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Action must be taken to stop the AFL killing league


Western Sydney Cup

Four teams: Panthers, Bulldogs, Eels & Tigers
All play each other home & away during the NRL season
12 games spread from March to August
Have the last round (with 2 games) played in Round 23
Promote it like hell under that banner
Drive up the rivalries
Have a massive fan day at Blacktown
Use it to drive up memberships

Sounds like a real good idea, with sponsors it could even be a money spinner.


First Grade
What the f**k do u think they are trying to change? They arent trying to make AFL dominant now, they are trying to establish themselves for future domination.

In 10-15 years when all these auskick kids have grown up do you really think the attitude will still be the same towards AFL?

Some of you seem to think because the AFL isnt doing to well in Western Syd now that they never will, thats very stupid. Of course they arent doing well now, they wouldnt have expected too, but with patience and the resources they have they will eventually start making some noise.

THe first kids in Qld to play Auskick are in their early 20’s now.
Guess what the most popular code of choice is for that age group is. Bear in mind that these were the same kids to grow up with the Lions having made four consecutive GF’s and winning three of them. If they aren’t supporting AF after that then they never will.

AFL has had 30 years and Aussie Rules has had over a hundred years to become the second most popular code of choice yet it’s still struggling with irrelevance.

There was someone who was quoted in the TV rights thread as saying that RL is the most popular sport in most age groups, in particular it has the younger age groups sown up.
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There was someone who was quoted in the TV rights thread as saying that RL is the most popular sport in most age groups, in particular it has the younger age groups sown up.

Of their respective TV audiences, both the NRL & A-League have around a youth demographic of around 65% of total audience. Keep in mind though that because the NRL audience is much larger than the A-League's to begin with so overall the NRL has the largest total youth audience of any sport in Australia.

AFL is about 45% and Union is 40%.


This is spot on. They have already stated it is not this generation they are looking to convert. They will pour money into schools & auskick, and try and convince mummy that poor little Johhny might get hurt playing that rough old rugby game. They couldn't give a stuff about todays league fans, but watch them go to work on the kids and their mums.

The problem they will have though is the amount of money and the number of years they will need to pour into the new teams, as well as what they will need to prop up their struggling Melbourne teams.

If the IC get their act together, and firstly get a TV deal comparable to the AFL so that, moneywise, they're on an equal footing, I believe we will see a reversal of fortune for both codes over the next 5-10 years.

The tactic of expanding in areas that want to be involved in the game has to be a lot more appealling than expanding in areas where they are not wanted.

Name 1 FG RL or AR tem in the last 20 years that doubled their home crowds anytime after their 5th year in operation.


First Grade
I know Phil Gould is not popular and the article smacks of self (ie Panthers) service, but Gould is actually making a valid point.

Rugby League is a fractured sport in it's administration and unless we meet challenges head on and take the initiative early we will struggle in certain areas down the track.

The AFL is better funded, has a single focus, an overall strategy and it has the ear of government.

The NRL is waiting on the result of a television deal for funding, has multiple opinions with self interest agendas that make Mr Gould look amateur has no strategy and isn't anywhere near as focussed on paying money to a cash strapped NSW government. Trust me. Cash strapped governments love wealthy people with agendas - and will listen for the right number of dollars.

Yes AFL is pretty laughable in Western Sydney right now and League is strong. Assuming it will always be the case and ignoring dangers from rival codes is like Rugby League in the North of England always assuming that people would rather watch Hull Kingston Rovers because Hull City are a bit shit.

Things can change and they often do. Pretending they're never going to isn't a strategy for future succcess. We need a single focus and we need a definate plan and Rugby League at the moment is too full of self interest to have one.

There's no need to be terrified right now, but we need to focus on building our future and meeting the challenges it will bring.


I know Phil Gould is not popular and the article smacks of self (ie Panthers) service, but Gould is actually making a valid point.

Rugby League is a fractured sport in it's administration and unless we meet challenges head on and take the initiative early we will struggle in certain areas down the track.

The AFL is better funded, has a single focus, an overall strategy and it has the ear of government.

The NRL is waiting on the result of a television deal for funding, has multiple opinions with self interest agendas that make Mr Gould look amateur has no strategy and isn't anywhere near as focussed on paying money to a cash strapped NSW government. Trust me. Cash strapped governments love wealthy people with agendas - and will listen for the right number of dollars.

Yes AFL is pretty laughable in Western Sydney right now and League is strong. Assuming it will always be the case and ignoring dangers from rival codes is like Rugby League in the North of England always assuming that people would rather watch Hull Kingston Rovers because Hull City are a bit shit.

Things can change and they often do. Pretending they're never going to isn't a strategy for future succcess. We need a single focus and we need a definate plan and Rugby League at the moment is too full of self interest to have one.

There's no need to be terrified right now, but we need to focus on building our future and meeting the challenges it will bring.

That's all well and good, he should've stated that without having to bring up the AFL, it makes us all look like a bunch of paranoid losers filled with fear when we are not.


I have to agree with all that is said.

I do have one question though...

If Aussie Rules is such an inferior product, and if the AFL has 3/5th of sfa chance of success in Western Sydney, why do so many get so riled up and defensive about this?

Shouldn't this thread already be on page 3 by now while we all discuss the positives about NRL?

Perth Red

Post Whore
I think it is naieve to suggest that kids won't choose to play a sport if the option becomes available to them. For example in Perth the WARL identified a senior high school nearest each WARL premier grade team. They equipped them with RL gear, put in development officer time with the Phys teachers and we now have kids playing RL regularly in an inter school comp. In fact the recent player of the tournament at the under 15's schoolboy championships came from one of these schools. Will AFL take over Sydney? Of course not, just as RL will never take over Perth, what we will see though is kids will start to have choices in what code they play and follow (working both ways if the NRL ever gets it act together) with some Vic and WA kids choosing RL and some NSW and Q'land kids choosing AFL. What code has the biggest profile, the most superstars, is on TV the most, has the best school programmes etc will ultimately win the number one footy code prize and the riches that come with it. AFL has a head start but the IC and next media deal should put us back in the race hopefully.


First Grade
Of their respective TV audiences, both the NRL & A-League have around a youth demographic of around 65% of total audience. Keep in mind though that because the NRL audience is much larger than the A-League's to begin with so overall the NRL has the largest total youth audience of any sport in Australia.

AFL is about 45% and Union is 40%.



They have been trying this for 30 years in Sydney and still no one watches it.

So because the Swans aren't that popular we should not worry about AFL at all. Beleive it or not the Swans do have fans in Sydney, not many, but some. The GWS afl team will get fans as well. This is what is troubling me, the AFL now have a permanent presence in Western Sydney, and a much bigger presence in Sydney altogethor and no one seems to think anything of it.

They are weak now and everyone wants to ignore it. Its while they are weak that the NRL should be doing the most in WS to prevent them from ever getting strong.

No matter how small their share of the market is is western Sydney the NRL should be trying to make it smaller.


First Grade
So because the Swans aren't that popular we should not worry about AFL at all. Beleive it or not the Swans do have fans in Sydney, not many, but some. The GWS afl team will get fans as well. This is what is troubling me, the AFL now have a permanent presence in Western Sydney, and a much bigger presence in Sydney altogethor and no one seems to think anything of it.

They are weak now and everyone wants to ignore it. Its while they are weak that the NRL should be doing the most in WS to prevent them from ever getting strong.

No matter how small their share of the market is is western Sydney the NRL should be trying to make it smaller.

Did i say we didn't have to worry about AFL at all? All i'm saying is that the threat is nowhere near as big as some are making it out to be.

They have had 30 years of throwing sh*t loads of money at the Sydney market and their audience hasn't grown at all. Yet now i'm supposed to believe that they are going to take over the western Sydney market?

For the last 10 years the cashed up AFL and union have been trying to encroach on league and kill us off. What has happened in that time? We have become bigger than ever before despite living off nothing but petrol fumes.

Now that we are actually going to have the money to fight back (and union continues to drop off) people are acting like league is in trouble.

We can't stop them having a presence in Sydney just like they can't stop us from having a presence in Perth and Melbourne. All we can do is try to continue our growth and limit theirs (and looking at their ratings in Sydney and Brisbane i think we're doing alright so far).

I hope we try and sqaush the new western sydney team but im not buying all the doom and gloom.


I didnt mean to make it sound like I was preaching doom and gloom, but I think their is a lot more the NRL could be doing.

As you said the AFL has been doing it with the Swans for a long time and now they have atleast doubled their efforts in Sydney. Just the fact that they thought an AFL team is Western Sydney is viable is worrying to me becuase im pretty sure that 30 years ago GWS would have had no chance in hell.


Is Slothfield still protesting by not watching NRL games?

If he wanted to be a real hero to Rugby League, he could protest by quitting :lol:journalism:lol:

He should be made to make a public apology for every piece of shit he has ever written.


I was signed up as a 'foundation member' of GWS as a joke-present for my birthday. If nothing else, the bastards are keeping the pulp mills of Australia busy. Had that much propaganda, pamphlets, literature etc. sent to me it's not funny.

I don't know if it's a bottomless money pit, but they must be spending an absolute heap to make this team successful.

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