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2GB: Johns gets downgrade

Gene Krupa

salivor said:
I don't know what Knights fans are getting so excited about, Newcastle will still lose the next 2 matches without him, finish either 7th or 8th and even with Johns in the side will get dicked by either the Doggies or Storm. The season's still over.

Can I borrow your crystal ball please? I want next mondays lotto results. :roll:


First Grade
katestar676 said:
Maybe its just me but won't it make the semis more exciting knowing that johns will be there? How boring would it have been to watch the knights in the semis without him. Love him or hate him id rather watch an exciting game in the semis rather then a one sided match.

Agreed the Knights are pethetic without Johns, Just look at last year got the spoon :LOL: these next 2 weeks are going to be very entertaining

Maroubra Eel

A couple of weeks is probably fair.

Andrew Johns is a great player, but a bad sport.

Its a pity that most will remember him for his bad sportsmanship rather than his playing skills.:(


First Grade
Gene Krupa said:
Can I borrow your crystal ball please? I want next mondays lotto results. :roll:

Don't need a crystal ball to know that no team is going to win the comp from 7th or 8th under the McIntyre system. Just a gentle wave goodbye to your season will suffice.

Gene Krupa

BlaC_WIte_"N"_BlUE said:
You continue to think that. Why would you wanna play Melbourne in Melbourne. Havn't been beaten all season and i can't see the Knights getting closeto them.

Bitterness is SOOOOOO funny when it comes from the worlds biggest chokers! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


From what I heard on Fox, his defence was laughable. I'm deeply apologetic, no no, I mean I'm DEEPLY apologetic. I'll apologise to Ceccin.

Errr, wasn't he the one who said Ceccin should apologise to him and his passionate words were fine? I swear he penned an article to that effect.

Poor decision.


First Grade
Gene Krupa said:
Bitterness is SOOOOOO funny when it comes from the worlds biggest chokers! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You know its true, You seriously think you can get out of 7th or 8th position?
Without Johns you have won about 1 out of 50 :LOL:


First Grade
BlaC_WIte_"N"_BlUE said:
Agreed the Knights are pethetic without Johns, Just look at last year got the spoon :lol: these next 2 weeks are going to be very entertaining

Apparently they haven't won a game without Johns for two years:lol: .
RabbitohHighlightMaker said:
but to not acknowledge his actions were plain out wrong just says a lot about Novocastrians and Knight supporters in general.

I dont recall many True Knights supporters say that Joey,s actions were correct, The main complaint many had was the severity of the suspension


wounded magpie said:
Channel 9 will now roll out their propoganda promoting him as a good bloke.

Matty Johns defence of his brother wil be something:roll:
"It's not his go"


vippo19 said:
I know, but there were crazy folkes out there saying he deserved even more. 2 weeks means he'll be there week one finals time, which is the best result, so yeah, thats as good as a victory.

He does deserve more than two weeks...

They should have thrown the book at him.

No offence to Newcastle fans, but I really don't give a f*ck if a 4 week Joey suspension mean't that you would miss the finals. Joey himself should have thought about that before losing his self control and deciding to abuse a match official. More importantly, your boys should have learn't to play without him by now.

Unfortunately, he himself and his manager decided to pull this little childish, infantile sooky four-year old routine saying that "he would be off to England" should the N.R.L. give him more than two weeks, and the N.R.L. judiciary bought his little tantrum hook, line and sinker.

It's a sad day for the sport when one player is considered bigger than the game itself.


I dont think you should group all newcastle people and knights supporters based on the few that you see in here. The people in here live and breathe the knights and yes are excited, and will always support their players. Not all knights supporters are defending him as ive seen a few posts on here with them expressing their dissapointment. Most of them dont agree with what he did but are just excited that their team now has a chance.

Gene Krupa

salivor said:
Don't need a crystal ball to know that no team is going to win the comp from 7th or 8th under the McIntyre system. Just a gentle wave goodbye to your season will suffice.

So I say once again, can I borrow your crystal ball? You are so certain of us coming 7th or 8th eh? Can't wait til you eat those words!


Maroubra Eel said:
A couple of weeks is probably fair.

Andrew Johns is a great player, but a bad sport.

Its a pity that most will remember him for his bad sportsmanship rather than his playing skills.:(

Myself and many, many others will remember Johns for his sublim talent and his ability to perform sensationally in big games rather than the odd "unsportsmanlike" moment he may have had during his career.

Nothing seems to ignite these forums like an issue regarding Andrew Johns, particularly a negative issue.

Justice has prevailed and 2 weeks is a sufficent punishment for his swearing at the touchie in the heat of the moment. The fact is, the idiot Touchie got the call blatantly incorrect and he had every right to be p*ssed off

Bloody hell, some of you on here need to lighten up and enjoy the fact the greatest player in the world will be playing come semi-finals time!


First Grade
Gene Krupa said:
So I say once again, can I borrow your crystal ball? You are so certain of us coming 7th or 8th eh? Can't wait til you eat those words!

Please share with us recent Joey-less Newcastle results. Can't wait till you wake up to reality. At least I can admit my team's season is over.


First Grade
Gene Krupa said:
So I say once again, can I borrow your crystal ball? You are so certain of us coming 7th or 8th eh? Can't wait til you eat those words!

Remind me how many games you have won without Johns :LOL:


RabbitohHighlightMaker said:
To those (Knights supporters) saying 'woo hoo sucked in ETC' I think it's a shame you've let your faith in your team go past decency. It's a pity you cannot even acknowledge what he did was wrong. Obviously you're happy his suspension is less than initially predicted, but to not acknowledge his actions were plain out wrong just says a lot about Novocastrians and Knight supporters in general.
What a load of utter rubbish.

Point me in the direction where any Knights fan said he did the right thing?

Alot of said that the penalty was too harsh - and apparently the judiciary agreed.

You read forum posts like the Bunnies play football - very badly...

Gene Krupa

salivor said:
Please share with us recent Joey-less Newcastle results. Can't wait till you wake up to reality. At least I can admit my team's season is over.

We'll see on the weekend. On both counts.