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2008 Crowd Watch - Final Totals in Post #3778

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LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
11,432 had to be wrong. I was at WIN for the Dogs/Saints game last year and there was 18k then... it was at least 14-15k last night IMO.... very odd figure given how full the ground looked :?

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
Are there plans to re-develop the northern stand?

I don't think so, the area where it used to be seems to be quite popular for holding promotions and incidental sponsors exposure on the tele. I don't think they'll ever put anything permanent there because it's the best place to put a big stage for concerts in Auckland.

Those funny little stands on the hill will probably be there for some time.

I can't wait to see what, if any, plans there are for Mt Smart with the 2011 World Cup coming up.


First Grade
The three grandstands last night at WIN were packed,but the hill wasnt that good .. thats why I reckon there was about 13-14k there..still not good enough.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Maybe I didn't have a great vantage point but I was on the hill and it looked packed...


Assistant Moderator
11,432 had to be wrong. I was at WIN for the Dogs/Saints game last year and there was 18k then... it was at least 14-15k last night IMO.... very odd figure given how full the ground looked :?
I've heard from someone at the game who said it wasn't a good turnout.

FTR I predicted over 16,000 so its a surprise to me.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I just honestly think there were more there. 11k was very surprising.

Red Bear

Didnt look a good crowd on tv. Ive been at the ground 2 of the biggest crowds theyve had including the semi, the hill was standing room only then, there were alot of empty spaces on the right hand side of it last night.
Crowd figure doesnt surprise me.


Didnt look a good crowd on tv. Ive been at the ground 2 of the biggest crowds theyve had including the semi, the hill was standing room only then, there were alot of empty spaces on the right hand side of it last night.
Crowd figure doesnt surprise me.
Perhaps but it certainly seemed fuller than are other two crowds this year which were also only 10-11k.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
The story so far
NRL Crowd Figures & Comparisons after Round Twelve

Round 1 - March 14-17
SOU v SYD - 29,386 @ ANZ
GCO v NQL - 26,974 @ Skilled
PAR v BUL - 25,065 @ ANZ
MAN v CRO - 15,424 @ Brookvale
NWC v CAN - 17,233 @ EAS
BRI v PEN - 31,250 @ Suncorp
WES v STG - 18,211 @ SFS
MEL v NZW - 20,084 @ Telstra Dome
Total: 183,627
Avg: 22,953
2007 - Total 185,051 Avg 23,131 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 161,713 Avg 23,101 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 159,614 Avg 22,802 (7 matches)

Round 2 - March 21-24
SOU v BUL - 21,839 @ ANZ
SYD v BRI - 18,724 @ SFS
PEN v CAN - 7,503 @ CUA
NWC v MAN - 18,117 @ EAS
NQL v WES - 20,655 @ DFS
NZW v PAR - 15,250 @ MSS
MEL v CRO - 10,720 @ OPS
STG v GCO - 10,521 @ WIN
Total: 123,332
Avg: 15,417
2007 - Total 124,964 Avg 15,620 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 121,369 Avg 17,338 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 110,428 Avg 15,775 (7 matches)

Round 3 - March 28-31
BRI v NQL - 50,612 @ Suncorp
PAR v NWC - 15,176 @ Parramatta
SYD v MEL - 12,137 @ SFS
CAN v STG - 14,440 @ Canberra
GCO v CRO - 19,050 @ Skilled
PEN v SOU - 10,839 @ CUA
BUL v WES - 21,057 @ ANZ
MAN v NZW - 10,175 @ Brookvale
Total: 153,486
Avg: 19,186
2007 - Total 123,456 Avg 15,432 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 126,039 Avg 18,005 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 116,244 Avg 16,606 (7 matches)

Round 4 - April 4-7
BUL v SYD - 36,526 @ ANZ
MEL v BRI - 13,831 @ OPS
STG v CRO - 15,318 @ ANZ
GCO v CAN - 17,381 @ Skilled
NQL v PAR - 19,231 @ DFS
NZW v NWC - 11,518 @ MSS
MAN v SOU - 14,426 @ Brookvale
WES v PEN - 11,898 @ CSS
Total: 140,129
Avg: 17,516
2007 - Total 148,330 Avg 18,541 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 103,791 Avg 14,827 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 105,979 Avg 15,139 (7 matches)

Round 5 - April 11-14
PAR v GCO - 13,321 @ Parramatta
MEL v MAN - 13,632 @ OPS
STG v NQL - 11,639 @ WIN
PEN v SYD - 16,924 @ CUA
NZW v BUL - 15,912 @ MSS
CAN v WES - 12,240 @ Canberra
NWC v BRI - 21,614 @ EAS
SOU v CRO - 12,988 @ CSS
Total: 118,270
Avg: 14,784
2007 - Total 158,721 Avg 19,840 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 105,083 Avg 15,011 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 127,840 Avg 18,262 (7 matches)

Round 6 (Heritage Round) - April 18-21
PAR v MAN - 14,025 @ Parramatta
GCO v BRI - 27,176 @ Skilled
BUL v STG - 14,767 @ ANZ
CRO v PEN - 13,852 @ Toyota
NQL v NZW - 20,554 @ DFS
SYD v NWC - 14,176 @ Bluetongue
WES v SOU - 19,122 @ the SCG
CAN v MEL - 15,550 @ Canberra
Total: 139,222
Avg: 17,403
2007 - Total 98,127 Avg 16,354 (6 matches)
2006 - Total 114,633 Avg 16,376 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 120,750 Avg 17,250 (7 matches)

Round 7 (ANZAC Day weekend) - April 25-27
STG v SYD - 21,596 @ ANZ
BRI v SOU - 34,112 @ Suncorp
MAN v BUL - 15,229 @ Brookvale
NQL v MEL - 24,053 @ DFS
GCO v NZW - 25,310 @ Skilled
CRO v WES - 17,241 @ Toyota
Total: 137,541
Avg: 22,924 (6 matches)
2007 - Total 143,750 Avg 17,968 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 117,124 Avg 16,732 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 136,237 Avg 19,462 (7 matches)

City v Country - May 2
CIT v COU - 11,365 @ Wollongong
2007 - 8,149 @ Coffs
2006 - 11,423 @ Dubbo
2005 - 8,553 @ Lismore

Round 8 (City v Country weekend) - May 3 & 4
NWC v GCO - 21,280 @ EAS
PEN v PAR - 18,724 @ CUA
WES v BRI - 11,177 @ ANZ
NZW v CAN - 7,358 @ MSS
SOU v NQL - 9,818 @ ANZ
Total: 68,357
Avg: 13,671 (5 matches)
2007 - Total 127,010 Avg 15,876 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 109,180 Avg 15,597 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 127,743 Avg 18,249 (7 matches)

Australia v New Zealand - May 9
AUS v NZL - 34,571 @ SCG
2007 - 35,241 @ Suncorp
2006 - 44,191 @ Suncorp
2005 - 40,317 @ Suncorp

Round 9 (Centenary Test weekend) - May 10-12
SYD v CAN - 10,257 @ SFS
BUL v PEN - 10,241 @ ANZ
NQL v CRO - 17,065 @ DFS
BRI v MAN - 27,469 @ Suncorp
PAR v STG - 16,313 @ ANZ
MEL v NWC - 10,624 @ Olympic
Total: 91,969
Avg: 15,328 (6 matches)
2007 - Total 109,731 Avg 13,716 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 111,486 Avg 15,926 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 100,857 Avg 14,408 (7 matches)

Round 10 (Origin One players ineligible) - May 16-19
GCO v BUL - 22,676 @ Skilled
PAR v SYD - 16,211 @ Parramatta
CRO v BRI - 13,431 @ Toyota
MAN v NQL - 9,343 @ Bluetongue
STG v MEL - 6,881 @ ANZ
PEN v NZW - 9,450 @ CUA
NWC v WES - 20,154 @ EAS
CAN v SOU - 11,115 @ Canberra
Total: 109,261
Avg: 13,657 (8 matches)
2007 - Total 67,780 Avg 11,296 (6 matches)
2006 - Total 94,282 Avg 13,468 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 96,558 Avg 13,794 (7 matches)

State of Origin Game I - May 21
NSW v QLD - 67,620 @ ANZ
2007 - 52,498 @ Suncorp
2006 - 72,773 @ ANZ
2005 - 52,484 @ Suncorp

Round 11 - May 23-26
MAN v STG - 12,058 @ Brookvale
SOU v MEL - 8,761 @ Bluetongue
NZW v SYD - 11,922 @ MSS
WES v GCO - 17,493 @ Leichhardt
BUL v CRO - 9,289 @ ANZ
Total: 59,523
Avg: 11,904 (5 matches)
2007 - Total 131,628 Avg 16,453 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 78,497 Avg 13,082 (6 matches)
2005 - Total 85,785 Avg 14,297 (6 matches)

Round 12 - May 30-June 2
BRI v PAR - 25,564 @ Suncorp
CAN v MAN - 13,120 @ Canberra
MEL v BUL - 12,251 @ Olympic
NQL v PEN - 16,553 @ DFS
NWC v NZW - 15,489 @ EAS
SOU v STG - 12,978 @ ANZ
CRO v GCO - 8,214 @ Toyota
SYD v WES - 15,204 @ SFS
Total: 119,373
Avg: 14,921 (8 matches)
2007 - Total 110,107 Avg 13,763 (8 matches)
2006 - Total 114,809 Avg 16,401 (7 matches)
2005 - Total 103,965 Avg 14,852 (7 matches)


TOTAL 1,444,090
AVERAGE 16,792 (86 matches @ 7.17 match/rnd)
After 12 rounds in 2007 - Total 1,528,655 Avg 16,616 (92mts @ 7.67m/rnd)
After 12 rounds in 2006 - Total 1,358,186 Avg 16,363 (83mts @ 6.92m/rnd)
After 12 rounds in 2005 - Total 1,392,000 Avg 16,771 (83mts @ 6.92m/rnd)
you get let down by hills all the time.

the stands were for the most part full

I agree.

All stands seemed full. Anything uncovered (with the exception of the western concourse) wasn't.

Consider too, that the hill at WIN accounts for over 8,500 people when sold out and the Western Stand not even half that.

I was sitting high up in the northern stand (because of the weather during the week) and heard a bloke behind me make a very good point. He said something along the lines of how good it would be if the whole stadium was like the northern stand: "we're perched up here high in a corner, under cover, but because the ground is so close to the action, it's still a great view of the game, and we're dry!".

Chook Norris

First Grade
11,432 had to be wrong. I was at WIN for the Dogs/Saints game last year and there was 18k then... it was at least 14-15k last night IMO.... very odd figure given how full the ground looked :?

yea i agree

the city v country match was 11k and that looked nowhere near last night


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
9,565 @ ANZ
10,195 @ Parramatta

No figure yet from Campbelltown
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