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lol. C'mon bart, people can't sneeze without you taking offence.Thanks for the clandestine (and now open) mention of me in relation to this issue W.... Don't fret, I won't be bothered to give you a war and peace personal response (in public or private).
Look mate, everything I said I have already said to you up front. I could have edited out the 'war and peace' thing but that wouldn't be right and the funny side of it would have been lost. Besides that, it is common knowledge and you already know it.
In any case, I stand by my belief that your actions were out of line. I doubt any captain would stand by while another captain or referee was denigrating a team mate over something so petty. Unfortunately it was not the first time you have shot from the hip and put down another player. I requested in the past that you refrain from this - imo it is not a good look - and the first time you were happy to see the matter dropped. But you gave a repeat performance, you made excuses, and it looks like you'll do it again.
But bart, despite what you think, it is not about you. There was a bigger ongoing issue that was damaging the F7s, apparently since 2009.
Titanic, my apologies for any angst this may have caused you - that was not the intention. Unfortunately this issue had to be forced at some point if only to bring an end to it and any further suspicions. As I mentioned to you, I am surprised by the revelations and how much it blew up. Thank you for your candor by finally coming forward, and here's hoping the silliness has stopped now.