Did I say that professor?
No, I said there are areas which make more sense. Which there are. Show me how Adelaide makes more sense than Perth, Ipswich, Gosford or Wellington?
As for your Perth story - it has more clubs than Adelaide. It doesn't matter if there is one more or a hundred more. It has more. Therefore it's a better expansion bet. What's so hard to get about that?
Professor? you insult someone after not even reading the post properly. I clearly said Perth before Adelaide, is it that hard to understand? How the hell did you get me thinking Adelaide before Perth? learn to read, professor.

Gosford will pretty much be another Sydney team and will offer little to a new TV deal, I have no problem with a Sydney team relocating there though.
Ipswich has some merit, as it would lessen the Broncos empire a little.
Wellington is not needed at all, we have a NZ team and they have been a basket case for most of their time in the comp. I could see it in the future but we need to get Australia right first.
Schiltz you think the RL scene is small here you shoud go to Adelaide! Perth is a decade ahead of Adelaide in every RL sense.
Having said that the NRL should be doing some work to improve the situation in SA. Working with the SARL, funding NRL games to be played there, offering a big carrot for a partial reloaction in the future, getting the game on FTA TV etc would be a start!
Yeah I know, but the AFL scene in Sydney and Brisbane would have been pitiful when they got the teams sent there too. This is about planning for years down the track, building support in the city. If we just looked at and folded our arms and said "it's just too hard" then RL deserves to be eaten up by other codes.
I'm not having a go at Perth, I'd love to see a team here, for me it's priority number 1.
I'm just saying that people seem so sure that Perth is ready, which I agree with, but somehow Adelaide will never be ready or not for 50 years etc. When there is actually a similar amount of clubs.
Perth's 1st year in 1995 they averaged 13k crowds.
Adelaide's 1st year in 1997 they averaged 15k crowds.
Perth may have more interest at the moment but I don''t think Adelaide would be as far behind as people think.
Adelaide is obsessed with AFL now almost like Victoria.. you talk to the ppl there and they dont even know what Rugby League is..
Not many people in Perth have a clue either. It gets nearly no coverage here, virtually no air time on the news and very little in the paper. When you mention you follow league to people their 1st question is "do you follow the Force?".
Perth may be in front of Adelaide but not by much.
Says who? Sydney has the lions share of the strong viable teams. The ones not propped up by News Ltd and the ones not starving - except Cronulla.
Viable teams? the most viable team happens to be the Broncos. I didn't realise they were a Sydney team. Melbourne may be propped up but that money isn't being sucked away form Sydney clubs, the money propping them up wouldn't be available if the Storm weren't in the comp.
Lots of people think there are too many Sydney teams.
We need expansion for the sake of the game, so are we going to keep adding teams and just leave all the Sydney teams there as well?
Ok, lets go for a 24 team comp, with teams full of Nevilles and show a sh*tty product to fans. Yeah real clever that one is.
AFL had nowhere else to go dickwad. Where is 400k + of pure AFL heartland waiting for a side?
How about Hobart? you stupid moronic dick, it's so easy to throw insults at people in a forum, what a f**king hero you are.
Hobart has a population of 220k, with 500k in Tasmania. That's a bloody decent place to start.
Hobart itself may not be your magical 400k but the state is pure AFL heartland and it has 500k that will support a team out of Hobart.
You seem to think the sub 10k crowds that Adelaide would enjoy would be a wonderful bonanza to the game - and far better than the 15k+ crowds at Gosford.
Adelaide averaged over 15k in their 1st season.
They averaged under 10k in their 2nd season in one of your brilliant 20 team, half of them in Sydney, type comps. Lots of teams had a drop in crowds around that time though as well. It may have had something to do with an uncertain future, most people thought the Rams would get cut, and they did.
As I said, where else would they go? Uluru???
As I mentioned Hobart would be able to Support a team. The NRL might look into Uluru though, if it was sitting within 100kms of Sydney it would be a shoe in.
Lets punt all clubs in NSW and send them to areas that have never heard of Rugby league. Don't worry about where the $ comes from, or the juniors, or the fans. If you have a crowd of 2 at the first game and 3 in the second, you are growing the game by a whopping 50%!!!!
I never said get rid of all NSW teams pinhead. We need to get rid of a few Sydney teams though, through mergers or relocations.
Yes we do need to start teams up in some places that aren't RL heartlands, it's called growing the game. We'd also be getting more money through the TV deal as well.
As you don't want RL to grow, I gather you'd rather go back to having a Sydney comp and a Brisbane comp, f**king brilliant.
Better still, get a f*cking lobotomy and improve your IQ.
If I did, I'd still have more than twice your IQ dickhead.
Average 10k and need propping up for years. And add air fares.
How the f*ck is that better than Cronulla????????
See, you have no clue whatsoever.
Adelaide may need propping up, like Melbourne. That extra money for propping them up would come from the extra cash in the TV deal and sponsors that know their logos will be seen over the country rather than just in the Sydney suburbs like you want.
Also, having Cronulla in there means the league doesn't increase the salary cap because they can't cope with it. Cronulla are dragging teams down to their level. If we pissed them off or relocated them to a spot where they'd get more money then we'd be able to increase the salary cap and hold onto players that have been leaving.
Bugger that, lets let our RL players leave for AFL, Union and ESL so we can keep the likes of Cronulla in the comp and have watered down weakened teams playing our game.:roll::crazy: