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Alex McKinnon possibly Quadriplegic - Mclean guilty of dangerous throw - 7 weeks

How many weeks?

  • 1-2

    Votes: 53 42.7%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 25 20.2%
  • 5-6

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • 7-8

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • 9+

    Votes: 26 21.0%

  • Total voters
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Worst possible news. My thoughts are with Alex and his family in these tough times.

Here's hoping that he can recover from this and I am sure he will get all the support he needs

I am numb right now


I thought all players we're insured.
Im not sure whether they've got income cover, but they'd at least be covered for medical expenses. It'd be stupid not to

There are huge expenses outside of medical bills though. Retrofitting a house to cater for Alex's needs will be $50k on its own, then there is the motorised chair, bed, new car, full time care nurse (or family member who has to quit their job to fill that role)... It all adds up very fast

Bulldog Force

Sad sad news. So sorry for the bloke :(

The only good news I've heard so far is that there is no back-peddling with this type of injury, meaning that the feeling he got in his elbow won't be lost. I hope it's just numbness and that eventually he'll get feeling again in his body. I don't really care if he can't play league again, I just want him to be able to walk so he has quality of life. Best of luck Alex - thoughts and prayers are with you :(


If his spinal cord is not severed, then there is hope. The diagnosis is current as at today, however that does not mean that with the right treatment, determination and a bit of luck that he won't get use of his body back to some degree. It happens.
From all accounts he is made of the right stuff so if its physically possible, then he is the man to get it done.
I think the league community needs to prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.
Good luck Alex.


First Grade

Channel 9 and their f**king scum, woeful, pathetic "journalism". So f**king sick to death of this station and their desperate attempts to get any sort of f**king coverage. This is one of those moments that doesn't need to become another f**king media circus. I thought the MH370 report on 60 minutes and using someone's grief for ratings was bad enough but this just once again proves how full of f**king shit they truly are.

Wow. Wrongfully reporting diagnoses to keep up the 'drama'. Bravo.

It will be a battle for him to walk again, that is understood. I didn't understand the quadriplegia diagnosis at first, as wasn't he able to move his right arm before the coma?
The news that his spinal cord is not severed and his condition can improve is hopeful.


My heart sank when I heard the news last night.Good luck Alex.Perhaps not the best time to mention this but I hope Tinkler has been paying insurance because I know he hasn't been paying Superannuation.


Wow. Wrongfully reporting diagnoses to keep up the 'drama'. Bravo.

It will be a battle for him to walk again, that is understood. I didn't understand the quadriplegia diagnosis at first, as wasn't he able to move his right arm before the coma?
The news that his spinal cord is not severed and his condition can improve is hopeful.

I don't see how its a wrongfully reported diagnosis. He IS a quadriplegic.

A quadriplegic often still has partial movement in their arms. We had a guy do a talk at school if I recall who was a quadriplegic and he could move both arms, but had no control of his fingers.

The odds of Mckinnon being able to recover to the point of walking again are unfortunately very remote, although obviously there is still a small window of hope there and judging by what we've all been told about Mckinnon's attitude I'm sure he'll give himself the best possible chance.


I grew up in Aberdeen and know the McKinnon's reasonably well, this news is just devastating. I remember Alex as a 3 or 4 year old running around the McKinnon field as his father trained the Aberdeen teams. My thoughts go out to his family.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Wow. Wrongfully reporting diagnoses to keep up the 'drama'. Bravo.

It will be a battle for him to walk again, that is understood. I didn't understand the quadriplegia diagnosis at first, as wasn't he able to move his right arm before the coma?
The news that his spinal cord is not severed and his condition can improve is hopeful.

John Farragher still had some movement in his right arm the day after his accident, but it eventually dissipated and he lost all limb movement.

Thankfully, medical practices regarding spinal injuries have advanced since the 70's and it does sound like Alex has a small window of hope which could be all he needs.


First Grade
I don't see how its a wrongfully reported diagnosis. He IS a quadriplegic.

A quadriplegic often still has partial movement in their arms. We had a guy do a talk at school if I recall who was a quadriplegic and he could move both arms, but had no control of his fingers.

The odds of Mckinnon being able to recover to the point of walking again are unfortunately very remote, although obviously there is still a small window of hope there and judging by what we've all been told about Mckinnon's attitude I'm sure he'll give himself the best possible chance.

How the f**k do you know? Have you been at his bedside?
I'll listen to the doctors and the Knights, not the hysterical media and blame-game fans.

All we have heard from them is that the injury 'may' have left him a quadriplegic. 9 was the one to report that without any source.


Staff member
John Farragher still had some movement in his right arm the day after his accident, but it eventually dissipated and he lost all limb movement.

Thankfully, medical practices regarding spinal injuries have advanced since the 70's and it does sound like Alex has a small window of hope which could be all he needs.

Also former Balmain Tiger Bendall has regained a lot of movement and is walking and swimming and is still in the work force. So there is always hope there for Alex.

Still Nutty

Firstly - madunit Post #1001 - great post...sums up my sentiments exactly!

Secondly - Thank you to Wayne Bennett and his article on Sunday …

Again he really crystallises the feelings of all when he said ..."Because the hardest thing right now is busting to do something for Alex and his family, and the realisation you can’t … this lonely feeling of helplessness."

But then he went on to say ..."So I thought the best I could do was share my insights to a wonderful young man, to our relationship and trust." - your 'best' is really appreciated by those also despairing about what to do and that feeling of helplessness.

I was at the ground on Sunday and can say that it was a really emotional day that helped the fans and the I think the players to work through some of the emotions being felt by all at the moment...that feeling of helplessness is a little easier to deal with when you know it is shared by others, so thank you to the Knights and the broader Rugby League community for the solidarity on the day.

I think a lot of the blame game and frustration felt by fans and forum members on here is a natural need by many to make sense of what is a senseless situation...but i think the truest words on this forum to date are by madunit ...

"There are no winners here and there are no criminals. This is just a truly unfortunate, sad, depressing situation which I hope that the greater Rugby League community gets behind".

I echo those sentiments wholeheartedly.

I am an optimist by nature and hope that the best possible outcome for Alex is achieved although I have no doubt that it will be a long journey regardless.

What I am confident about is the community spirit in Newcastle and in the broader Rugby League fraternity will ensure that the best of all supports will be available to Alex and his family over the months and years to come.

Just for the non-locals, a very close relationship has been in place with Kurt Fearnely (Paralympic gold medal winning wheelchair athlete) and the Newcastle Knights for a long time - people like Kurt are the types of support that money can't buy during the ongoing work to maximise Alex's rehab...but they are the things that will be there to help through the tough times that will be worth their weight in gold.

From the reports we've heard, Alex is as tough as teak and has been a winner in life...and my expectations are that this won't change because of this setback - he will continue to be a winner in life albeit now on a different path...and I know that the community will be right there with him on the journey.


Well done Channel 9 you filthy grubs.

Anyone got the Knights press release??

The club has given it to 9 for sensationalist reporting on Alex's condition.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Well done Channel 9 you filthy grubs.

Anyone got the Knights press release??

The club has given it to 9 for sensationalist reporting on Alex's condition.

and 9 got an AFL supporter on to say this http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national...rno-criticises-nrl-in-wake-of-mckinnon-injury

Editor blames NRL rules in wake of spinal injury
ninemsn staff
10:41am April 1, 2014

Helen McCabe, who admits that she does not like or follow rugby league, appeared on Today to criticise the code after 22-year-old Newcastle Knights player Alex McKinnon being diagnosed a quadriplegic.

I do find it so brutal and my feeling when I first started reading the story was that the sport has to take some sort of responsibility here,? she told the program?s Ben Fordham.

The violent nature of this sport, where you do run with your head into a scrum of men, is just very very difficult. I do think that this is a massive wake up call to sport.

McCabe complimented the NRL for its new rules aimed at reducing the risks of concussion but said it should have been done a long time ago.

It's the nature of this game and it's gonna happen to young kids," McCabe said.

I don't think it's right. The skill around this game where you are tested on how strong or tough or brave you are by packing into those scrums and taking those hits and and (sic) the players coming up with those tackles," she said.

Scrums have not been contested in the NRL for a number of years and pushing in scrums has been outlawed, specifically because of the risk of spinal injuries.

The Women's Weekly editor questioned why any mother would allow their children to play the sport and denied McKinnon's injury was merely the result of bad luck.

It's the whole culture around this sport that the problem is," she said.

McCabe said she respected expert league commentators who said the tackle was rather innocuous but added that it looked pretty brutal to her.

Last night McKinnon was woken up from an induced coma in a Melbourne hospital and told that he had been diagnosed as a quadriplegic and may never walk again.

He was injured in a tackle in a game against the Melbourne Storm last week.

One of three Storm players who tackled McKinnon, Jordan McLean, has been placed on report but is yet to face a disciplinary tribunal.

He will face the tribunal in Sydney tomorrow.

Source: Today Show

Author: Martin Zavan, Approving editor: Matthew Henry


El Diablo

Post Whore

Alex McKinnon Update

Tue 1st April, 01:48PM

There were no new developments on Monday in regards to Alex McKinnon’s condition.

The Club has continued to provide factual updates in consultation with Alex’s family at this delicate time.

Alex was brought out of an induced coma following his initial surgery last Tuesday and has been conscious since. Doctors confirmed Alex had suffered a devastating spinal injury on Wednesday. On Sunday he was able to communicate with his family after his assisted ventilation was removed.

While Alex’s condition continues to improve, his body is in the first phase of recovery. As previously shared, he has movement in his right arm and the uncertainty remains in the extent of further recovery. The doctors explained any regeneration and recovery could be up to two years.

As Alex remains in hospital in a serious but stable condition, visitation is restricted. Therefore coach Wayne Bennett visited on Monday without Alex’s teammates as initially planned.

The Club is extremely disappointed in the sensationalised television news story on Monday night about this tragic situation.

One of the most important factors for Alex at this time is hope, which was jeopardised by this report.

The Club and the McKinnons appreciate the respectful way other media have handled and reported on Alex’s condition.

Club staff will continue to stay with Alex and his family in Melbourne and continue to provide any appropriate update in consultation with his family. We again request Alex and his family's privacy is respected at this time.

To Members, fans and all who are sending their best wishes, thank you.

All offers of financial and in-kind support are appreciated however our focus remains on Alex. When the time is appropriate, the Club will notify how your contribution can be accepted.

From Alex’s family; Kate and Scott McKinnon (Alex’s parents) and Teigan Power (Alex’s partner):

“We would once again like to thank the public and media for the ongoing show of concern and support for our son and partner, Alex.

“While there is a lot of detail being reported about Alex’s condition, it is important to remember that it is still early days for him post-injury.

“Those close to Alex know he is strong, and that he is a fighter and, that alone, is reason to remain hopeful.”

Messages of support for Alex and his family can be emailed to knights@newcastleknights.com.au. All messages we receive will be given to Alex and his family at the appropriate time.



Well done Channel 9 you filthy grubs.

Anyone got the Knights press release??

The club has given it to 9 for sensationalist reporting on Alex's condition.

I'm by no means a twitter troll ... in fact I don't think I've ever had a go at anyone on there in 8000 odd tweets.

But I had to have a go at this Neil Breen loser. How do people who report this rubbish live with themselves?


First Grade
She's clearly been watching Rugby Union, not League

Jez MU, don't bring that shit into it (I know contested scrum, but the idiots will attack).

Seriously, under what pretence does this editor (of the WW, I believe) have any bloody authority to speak or comment on rugby league, outside of possibly being a mum. Ch 9 might as well have got the opinion of the "old lady who lived up the lane": absolutely disgraceful reporting and journalism.
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