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2010 Crowd Watch

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I hope Parramatta get over 10k tommorrow night so the Panthers will have the lowest crowd of the round and we can all laugh at what a disgrace they are.


What's disgraceful is Manly only getting 10k in RL heartland, and Penrith today only drawing 9,983 with their form... really poor stuff when an Adelaide game between 12th and the spooners outdraws them.

See Tim, there's nothing at all wrong with pointing out the blatantly obvious when it comes to some of the piss poor crowds we have. Nobody will question your love and loyalty for the game for one second when you make the very valid points you have above. You also prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone who rightly and fairly bags certain crowds at our games that they aren't instanly an AFL troll ;-)

I like Penrith and i really hope they go far in this finals series but fair dinkum that's a pathetic crowd just as they have been for most of the year. We've been hearing excuses for years why their crowds have been some of the lowest in the comp with given their lack of success which to a point is fair enough, but considering how great they've been on field this year and IMO how entertaining they've been compared to the past years to watch there's literally no excuse for the poor crowd numbers. Lets just hope with their march to the finals and more wins they numbers will only improve.

As for Manly's crowds, well it's Manly isn't it? Unfortunately we've come to expect nothing less when it comes to their sh*t attendances. They always have been crap and always will be, if a 2 GF appearances and a GF win has done little to improve them then nothing will. Nuff said.

Red Bear

Bloody hell Penrith. Maybe this is why you've had only 3 sunday games in 2 years. Chance to be equal top of the table, coming off a win over the other side up the top, on a sunday arvo where it wasnt raining in the arvo, against an in form warriors side (and Im pretty sure there is a reasonable Islander and Kiwi pop. out west) and you get that crowd?
sh*thouse, completely sh*thouse


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
To be fair it was cold and overcast most of the day and there was even a bit of rain scattered throughout the afternoon, very light though.

Even allowing for weather, a pisspoor effort for a very much in-form team.


First Grade
If this happened at Cronulla, you'd all be calling for them to be shipped off to the Central Coast, Penrith is supposed to be RL heartland.


You people and your cold/rain weather excuses are morons,i have seen numerous NFL games packed out when the mofo's were playing in phucking snow FFS.2008 game between the Packers and Giants was called the "Snow Bowl",With Lambeau field was looking like a phucking snow globe,

Aussies = Wimp fans/will only go on a sunny day


Truly pathetic Panthers fans. Your team is running 2nd and you dish up a crowd like that? I was there and there were dead set 3,000 kiwis in the crowd, so it doesn't say much for Penrith fans.

The sooner that proposed stadium at Blacktown gets built the better. Panthers can play some games there and pick up some more supporters. Hopefully less games in Penrith will make some people get off their backsides and pack the place out like the Tigers do at Leichhardt.

And they have the lowest mebership total in the league.
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First Grade
sh*t season for crowds and i just don't how it will get better.
Maybe people are getting sick of the lack of vison from Gallop and co or maybe people are just getting sick of Rugby League.


sh*t season for crowds and i just don't how it will get better.
Maybe people are getting sick of the lack of vison from Gallop and co or maybe people are just getting sick of Rugby League.

So the crowds are the same as always and people are getting sick of Rugby League? :roll:


Until very recently I lived in Penrith, and to be honest I know f*ck all Panthers fans. So many people live out there that support other sides. This is purely speculation but we must have one of the smallest fanbases in the comp, or people in the Penrith area are for whatever reason more likely to back a successful side over a home side (though thats no excuse for this season).

Its a mystery.
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