It obviously wasn't as polished but that didn't detract from it. Punk has way more experience so that is to be expected. But with this polished feel you get less organic promo which feels scripted. You've gotta take the good with the bad.
You couldn't even find links a year ago
Are you sure this heat is all Punk and not dissatisfaction with the WWE? I would bet on the later. If Punk had a piece of paper in front of him whilst he was delivering that it still would have fired people up.Maybe not for you but for me the promo lacked the fire Punk's had. It lacked the purpose too, Bryan was just plain ol' shooting. Punk's got people buying a PPV they otherwise wouldn't give a rats about.
You complaining about not being able to watch shows.What are you referring to?
You haven't gained a new perspective on anything. You are still the same WWE fanboy that is all about the numbers. I'm yet to met any fan with that attitude who appreciates wrestling from niche promotions. One day you will realize that numbers don't mean shit. Go look at the music industry if you still have any doubt in your mind. Joss Whedon once said "I'd rather make a show 100 people need to see, than a show that 1000 people want to see." I think there is a lot of truth in that.I'm a wrestling fan and have no qualms with watching any promotion as I enjoy gaining a new perspective and forming my own opinions. Does that mean I watch every show? No of course not, which is why I always invite members to post or name moments to back up their claim.
I don't watch as much WWE or even TNA as you would believe and no, while I enjoyed what I saw of NJPW, especially their tournaments and misc. matches (one of which I named in the MotY thread) I don't have enough time and more focussed on expanding my knowledge on the American wrestling companies.
You complaining about not being able to watch shows.
You haven't gained a new perspective on anything. You are still the same WWE fanboy that is all about the numbers. I'm yet to met any fan with that attitude who appreciates wrestling from niche promotions. One day you will realize that numbers don't mean shit. Go look at the music industry if you still have any doubt in your mind. Joss Whedon once said "I'd rather make a show 100 people need to see, than a show that 1000 people want to see." I think there is a lot of truth in that.
Actually they did and the only reason it didn't culminate to anything is the WWE fired Danielson.Miz nor Cole needed the Bryan promo to achieve heat and it didn't lead to anything. You might not purchase the PPV BUT others will and that's important.
But the original point remains valid.And times change.
Is it?Good to see you're a fan of Joss.
You use them as a tool to shit on non WWE product. No one gives a f**k how many T-shirts Cena has sold. We are supposed to be fans not producers. Stop being so f**king objective and have an opinion then. All I see is a WWE fanboy who defends the product on commercial grounds when logic fails him.Numbers are the only objective case you can make in wrestling and generally I bring them up when the state of the WWE is questioned.
No one is questioning commercial success. We're questioning the quality of the product. I'm glad to know that you think Justin Biber is the most talented musician in the industry because he sells the most records. But that is a cop out and I don't accept it. I have a brain and can think for myself.Take 1999 for instance. I thought all-round the wrestling was terrible that year and the storylines were absurd. But I wouldn't question the success of the company.
Well give more of your perspective and less of a perspective that sounds like you're on the board of directors.And by perspective, I can actually tell which years were good and bad. Trust me, there are a lot of years I dislike of the WWE and really the entire promotion is saved because they simply outperform their competition in other areas.
Actually they did and the only reason it didn't culminate to anything is the WWE fired Danielson.
WWE fans are masochists and most know the product is terrible. That's why they love these shoot angles.
Is it?
Judging by the way Nexus went, Bryan was just going to be another body in the Barrett stable. If anything, he was better off getting fired and getting the rub at SummerSlam.
No, I think the WWE just had Rob pegged as a stoner, which unfortunately for RVD isn't even his worse stint as a mic. worker. I've seen RVD's work outside of the WWE and TNA, I was once a fan but the guy wasn't anything special on the mic. and certainly isn't at Punk's level.
Now if we're talking charisma, it's a different kettle of fish. RVD just had to point at himself to get a reaction.
Flyin Brian was great. Another potential Pre-Hogan WCW star who had his career taken from him.
Always open to see the promos you rate.
Basically another by the numbers Raw addition saved by another glorious Punk promo that was hurt by a poor inappropriate interuption by Cena that started off decently by putting the heat back on Punk but ended with his chastised PG shtick.
Punk was once again great and this whole storyline just reminds people this is the guy that was buried by The Undertaker and The Big Show and mid-carded Wrestlemania behind two rookies who still have some ways to go.
The fact we didn't get the promised Bryan/Punk who's the better 'wrestler' feud is one of the biggest missed opportunities since the release of Kaval.
I'd agree Marshall but they did the exact same thing with Jeff Hardy 2 years ago. Pushed him to the moon, had them main event the 2nd biggest PPV only to see him walk out the door and basically right into police custody.
I disagree with that premise. Danielson would have been well served to lose the nerd gimmick and the baggage that comes along with it. The only time he was given free reign to go out there and lose the shtick was the NXT invasion. He looked pretty damn good that night. He was the logical choice to eventually lead an uprising against Barrett so a few months of focusing on in ring wrestling would have been fine.Judging by the way Nexus went, Bryan was just going to be another body in the Barrett stable. If anything, he was better off getting fired and getting the rub at SummerSlam.
Because WWE fans cream themselves as soon as you shoot on the company. The amount of people who didn't know the Punk promo was a work was ridiculous.Why limit it to WWE fans? Shoot angles are exciting because they present a real element in a staged show.
I'm obviously a fan. That question didn't really fit in with the general tone of the previous post.I'm not a diehard fan of his or anything but he had a way of creating exciting television that challenged traditions and conventions.
Good.We're in agreement with the rest.
Punk's going nowhere. No one else can offer a competitive counter to the WWE. He always wanted to be a WWE wrestler and back in the day copped some flack for his "WWE in ring style". He's probably taking a break but he will be back.I just don't think Vince and co would be pushing Punk to the moon like they are now if he's going to leave in a week.