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Why is the NFL so successful


If he likes soccer then he's clearly based in the UK.

I've had great joy in reading his posts in this thread, it took me a couple of pages to work out his motivation but it all started to add up to a big "I'm jealous of the NFL because I'm into the EPL" rant.

I'll add my name to the list of people who grew up with absolutely no interest in the NFL untill I was old enough to appreciate what was going on - and now absolutely love it, and I can guarantee you the NFL's marketing machine isn't particularly powerful in the southern suburbs of Brisbane so I think it's safe to say that's not the reason I enjoy it.


First Grade
As Raider 69 said the tactical play is ridicoulous. If one player puts a foot the wrong way the play breaks down and you dont make yards. From High School football disipline is drilled into them from a young age.

The way they build it up is amazing and the marketing is crazy. A percentage of the Super Bowl's TV ratings is just for the Half Time Show or Half Time Commercials (priced around 3 million for a 30 second spot)

I have been to 2 Super Bowls and its a week long party in the lead up! Amazing what they do and one of the greatest sporting events i have ever been to.

Even going to watch my brother play for Hawaii in College Football the tailgates before each game is fantastic!! Wish we had them here for NRL.


First Grade
Although one of the weird things i is the 2nd biggest city in the USA, LA. does not have an NFL team whereas towns like Green Bay with their 100,000 populations and Pittsburgh, New Orleans and Cincy (around 300,000 pop.) have teams that are successful

L.A. had the Rams as well as the Raiders for some time but have both moved on.

The state of California has 3 teams at present but - San Fran 49'ers, Oakland Raiders and San Deigo Chargers.


i gotta say its been pretty funny reading through this thread for starters....

i love the nfl, prob really got into it last season, and this year ive been watching it whenever i get the chance...
ill add to that i love the epl, watch it every sat night
i love rugby league too, im a parra STH
and i dont mind the off game of AFL as well usually wen ive had a punt
as far as american sports go, ive always been into basketball and dont mind watching baseball when its the playoffs and especially now in world series....the only one of the big 4 american sports i have gotten into is nhl, kills my life that sport

the nfl is just a great game - so tactical in its nature, and sum1 mentioned that every player must be clocked on all the time, its so true
in rl, sure its a fast game, but the wingers for example can go a whole set without doing anything, just walk a few steps up then a few steps back.in nfl, yes there are alot of stops and starts, but for every single second that the game clock is running, each player must be 100% alert and has a specific job to do..not many sports can say that
and as for the comment that every1 is fat or unfit..plz, thats laughable..american footballers are some of the best asthletes you will see..sure they may not be as fit as rl or afl players, but thats because they arent built for that - they are built for raw explosive strength and power, its what their game requires.
i dont necessarily enjoy all the ads, but hey, i enjoy the game so i dont mind sitting through some ads here and there
end of the day, i think its a great sport in its own right, just like i think soccer and rl are...not for every1, but im not gonna sit here judging some1 who thinks that rugby is a good sport, even though its obviously piss boring, but hey, each to their own


First Grade
NFL is my 2nd favourite sport behind RL

Its awesome to watch... and i believe as Legend said, they have the best run competition in the world.

As usual I find myself in agreement with Raider. The NRL is an amazing sport to watch and ranks a close 2nd to the NRL for me.

As for Rugby Highlights (somewhat tastelessly put but still valid) point about it being a marketing exercise, the proliferation of ads is easy to overcome. Just record the button and remember to press Fast Forward. It's easy to do as ads are really only placed in certain points of the game - turnovers, team changes, kick returns etc. Watch the sport play for play, with the ads cut out and it's a whole new World! Also doing this cuts three hour long games into 90 minute exercises. Far more manageable. I have recorded both OneHD games from this morning and I will watch them tonight with a nice cold beer.

The only sport I enjoy on a par with NFL and League is the English Premier League, mainly for the atmosphere and the skill level is also pretty high - plus I grew up with it, so I feel I have a vested interest in it.


I can't believe it took people in here so long to figure out RH was a pom..........................


First Grade
:lol: Eagles owned you
D-Mac to D-Jax... too good

Great to see the Eagles get a divisional win against the Giants.

My mate in Canada is a rabid Eagles fan and he'll be well stoked with this one. I am also pleased to have McCoy in my fantasy team. With Westbrook out at the moment he's scoring good points for me.


Post Whore
Great to see the Eagles get a divisional win against the Giants.

My mate in Canada is a rabid Eagles fan and he'll be well stoked with this one. I am also pleased to have McCoy in my fantasy team. With Westbrook out at the moment he's scoring good points for me.

Im just pumped to see the big 2 rookies making plays for the Eagles
McCoy and Maclin started slowly, McCoy was struggling to hit the gaps and Maclin looked scared of contact at first, but both are now progressing nicely. Our O-line is coming along too. They gave McNabb alllllll day to throw today and with so many weapons. Maclin, Jackson, McCoy and Celek. Good luck stopping them :cool:

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
i don't think some crowds in the nfl get enough credit. i was recently at soldier field, that place has almost zero cover, and it not only snows in chicago, it gets f**king cold.

you're a brave motherf**ker to attempt the stairs to the 400 level in snow and ice. i was scared trying it in summer.


i gotta say its been pretty funny reading through this thread for starters....

i love the nfl, prob really got into it last season, and this year ive been watching it whenever i get the chance...
ill add to that i love the epl, watch it every sat night
i love rugby league too, im a parra STH
and i dont mind the off game of AFL as well usually wen ive had a punt
as far as american sports go, ive always been into basketball and dont mind watching baseball when its the playoffs and especially now in world series....the only one of the big 4 american sports i have gotten into is nhl, kills my life that sport

the nfl is just a great game - so tactical in its nature, and sum1 mentioned that every player must be clocked on all the time, its so true
in rl, sure its a fast game, but the wingers for example can go a whole set without doing anything, just walk a few steps up then a few steps back.in nfl, yes there are alot of stops and starts, but for every single second that the game clock is running, each player must be 100% alert and has a specific job to do..not many sports can say that
and as for the comment that every1 is fat or unfit..plz, thats laughable..american footballers are some of the best asthletes you will see..sure they may not be as fit as rl or afl players, but thats because they arent built for that - they are built for raw explosive strength and power, its what their game requires.
i dont necessarily enjoy all the ads, but hey, i enjoy the game so i dont mind sitting through some ads here and there
end of the day, i think its a great sport in its own right, just like i think soccer and rl are...not for every1, but im not gonna sit here judging some1 who thinks that rugby is a good sport, even though its obviously piss boring, but hey, each to their own

not dissing what you're saying but i just have to pull you up on a point which a lot of people make (incorrectly IMO) and it constantly pisses me off.

the conditioned state of being athleticaly 'fit' is not simply confined to cardiovascular endurance. there's no doubt american footballers are not the most aerobic conditioned players on the planet - watching all of the 183cm/110kg James Harrison collapse in a heap and require an oxygen mask after his 99yd INT TD return in this year's SB was very funny. but the attributes of speed, strength, power also contribute to being athletically fit. if you were to compare Haile Gebrselassie to Usain Bolt, would you say the latter is any less athletically fit than the former. No. One is oustandingly fit from a cardiovascular endurance POV, the other is outstandingly fit from a speed, quickness, strength, power, balance & motor skill POV. an American footballer is comparable to the latter with the addition of the agility component. Rugby League footballers have these attributes too, but the guys in the NFL are just on another level. Personally, watching Adrian Petersen in full flight is much more impressive to me than a Billy Slater or Jaryd Hayne on the fly. AP is simply phenomenal.

so in summary, the term athletically fit is more about being 'fit for the sporting purpose' rather than just aerobic conditioning.

also, the game clock in an American football does continue in between plays if the prior play was either a run, or a complete pass....hence the clock management aspect of the game.....particular towards the end of the halves.

but it's great that you're into it. ive noticed the increase in coverage has really led to a surge in interest here. and not just in the armchair competitor category. ive played in the NSWGFL for near on a decade here in Sydney, and there is a steady year on year growth in participants every season. there once was a time where most of us played both ways, but over the last few seasons, we've been able to specialise thanks to the increase in roster sizes. it'll only get bigger me thinks.
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First Grade
the conditioned state of being athleticaly 'fit' is not simply confined to cardiovascular endurance. there's no doubt american footballers are not the most aerobic conditioned players on the planet - watching all of the 183cm/110kg James Harrison collapse in a heap and require an oxygen mask after his 99yd INT TD return in this year's SB was very funny. but there are other attributes such as speed, strength, power which contributes to being athletically fit. if you were to compare Haile Gebrselassie to Usain Bolt, would you say the latter is any less athletically fit than the former. No. One is oustandingly fit from a cardiovascular endurance POV, the other is outstandingly fit from a speed, quickness, strength, power, balance & motor skill POV. an American footballer is comparable to the latter with the addition of the agility component. Rugby League footballers have these attributes too, but the guys in the NFL are just on another level. Personally, watching Adrian Petersen in full flight is much more impressive to me than a Billy Slater or Jaryd Hayne on the fly. AP is simply phenomenal.

Agreed. But looking at Adrian Peterson he seems pretty fit to me.

Agreed. But looking at Adrian Peterson he seems pretty fit to me.


he does, doesn't he.

some people have been making blanket statements.

NFL is a highly specialized game

RL is becoming increasingly specialized over the years, but that specialization is only limited. And its no where near the NFL which by its very nature has always been a very specialized game.

An example IIRC:

In NFL you have pure defenders, like a blocker, pure attackers like a quarter back...you have positions that just catch the ball the quarter back throws up field, positions who just try and stop those said catchers from catching; positions who do a little blocking and a little running, a position who just runs. And the roles are just to do those things. The full back in the NFL just blocks for the quarter back. You also have a third tier of players - special teams- who do punting and kicking...one player to punt only and one to kick for goal only.

positional guide:


Its limited roles. Each player only has one or two highly developed skills. IN RL there is heaps more diversity. The real variation in NFL is actually in the amount of plays in the play book each team has.

As you can see, with such limited roles, there's no way a blocker should train like a running back!! Each player only has one or two skills he needs to be great. What makes it hard is the competition for places. Also, don't forget an NFL team is made up of an offensive team and a defensive team, further separating the skills required at a time.

If you need any more convincing of how specialized NFL is, note that special teams has a kick-off guy. He only kicks the ball off. And the other team has a "kick-off-return" team, who only returns kick -offs!! (one play and then off the field until next kick off) This is highly important tho, as a kick-off gives a team the chance to get the ball right down on the touch down line, and thats the worst spot to be on the field.
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I guess that's why his location is blank.

What does me being a pom have to do with anything?

And my Location is blank because I travel. A foreign concept to many of you xenophobic Australians I know, but take a few minutes to try and grasp the concept.

It's also hilarious that people think I'm a soccer fan because I don't like the NFL. What a profound argument. I hate soccer. But atleast it's a constant game. Something you can't say about the NFL. 2 hours of adverts and an hour of someone throwing a ball forward.

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