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Who shot Isaac Luke?


First Grade
People that think what Luke did was like diving in Soccer, they have no idea. I'm a soccer fan, I've seen blokes hit the floor with a metre between them and the nearest defender. In Soccer, attacking players often fall with literally nothing and noone touching them in the slightest.

Unlike what regularly happens in soccer, Luke was hit with an actual illegal tackle. His actions let the refs fix what otherwise would have been an embarassing mistake. Some of you call it unsportsmanlike, well him being unsportsmanlike led to the correct decision being made, and I have no problem with that.

This thread would be acceptable if Luke actually dived, he didn't, he exaggerated the effect of a real high tackle to make sure the refs didn't f**k up. Nothing wrong with that.

You're in massive denial.

Being a soccer fan, you would have seen Joey Barton taking a dive after copping a light slap from Gervinho. I guess that wouldn't fit in with your definition right?

It was a dive.



He should try out for the Italian soccer team



Luke in trouble from mum after NRL dive

Despite being injured, Luke admitted he stayed down longer than usual at the encouragement of teammates, who could sense they were about to be handed a dramatic win.
"I didn't want to lay down there but a few of the boys were saying stay down but I'm not a big fan of laying down anyway," said an honest Luke at Souths' recovery session on Saturday.
"It was a bit staged that one. My mum and I watched that after and I looked at my mum and I put my head down, and she was just laughing her head off.
"I thought I'd broken my jaw. I'm not a big fan of laying down anyway but I couldn't eat last night. I had to drink soup, my white mouth guard was red with blood. I was going to eat breakfast with my kids but I had to drink."

:EDIT: Sorry story already been posted, but I'll leave the important bits again anyways. Clears everything up well. Yes he was stung and was a bit hurt, and yes he stayed down to milk the penalty.
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Staff member
haha did anyone hear captain grub crocker's recollection of the incident of fox today. reckons luke's head snapped back at a great rate.

unfortunately the hit was high so the penalty is justified, just a grubby way to go about it, specially when you claim in the media its not the side's go yet, luke admits to staying down at the encouragement of his team mates. Soft!
Did Segeyaro make contact with the head yes or no?

Mate, if we ruled the game like that the whistle would go once a set for a high-shot.

The refs have their discrepancy. And something like that is not worthy of a penalty, on any day.

Literally I could show you 150 high shots every game if you want to be as negative as saying any contact with the head is a penalty.

Here's a question for you - If Luke didn't dive, would anyone have noticed this penalty worthy high shot? Not at all, even Rabbitohs fans wouldn't have noticed it, the refs certainly wouldn't.

The only reason we're talking about this is because Luke milked it for all its worth. If Luke hadn't dived and I asked you about Segeyaros high shot on Luke you'd say "What high shot?"

This is true , that is a penalty .It is a careless smack in the face . The timing and sportsmanship might come into question but that's a penalty week in week out . Too bad for the game and the cowboys on the timing and in front of sticks but thats life.

Really? I counted 3 swingings arms on James Maloney alone in the Warriors - Panthers game. No penalties were given.

That has never been a penalty in the game. The only time that sort of thing is a penalty is when you get blokes like Luke and Greg Bird who go to ground and start crying :lol:


Doesnt change the rule book, Masoe. It's just JT the referee creamer explaining the integrity of his club.........
Doesnt change the rule book, Masoe. It's just JT the referee creamer explaining the integrity of his club.........

I know, but surely the ref should have some authority and discrepancy with these things.

Segayaro caught him sweet, but there was nothing in it. He went to wrap up Issac as he should, and unfortunately caught his face with his hands on the way down. Players do get caught in the face with arms all the time.

Would the ref have ruled on that if Luke didn't stay down? Surely not, because there was little in it.

Rules is rules but lets not get cynical like Yawnion and rule on every little thing. By penalising Segeyaro in that situation what you're basically doing is promoting the dive. You're saying to players that if there's contact with the face, however accidental or minor, they can milk it and get their team a penalty.

The rule wasn't intended for petty mishaps like that. In that situation the ref should use his authority and better judgement and say okay, 6 more tackles, get on with it. Refs aren't all stupid, I think they know the difference between something malicious and ill-intended and the mistake we saw in the Rabbitohs - Cowboys game. The players know it too. If that was a genuine and purposeful high shot the Rabbitohs would have been in there, swarming James Segeyaro.

That's just my take on it. I don't like referees ruling on the result of a players actions rather than the action itself. Yes the result was bad, that's unfortunate - But the action was a f**king nothing action.

It's not his go, as you say down under :lol:


Chronological order of events:

- Luke gets a love tap from Segeyaro.
- Momenteraly keeps going (makes 2 steps after being hit), but quickly realises where he is.
- Rolls his eyes and drops as if his legs went limp, while holding tight to the ball. The only part of the body that didn't go limp was the arm holding the ball. One hell of a coincidence... :crazy:
- Stays down for the count, still holding to the ball until the ref blows for time out, at which point he relaxes the hold. Special arm that one! :lol:
- Video ref awards a reportable penalty, and Luke recovers magically.
- Luke gets congratulated and both him and his mate Sandow, demonstrate the full extent of their sportmanship when celebrating the penalty.
- 50uff$ wins the game...

After all the above, and even after his mamma calls him an actor, delusional 50uff$ fans still think he didn't dive... WOW! :sarcasm:


Nothing changes the fact that he was ht high. Penalty justified.

14 pages is because it was golden point with finals placings on the line. That's all. No-ones blaming the Cowpats for a careless tackle in such a crucial sitation. Luke wasnt the one that broke the law, regardless of wether he dived or not. Sorry, it was a smart play that got his side a win.
So plays should dive every time they're caught high because it's the "smart" thing to do?

You've seen that little sport called soccer, where diving is the smart thing to do, have you?


And nothing changes the fact it was a disgraceful dog act, nor that it isn't worth a report, which is what this thread is about.

I've already written in the live game thread that despite being the better team on the paddock for most of the game, the Cows only have themselves to blame for the loss.
12 pts up with 8 mins to go and ball possession close to the 50uff$ try line with a couple of tackles in hand... you go for the simple play: field goal

50uff$ didn't win that game as much as the Cows lost it.

FTR, if the Broncos won a game that way, especially an important one, I would wisely STFU, because I wouldn't have the stomach to come here and try to pull the wool over the eyes of people who've seen it.
That is except next Sunday, where I wanted a 50uff$ flogging, but would now prefer they lost in golden point through a similar dive.
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