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Why do you hate the team you hate?

Saints, not so much the players but the fans.
Huge egos and the most repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive excuses week in week out,week out,week out,week out.
Maybe they should look at their coaching staff or medical team as to why players are injured.


Staff member
rufus youngblood said:
Saints, not so much the players but the fans.
Huge egos and the most repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive excuses week in week out,week out,week out,week out.
Maybe they should look at their coaching staff or medical team as to why players are injured.

I hate Easts fans because they whinge that Saints fans are whingers...

Ben S.
I hate the Wests Tigers as they are pure Super League evil... Two foundation clubs that were forced to merge after SL virually killed the game. SL killed my club the Balmain Tigers and I can never forget that. I also cannot forget how the ARL clubs were treated by the SL clubs, thus I hate all the Super League clubs as well for being greedy, selfish pr*cks that that were only looking after themselves and not the code as a whole. Wankers. Whats even worse are the knobs that blindly accept SL and mergers without thinking about what it's done to the code.

andrew flap

3. Roosters: No explanation needed except to say it's an old rivalry between family and friends where I grew up

2. Manly: Never forgiven for 73 and 78

1. St George: Where do you start ? I could go on for hours but, suffice to say, I hate 'em.
Henson Park Hornets said:
I hate the Wests Tigers as they are pure Super League evil... Two foundation clubs that were forced to merge after SL virually killed the game. SL killed my club the Balmain Tigers and I can never forget that. I also cannot forget how the ARL clubs were treated by the SL clubs, thus I hate all the Super League clubs as well for being greedy, selfish pr*cks that that were only looking after themselves and not the code as a whole. Wankers. Whats even worse are the knobs that blindly accept SL and mergers without thinking about what it's done to the code.

We really need more supporters like you.

Build a bridge, it's been 5 years and the clocks aren't going to be turned back to satisfy the 50 or so people that still feel about it the way you do.


Never liked Newcastle or Manly.
Newcastle for all the roids stuff and a few of their players I never liked. Manly for being Manly. I lived in the area for years and got real sick of seeing cariactures of Toovey all over the place. Also Toovey, Hill and Ridge used to sh!t me.
Didnt have an opinion either way on the roosters until I started reading league forums. All the Roosters fans Ive met in person are great people but the online supporters (with the exception of Horse I think his nic was) have a monopoly of the chip on the shoulder syndrome.
I spose I never liked the low physical punches and swipes that Cronulla put on John Plath in the 97 GF. Must have riled them up I reckon :)


First Grade
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Henson Park Hornets said:
I hate the Wests Tigers as they are pure Super League evil... Two foundation clubs that were forced to merge after SL virually killed the game. SL killed my club the Balmain Tigers and I can never forget that. I also cannot forget how the ARL clubs were treated by the SL clubs, thus I hate all the Super League clubs as well for being greedy, selfish pr*cks that that were only looking after themselves and not the code as a whole. Wankers. Whats even worse are the knobs that blindly accept SL and mergers without thinking about what it's done to the code.

We really need more supporters like you.

Build a bridge, it's been 5 years and the clocks aren't going to be turned back to satisfy the 50 or so people that still feel about it the way you do.

Even though I'm a Jets suppporter, I have to agree.

Why is it that people still think that SL was the devil's work while the ARL came out smelling of roses.

Cable TV was coming, and both sides (SL/Foxtel, ARL/Optus) were entirely interested in their own business, and how "modernising" the game could help tem win the battle.

Why are the ARL painted as innocents when they had their own agenda with Optus?

The truth is both sides should have been more diplomatic and looked at what would benefit the sport as a whole, while still being able to share tv rights and corresponding profits. They could win the battle by having better overall coverage packages, better commentators, etc.

On the mergers, a few of the teams who did merge (Wests in particular, another of my teams) were struggling financially and probably wouldn't have been around by now anyway, except by being artificially inflated by the NRL, etc. and that's not the ideal situation.

Anyway...I don't hate any clubs.

The Roosters are a seemingly easy target, but if they got rid of Gould I would have absolutely nothing againt them.


Staff member
It has to be Manly for me, in my formative league years they were the team that bought up big and decimated the less financial clubs of their playing wealth. If you look at today with the hatred of the Roosters it's pretty much exactly what happened with Manly in the 70's.

The "hate" if you like is good for the game as long as it doesn't go to extremes and I think in 99% of fans it's a "healthy kind of hate". In the context of league the hate is a synonym for passion and that's what the game is all about.

Happy Gilmore

Souths and Gold Coast for one reason.

No one turned up to their games, and when theyre kicked out they start whinging saying the deserve to be back in.

But its gotta be the Roosters, cause of Goose Gould and their so called salary cap. :roll:


i hate and i mean [intensely] hate the bronco's because they are greedy selfish arrogant poachers. goeden tallis seems like a good guy but shane edwards, bruno cullen and wayne [ lets give state of origin places to my boys ] bennett. they make me want to be violently ill ! the cronyism just rats me, people call the roosters poachers yet the broncos did it for years. i'm waiting for the day they finally fall from the pedestal eagerly [rubbing my hands with glee] :lol:

Red Bear

Byrne - I thought SOuths told him to find someone else cos he was to small?
Walker - Left his club(he's an arshole and he sucks anyway)
Hodges - Yep he was bought
Fittler - Loyal to the ARL and his club went to SL and he needed a club
Finch - I'll give you that one
Wing - His club was kicked out
Morley - from England, wanted a challenge i would assume
Cayless - Benchie at parra
Catic - No Namer
Fitzgibbon - St George Illa didnt want him
As you can see its nothing as bad as everyone says. They are no Manly of the 70's thats for sure.

The Business

taxidriver said:
"Our spending is very, very modest compared to most clubs."

Who are you kidding ?

Byrne - bought
Walker - bought
Hodges - bought
Fittler - bought
Finch - bought
Wing - bought
Morley - bought
Cayless - bought
Catic - bought
Fitzgibbon - bought

I'm sure I've missed a couple.

Look at your PL side ! more imports than an asian restaurant.

Do you all live in denial ??
Byrne is junior sorry. As for the rest, well over 10 years surely we're allowed to buy 10 players. Spastic.

The Business

GoTheBears said:
Byrne - I thought SOuths told him to find someone else cos he was to small?
Walker - Left his club(he's an arshole and he sucks anyway)
Hodges - Yep he was bought
Fittler - Loyal to the ARL and his club went to SL and he needed a club
Finch - I'll give you that one
Wing - His club was kicked out
Morley - from England, wanted a challenge i would assume
Cayless - Benchie at parra
Catic - No Namer
Fitzgibbon - St George Illa didnt want him
As you can see its nothing as bad as everyone says. They are no Manly of the 70's thats for sure.
I stand and applaud. Now I know why Norths were my second favourite team.


St George Illawarra Limited fans have an intense hatred of Cronulla, primarily due to our 8-4 win record, stand alone status and superior location.

We don't really hate them back, we just think the way they carry on is pretty amusing...

- They still believe they are Rugby League royalty even though their club is five years old and has won nothing
- They think Oki Doki Dump is the next best thing to Stadium Australia, when it still barely meets NRL standards
- They rattle on about a bunch of premierships won forty years ago by a dead club
- Their fanbase is still divided between heritage heritage St George and Illawarra supporters
- The disgraceful antics of the likes of Mark Gasnier bringing the game into disrepute

I could go on, but you get the idea...


Staff member
Jimbo said:
St George Illawarra Limited fans have an intense hatred of Cronulla, primarily due to our 8-4 win record, stand alone status and superior location.

We don't really hate them back, we just think the way they carry on is pretty amusing...

- They still believe they are Rugby League royalty even though their club is five years old and has won nothing
- They think Oki Doki Dump is the next best thing to Stadium Australia, when it still barely meets NRL standards
- They rattle on about a bunch of premierships won forty years ago by a dead club
- Their fanbase is still divided between heritage heritage St George and Illawarra supporters
- The disgraceful antics of the likes of Mark Gasnier bringing the game into disrepute

I could go on, but you get the idea...

LOL, Saints have - pardon the pun - bigger fish to fry than Won-nulla Scummerland.

The club's rivalry with Easts & C*nterbury has superceded the Southern Derby, IMO...

Ben S.


Red V said:
Roosters, and please do I really need an explanation, it would take up too much space anyways. But in short form, they steal 14 other clubs players, Gould is a wank, Harrigan is a bitch, Morley is a thug, Walker is a cat, Ian Scherbat (spelling?) an ex-roosters player is not doing his job, the salary cap and brown paper bags, they change the rules without informing other teams, the referees boss is the father of a player who plays in the roosters who then is allowed to score tries when the ball clearly touches the white line (dead ball line), etc etc.

sing it now..."hey little girl is your daddy home or did he leave you here all alone....ohhh i got..."


taxidriver said:
Jimbo, who are you going to "not really hate" once your club has either folded or relocated ?

I'll cross that bridge if I come to it. Not that it seems likely, with the recent extension of our licence and all...

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