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2GB: Johns gets downgrade


Pantherjim. said:
I'm not intimidated at all, but I just think it's sickening for elderly people to act in such a manner (Which was apparent the last time I was at Energy Australia Stadium)... My late Grandmother (God rest her soul) had more refinement in her left little toe than the average Novocastrian elderly citizen has in their entire body and she was a Westie through and through; a Granville girl born and bred with a father who used to work on the railways.

What, There was no such thing as deportment schools in Newcastle?

I reckon Joey should get those lessons on manners from the Hunter Jagers Netball team...Maybe those snots can teach the spoilt brat how to behave...


Gene Krupa said:
Sounds like a right classy lady. :|

Where did I say that she was "Classy"?

She was polite, well mannered, kept a civil toungue in her head and could hold an intelligent conversation, which is all I expect of people of her generation.

Not that much to ask, when the Novocastrian lady in a blue and red beannie and scarf roared at me to "Shut the f*ck up and sit down you f*cking westie merkin scum" as I was standing and Cheering a Penrith try the last time I was at Energy Australia Stadium... Don't you think?


Molly said:
I don't understand people commenting and saying that 2 weeks sounds about right. That is what he got originally, then the loading came inot play.

The issue is...GET RID OF THE LOADING and judge each indiscretion on its merits. The loading aspect of penailties is bs and obviously causes a fair bit of confusion..
You have to have loading, it's a must. I think that the 50% loading for similar offences is far too much though. Regardless, it wasn't the loading that pushed him to 3-4 weeks, it was the 93 carry over from his previous striking charge.


Ahhh shucks, does this mean he won't be pissing off to Warrington, I'm shattered :sto: :lol: ... 2 weeks is about right


I could be wrong but I heard that he ended up with 295 points, so basically he just escaped getting three games. And with 93 carry-over points, that makes 202, so did they give him a two-match ban anyway?

If so I think it was a good decision by the judiciary, two matches seems a fair punishment. And I don't think they downgraded the charge just because it was Joey, charges getting downgraded is not uncommon, and in this case, I think a downgrade was warranted.

Big Pete

Two weeks is fair.

What he did before he downgraded the charge however wasn't fair to either the NRL or his loyal fans.


Bernster said:
I reckon Joey should get those lessons on manners from the Hunter Jagers Netball team...Maybe those snots can teach the spoilt brat how to behave...

It's his only hope...

Otherwise, next time he abuses a match official he may HAVE to go to Warrington :lol:


salivor said:
It's still going to be one-sided, they couldn't even beat Manly at home (not to mention Manly were coming off the bye), they're in big trouble if they have to travel to play the Dogs or Storm.

hahahhaha you make it sound like it's easy to beat the eagles.... keep thinking that way champ... we'll tip your teams boat over aswell :lol: :lol:


Post Whore
I stopped reading this thread roughly here...which had the bang on statement of the entire thread. There's only so much 'f**k That Smarmy merkin' and 'Hahaha Newcastle R0X0rzzz 733t!' I can take.

Maroubra Eel said:
Andrew Johns is a great player, but a bad sport.

Grade 2 was sufficient imo, and it's the charge I picked out before he was charged. I think they gave him a G3 so he could defend his 'honour' at the tribunal.

If the Knights couldn't beat a Manly side coming off of the bye with 4 of thier best players returning from lengthy sideline stints and missing BK for 30 minutes...they've got no hope against the Doggies, Storm or Parra at home (Assuming that's the top 3). If they hold onto fifth, I'm sure Canberra or Manly would be more than happy to hand them a hefty thrashing at home too;-)


First Grade
But surely if you are a repeat offender you are considered for a longer sentence??

I mean wasnt Adrian Morley???


Y2Eel said:
I thought it was cool
bra eel said:
I like inks picture. I've always found him to be a good bloke on here too.:thumb
Cheers Y2 & M.E.


Gene Krupa

RaiderKate said:
But surely if you are a repeat offender you are considered for a longer sentence??

I mean wasnt Adrian Morley???

What repeat offender? He'd never been charged with this before!


Rod said:
I could be wrong but I heard that he ended up with 295 points, so basically he just escaped getting three games. And with 93 carry-over points, that makes 202, so did they give him a two-match ban anyway?
Contrary Conduct Grade 3 = 325
+ 20% loading + 93 carry over = 483 = 4 weeks
+ 20% loading - 25% early plea + 93 carry over = 385 = 3 weeks

Contrary Conduct Grade 2 = 225
+ 20% loading + 93 carry over = 363 = 3 weeks
+ 20% loading - 25% early plea + 93 carry over = 295 = 2 weeks

So whether he had loading or not, the 93 carry over would have added an extra week in all cases


bluesbreaker said:
Finally some sense from a Parramatta fan. The nerve of you clowns criticizing Johns when your Jeremy Smith physically assaulted a ref and was looking at the same punishment!

Oh God... how many different ways can it be emphasised...

Jeremy Smith had no prior record --> his base penalty was four weeks.

Joey had a prior record --> 93 carryover points + loading +base penalty of weeks = 3 weeks with an early plea. Had his challenge to the grading lost, THEN it would have been four weeks total.
Following his successful contesting of the grading he is now, in reality, only being suspended 1 week + loading + 93 points = 2 weeks.

No Parramatta fan that I know of disputed J Smith's penalty or the severity thereof.


Mr Saab

BlaC_WIte_"N"_BlUE said:
Didn't he get warned?

That was the storm knights game. He never swore at an official, he swore in general as he was upset at the decision...and it was caught on tape.


The punishment is still too harsh for what he did IMO. God. People act like he has done something morally wrong. He swore at the touch judge that made a blatantly wrong call and cost his team one last chance at winning the game. In hte heat of the moment, he swore at the guy.

If you're going to penalise him in someway... give him a fine. $10,000 or something. But making him miss 2 matches for yelling something that i'm sure every supporter has yelled at their TV at one time or another... and that footy players are always yelling (just not always directed at Touchies) is a bit much IMO.

I'm not a Knights fan. But what he did wasn't that bad.... the punishment just didn't suit the crime. He didn't hurt anyone or endanger anyone... he overreacted to a touchie making the wrong call. If you supporters can say you sit there and don't get the sh*ts and swear when a referee or touch judge makes the wrong call against your team, fair enough. But if you do... you're just being a f**king hypocrite. He's a football player. It's his job. His livelihood. I think that the players would take the losses as hard or harder then the fans. They're the ones busting their asses off for 80mins. Only to have a touch judge cost him one last legitimate chance at a win.

In saying that. I was kinda *selfishly* hoping he got 2 weeks so Panthers had a decent chance at winning against the Knights. But i wouldn't be shocked to see Knights finish top 4. Cowboys are playing like sh*t and Panthers aren't much better. Those saying they will finish in the bottom of the top 8, look at the teams and their form that Knights are facing....