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:lol:Anyone who doesn't like Top Gear. I could be down with the kick Clarkson in the face suggestion though.
Another thing we differ from
Wouldn't say I think it's shit, just find it boring.
:lol:Anyone who doesn't like Top Gear. I could be down with the kick Clarkson in the face suggestion though.
Problem with Aus Post is they don't give a flying f**k about customer service because they have no competitors.
The biggest issue i have with Aust post is its reluctance to cooperate with the times of working people.
From a business perspective its costing them shitloads in potential revenue.
The biggest issue i have with Aust post is its reluctance to cooperate with the times of working people.
From a business perspective its costing them shitloads in potential revenue.
I thought that post offices were now run by non government employers.They don't give a shit. They're a corporatised Government entity.
1. Telstra
I have cable broadband with them and it comes via my Foxtel cable. Because of this, you can't just go to Dick Smith and buy a new wi-fi modem if your current one shits itself.
Recently the wi-fi signal on mine has declined to the point where I don't pick it up if I'm more than 2 metres away. "I'll just go to the Telstra store and pick up a new one" says I, thinking that this will be the easiest thing in the world to do. I mean, originally when I set the thing up, they sold me the kit over the counter and I just came home and installed it myself.
"No" says the lady at the Telstra store... "Sorry, we no longer carry things like this in stock. You'll have to order it via the bigpond site."
Ok, I thought. That couldn't be too hard, so off I went back home and placed an order that night and yeah, it wasn't all that difficult. They deliver by Aus post so I asked for it to be sent to my work address. (This point becomes important later).
Of course, this is how Telstra get you in. On the surface, things seem easy but its not until your tumbling backwards that you realise you've gone down the proverbial rabbit hole.
A week after I placed my order, I think to myself - I've not even seen so much as an email from Telstra about that new modem, let alone a delivery. I might just log into my account and see whats going on with my order.
Sure enough, as I click on the "Order tracking" icon, I am greeted with the words "Order cancelled". "Curious" says I as I reach for the phone to call Telstra customer service.
"How can I help you sir?" the lady on the other end of the line says with that familiar twang to her bastardised American sounding English accent that immediately tells me that although Telstra would like me to think I'm talking to someone in Sydney or Melbourne, I am in fact talking to someone in some massive call centre in Bangladesh.
"I placed an order with you last week and it has been cancelled"
We go through my details and all the other guff you have to get through to prove you are who you say you are nowadays and then the nice young lady confirms
"yes, your order for a modem has been cancelled sir."
"Why, may I ask?" I say in my nicest possible tone. "I will have to check sir" comes the reply.
After ten minutes on hold she comes back-
"Sir, our records indicate that you already have a modem with this account."
As the frustration in me begins to build, I ask the lady, "Is there some law that I am unaware of that prohibits a person from owning two modems?"
"Oh, no sir."
"Then why have you cancelled my order?"
As the lady searches for a reply, I go on to tell her my predicament, I then ask politely - "Is it possible, considering that my modem is not functioning correctly, that I may be allowed to replace it and that you can re-instate my order?"
"Sorry sir, I will have to check"
Ten more minutes on hold...
"I can't re-instate your order, I will have to place a new one for you." So the lady goes on to place a new order... After she has put me on hold again... This takes a further 10 minutes...
"Ok sir, your order has been placed again. Would you like to upgrade to cable 3.0? It's our new standard. Your new modem won't work without it."
Completely frustrated now... "Well if the new modem won't work without it, of course I'd like to upgrade. What will it cost?"
"Nothing sir, it's a free upgrade. I'll jut process that now"
5 further minutes of hold music later...
"Ok sir, thats all done now. Your next internet bill will include a $79 charge for the new modem and a $70 fee to upgrade to Cable 3.0"
"Uuuummm sorry, I thought you said that there was no charge for upgrade to 3.0?"
"When you get the bill, just ring our customer service again and we will credit this charge"
At this point, I am totally bemused and I thank the lady for her wonderful assistance and hang up. Sure it was an ordeal but at least I will get what I want right?
So Tuesday, I haven't heard anything further and I've not seen my new modem. I log into my account and am greeted by - "delivery attempted. No one available at premises to receive."
I check the order... It has been sent to my billing (home address). Of course I'm not frigging home, I work for a damn living. Thats why, on my original order I asked for delivery to my work... This leads to the second organisation that rustles my jimmies.
The brain is still in neutral after a long break.That's what "corporatised" means. They are still government owned and legally protected from competition.
This. You don't need your wireless to be served by the router that is routing your internet connection... you can easily use another wireless AP or even an adsl/adsl2 router with wireless capability plugged into your network.To be honest if it was just the wireless not working i would of disabled the wireless in the modem spent around $30 and bought a wireless router and been up and going with no hassles, but that's me.