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  1. W

    Refereeing was appalling

    The problem is that I rather think this misses the point. It's not a question of referee errors changing the outcome of the game or not. There were bad decisions made in the game, but it's impossible for anyone to say how the match would have gone without the mistakes. The point is that some of...
  2. W

    Australia Vs New Zealand, Twickenham Stoop

    Ganson's just ruining what could be a great game with his whistle so far. At this rate it's just a bit of a lottery as to who gets a run of penalties at the most opportune time! They really need to get some consistency in how the game is refereed at the international level...
  3. W

    Rookie of the year

    I'm pretty sure that 2000 was Shontayne Hape. Not certain on the others though.
  4. W

    Tuimavave --> Knights

    I rate Evarn and am very disappointed to see him go. He's experienced, has consistently been in the 17 for several seasons and was one of our best players after coming back this year. I'd be surprised if he was on huge money or was looking for huge money too. The decision doesn't make a great...
  5. W

    Team v Storm

    Sooo... At the start of the season who thought we'd be finishing off with Locke & Kirk on the wings, along with Hohaia and Ah Van in the centres? I rather like the look of the forward pack though, apart from Price still being out. We seem much more dangerous with Brown and Ta'ai on the field...
  6. W

    F.O Kemp Society inc

    I feel quite sorry for Kemp to be honest. He's apparently been playing injured which I imagine hasn't helped his form and he's needed to adapt to a very different team. And on top of that once he missed a game Locke came into his position and went brilliantly. Having said that, I really don't...
  7. W

    Hohaia's best position

    I think the best Hohaia has played for the Warriors has been at fullback, but with the current team we have stand-off seems the best bet to me. He's one of our few consistently dangerous players and needs to be on the field for the entire match, plus I think he'll benefit from a bit more space...
  8. W

    Team v Knights

    I'm pretty happy with that team. As dangerous as Ropati is he really needs to have a break and try to get his game back on track. He's a vital part of the team when on form, but just hasn't played well so far this season. I'd have looked at keeping Moon in the team as a centre though. I don't...
  9. W

    Say Goodbye to ..............

    I don't get it. Tuimavave is a good solid first grader, he didn't lose form he's just been out with an injury. Unless the injury is more serious than they've said I don't understand why he'd be released unless he has some huge salary demands. Ah Mau looks to have good potential as well and to...
  10. W

    3-2-1 Versus Tiggers

    3 - Matulino 2 - Vatuvei 1 - McKinnon I thought Matulino had a big impact when he game on, he just offers something a bit different from all of our other backrowers. Manu did very well on the other wing and took a lot of pressure off McKinnon (who had his best game for ages) with his kick...
  11. W

    Aaron Heremia

    I thought he played quite well while on the park, made a couple of mistakes but he was clearly nervous in his debut and I imagine he'll be better for the game. It's a shame he didn't get more game time, but it was the kind of game where we needed Lance out on the field.
  12. W


    I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that the idea behind this was so that the fullback could quickly trot back into position at the back from the scrum. At the same time it means that a lock or second rower can be in the defensive line to beef up the defense a little. Of course, I...
  13. W

    Jones experiment

    I wouldn't say that he's going terribly well right now, but I wouldn't call it a complete failure yet either. It's not like any of our other halves are going substantially better and demanding they get the job instead. I'd like him to start of the bench though, he's lacking zip and maybe he'll...
  14. W

    Stacey Jones

    I haven't seen too much of Johnson, but I really don't think Locke is ready for first grade. He's constantly getting injured (and often quite seriously so) in the juniors, what do you think is going to happen to him playing in the NRL? The guy is incredibly talented, but he needs to be held back...
  15. W

    Warriors top 4 and potential Premiers

    I don't really think it's fair to blame Stacey. He isn't the old Stacey true, but it was a long shot to hope he'd come right back to what he was. I think he still justifies his place in the team, though that's got as much to do with our general lack of quality halves as anything else. Our...
  16. W

    Queensland - the TRUE MYTH

    Sure, I'm just arguing that neither state can really claim to 'win' and I don't really get why anyone cares that much. It's just as silly to claim that Queensland is league heartland just because the Broncos get such big crowds. Obviously as a Kiwi I don't have much experience in the...
  17. W

    Queensland - the TRUE MYTH

    er... Because there are less than half as many games they could attend maybe? There's just no way to make any sensible comparison on these figures. Obviously Brisbane would gain some fans with more teams (up to a point) and Sydney would lose some, but it's pure speculation as to what the...
  18. W

    Well done Wade

    Basically ditto to the above. I'm happy for Wade and think it's a nice reward for him, but on 2009 form I'd still rather have Hohaia playing fullback at the Warriors. Lance just wasn't as effective off the bench yesterday as he has been playing at fullback. And at the moment Gidley will surely...
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    F.O Kemp Society inc

    Meh, I don't expect that Kemp would have gotten the kicks that Ah Van missed either. I think it was a bit harsh on Kemp to be dropped (assuming he was dropped, I missed the team naming so don't actually know if he was dropped or injured) but I don't think we'd have done any better with Kemp in...
  20. W

    What do we do when McKinnon returns?

    Yeah, I didn't mention the Hohaia to centre option since I don't like him there much but it's definitely a possibility. I think he's better in a position where he can rove around a bit more really. If he was going to go centre I'd much rather play him at 6 with Moon at centre. Moon can step in...