What people fail to realize about the "15 exclusives" is that Microsoft didn't say how many of them would be "shovelware" or Kinect games. Not a single one of the games shown actually used in-game footage - and no, that isn't false, as Quantum Break was CGI/live action and the EA/Forza/CoD games were all given trailer touch ups (if any of the footage was even partially real gameplay at all). They screw over used game purchases. You have to be online once every twenty-four hours. What happens if I my internet is disabled for a month to pay other bills? Yay, no games (or movies, or anything). A big part of their conference was the TV and Sports stuff, but all that will only be available in the USA at launch.
Massive, massive screw up by Microsoft for me. And while CoD Ghosts looked pretty decent, the live demo of Killzone Shadow Fall blew it out of the water so easily - and several months earlier, mind - that it makes me legitimately wonder about the difference in power for each console.
The only thing that actually impressed me was the Kinect, but that it is mandatory to using your Xbox One is lame as hell.
I seriously could not be more disappointed. The PS4 reveal blew the Xbox One reveal out of the park. E3 may make a difference but I really doubt it, as Microsoft seems to be betting a lot on their third party exclusivity stuff - yeah, they emphasised the timed DLC for CoD and Ultimate Team bonuses. Sad, just sad. One only needs to take a look around at video game forums to tell you just how big the backlash to this thing is. As several people have already pointed out; they want a console for GAMES. They don't need an entertainment hub when their TV or PC already does it, or they don't need it.
And the worst part for Microsoft is that Sony still have a lot up their sleeve, like the console and a whole bunch of games.