi's name was dropped early on as a potential suspect because of his past relationship with Amy. Did the local cops bother to follow up on this and check for his whereabouts the morning Amy disappeared? When Amy returns the cops (now the FBI, mind you) are conveniently more interested in just having the case go away rather than checking out Amy's story.
Desi himself would have an army of alibis for the entire duration Amy was missing, most likely including the morning she disappeared. The security camera footage would show that Amy didn't turn up at the vacation house until well after she went missing, so where was he supposed to have kept her all that time? There wouldn't have been any traces of her presence at his other place of residence. You could argue that Amy deleted the security camera footage, but this raises even more suspicion.
If the cops had bothered to look into Desi's whereabouts for the entire duration I'm sure it would have been easy to notice that Desi was nowhere near Amy the morning she went missing, and they may well have tracked him to the casino where they met and looked at the security camera tapes that would have shown him meeting her.
The "murder" scene is just ridiculous if we are expected to believe Desi was responsible. Why would he go to the effort of cleaning up all the blood and then staging a crime scene? Why doesn't Amy have wounds that are consistent with spilling that much blood?
The "murder" weapon? The disposal of the diary at Nick's father's house?
And before anyone mentions it, yes, some of these are acknowledged in the movie itself (like when Nick asks how she manages to get a blade and cut Desi's throat if she was tied up the whole time). But in doing so the author is basically giving us the finger directly in the face and saying "f**k you!" while playing out the old "dumb cops" routine.
total recall. (the remake)
if it wasn't called total recall i would've quite enjoyed this. some great concepts(mainly the tube through the earth) and not bad generally, but suffered from the expectation of going to mars and aliens being involved.
yeh rewatched that too just recently and was surprised how good it was the 2nd time round.Rewatched Prometheus after a year or more. Damn good movie that copped a bit of flak for reasons unknown to me.
Apparently Prometheus 2 is in the pipeline for 2016.
i kind of liked the last superman movie they made