Twizz, how did you get so black and white?
Very true, she will be very unhappy i know, we talked about that today (my friend and i)..
I won't discuss it with my wife unless my friend gives me the ok to do so.
My wife will understand after the initial unhappiness why i chose not to.. She's totes awesome
Tbh,it's not your call.Id be encouraging this friend to do what leads to the best outcome for them all.
You're right to say that there's often no point to telling someone something hurtful just to make yourself feel better.
I would be having a second heart to heart with this friend and indicating that you're not available to be the sounding board next time.
...and how come you are good with the third guy and yet don't know his wife?
I wouldn't be too sure there Mong..
After all,isn't there a degree of irony here...honesty is often a valued quality in a relationship for women.
I owed her a favour, we'd had too many beers and she blurted it out..
Since then we have talked about it all the time, she assures me it's stopped now but they are going to remain friends, I want her to stop seeing him 100% to avoid repeats.. Apparently it's been stopped for awhile, but she is struggling with that fact, hence telling me.
I don't hold the fact she told me against her, I owed her pretty big from something earlier so I see why she did (that and too much alcohol)
I dont like to over complicate or over analyse things
her problem so it would be nothing to do with me
Yeah but once you knw something you can't unknow' it.
So the knowledge is your problem .
Well you kne her,but have you kept secrets from her before?
What if she kept a secret from you about your friend? How would you feel?
Just consider it mate.