Arlc have been pushing moving traditional low attendance games to more regional cities for one off matches for the last year.... I.e cairns, mackay, and likewise in nsw.With the NRL aiming for 20'000 Avg's I doubt the idea of taking games to 10'000 venues is going to appeal to them? Pre season games maybe?
Read more: club bosses are already speculating what effect suspensions to key players at Cronulla could have. The NRL is furious about the Sharks pushing out its man, interim chief executive Bruno Cullen, but it will have to provide assistance. The requirement of eight matches a week under the TV broadcast deal means they could never kill off the Sharks.
But they could insist on a relocation. Contingency plans involving moves to Perth or Rockhampton have been bandied about, as much as those at League Central would deny it, but surely keeping the Sharks in the Shire remains the best option
Rockhampton Sharks anyone?
Several club bosses are already speculating what effect suspensions to key players at Cronulla could have. The NRL is furious about the Sharks pushing out its man, interim chief executive Bruno Cullen, but it will have to provide assistance. The requirement of eight matches a week under the TV broadcast deal means they could never kill off the Sharks.
But they could insist on a relocation. Contingency plans involving moves to Perth or Rockhampton have been bandied about, as much as those at League Central would deny it, but surely keeping the Sharks in the Shire remains the best option
Sadly the Sharks brand is significantly tainted. There are no benefits transplanting a fcked brand to a new area, you are better off starting fresh.
But why bother beyond keeping a name alive? I see no benefits and Loki g at the sharks operating board and management I see little that inspires me to see them running a new club.
But again in reality how many cronulla sharks fans do you honestly see becoming members of a Brisbane or Perth sharks and attending games at anz, brookvale or Allianz to follow them? I'd be surprised if it reached 500. Sorry but the negatives far far outweigh the positives in this case.
All mute anyway as sharks will be playing in cronulla for many years to come.
You answered your own question! You follow another team because the Bears no longer exist in the NRL, that is the idea of reducing teams to reduce over saturation. The idea is fans of those clubs will hopefully move on to other teams, or at least the next generation will. There was not tens of thousands of Bears fans lost to the game. The Bears rarely avg'd more than 11k fans. The support was hardly rusted on when only 11k of them could be bothered to show up to cheer them on. Not nice and not necessary if clubs can be financially and supporter sustainable but it is the reality of the reason for getting rid of clubs.
Do you know how many Lions and Swans members there are in Melbourne? Probably very few and getting less every year as the old timers move on.
Relaity is Sharks can not get a main sponsor, have a tainted brand, have a major drugs investigation hanging over them, are seen as the perenial losers of the league, have poor management and board governance and have a very small (but loyal and proud!) fanbase (sorry Sharks fans). The idea of gaining a few hundred Sydney members compared to inheriting that baggage is simply not worth it.
Do you know how many Lions and Swans members there are in Melbourne? Probably very few and getting less every year as the old timers move on.
I am biased, biased against relocating the Sharks. I am not biased against relocation par se. If the NRL said it was the only way Perth would get a team and if the relocated club was run by WA with a cast iron guarantee the license would never move back out of WA then I would fully support them.