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Asotasi leads mutiny against Kemble


mean_maori_mean said:
Would it really?? Im not grateful -> because either way it has not helped has it??

Trust me the developments with Bennett were already underway -> All this has done is create more tension with players and management.

Shown how some players are flaxy.

Perhaps we should be grateful b'coz no somebody else will be made captain.

so whats the answer then mean ?

sweep it all under the carpet, continue with a coach who hasnt got a f**king clue, continiue with a coach who draws not the slightest bit of respect from any of the team, continue to swallow the same doses of sh*t spewing out of Beasley ave ??

If the developements with benny were all ready under way, then why ffs, didnt someone say something about it instead of relying on media rumour and speculation ?

Why not admit there is a problem and openly go about dealing with it. The communication within the NZRL must be non existant if the captain doesnt know what the f**k is going on.

Just who the hell do the NZRL think they are anyway ?


Staff member
Mixmasterreece said:
A photo taken from the NZRL crisis meeting this morning :


At least the NZRL board seem to be in good spirits.

This answer your question Ozbash?


Good to see Kidwell's come out and put his nuts on the line next to Asotasi, nd I heard on the radio this morning that Stephen earney's come out in support of them as well. Kidwell also claimed that if push comes to have he'll have the backing of the majority of players.


First Grade
Tawera Nikau was backing them on the news last night, too. It looks like Roy has lit the match, but the gundpowder has been sitting there all along...


Hi All, I don't post very often but I think it's pretty necessary now to keep the ball rolling. For all that would like to let the NZRL know how we all feel about Gary please send an e-mail to Ray Haffenden (Chairman) & Peter Cordtz (General Manager). There's nothing like a bit of people power.

EDIT - leave the e-mail addys out of it please.



Staff member
I sent the following to both:


I have been a RL supporter for forty years. In that time I have never seen the game in such disarray.
As if the recent performances of the Kiwis is not bad enough now we are enduring a public blood letting about why the tour went wrong.
It is clear the players have no respect for Kemble. If it took Roy Asotasi to tell you that then clearly you are not listening to the right people.
Get rid of Kemble - he is not the man for the job!
Get rid of Graham Lowe - he is yesterdays man and his outbursts do nothing for the game.
Have a close look at your board. Are they the best people to lead the game forward? If not find a way to change the current system of board selection.
Wayne Bennett is a top coach and for some reason (perhaps he likes a challenge) he is prepared to coach the Kiwis. Welcome him with open arms and give him a total autonomy - he could be the saviour of the international game.

This is a crucial time for Rugby League in New Zealand. Past decisions must be put aside. There is no reason for the Kiwi coach to be resident in NZ. It was a stupid rule to suit an end - it must be scrapped.
For heavens sake treat the game with the respect it deserves.
I wish you well in your endeavours on our behalf.



With all due respect, and I agree with most comments in this thread, I wonder if the time
could be measured, between the scrapping of the residency rule and the commencement
of legal action from Freeman.

I'm afraid the board have made a very significant rod for their own back and I don't see
an easy way out of it.....for board, read Sel Pearson.

BTW.....stand by for an announcement regarding Kemble coaching another fairly highly
profile team in this country...........


Skinner said:
BTW.....stand by for an announcement regarding Kemble coaching another fairly highly
profile team in this country...........

It is has been announced...

Gary Kemble is now head coach of the NZ NUDE UNDERWATER BADMINTON TEAM!

Beavers Headgear

First Grade
ozbash said:
If the developements with benny were all ready under way, then why ffs, didnt someone say something about it instead of relying on media rumour and speculation ?

They did, i recall an interview with Lowe stating that he wanted to get Bennett, and i remember him getting bagged for it as well


playdaball said:
It is has been announced...

Gary Kemble is now head coach of the NZ NUDE UNDERWATER BADMINTON TEAM!

You bastard..............that was embargoed...now I'm in deep shyte...

:D :D


ok, ive heard rumbling about benny since the All Golds but didnt actually think they were all that serious.

maybe they wernt serious then but things could have esculated somewhat since roy came out with his statement..
It does seem odd that ridgey says lowe is talking crap and they should approach bennett asap.

Was thinking about this this arvo and came up with a list of potential kiwi coaches in order of my priority

chris anderson
daniel anderson
graham norton
sean McCrae
ivan cleary
graham lowe !!

Beavers Headgear

First Grade
Skinner said:
You bastard..............that was embargoed...now I'm in deep shyte...

:D :D

Any good lookers in the side ? I hope Helen Clark isn't involved with the side, male suicides would skyrocket.


I know the coach is the current big thing, but big changes just have to happen higher up or the game will never move forward.
In regard to Lowie- IMO if he has got another job and moved on, it would be best for all parties. He was a great coach who's mana unfortunately has been shot to hell with his current role. I don't know how well he'd go on an NRL team board TBH, answering to so many (And thinking what a success the Warriors was at the time- Maybe unfair, maybe not) maybe coaching a team is where he should stay and where he's best at. His refusal to compromise- and what possibly made him an awesome coach- is what seems to make him crap in this role. What totally baffles me is how Endacott can work with him after all said in his book during the Warriors takeover. Stabbing the likes of Matthew Ridge in the back just to get what he wanted (The Warriors at the time) left me feeling sour as well, so maybe that emotional gripe still stirs within me. Bluey was actually quoted as saying one of the reasons he felt his role as NZ Coach was no longer tenable was answering to Lowie, again, much he said/he said being used at the time.
And now the latest crisis. First we have Ray coming on radio sport saying it was just 'One player, one comment' then admitting the following day Kidwell was there as well! And this is the stuff that annoys you, confuses you, and frustrates as a fan...and the feeling you're getting complete B.S fed to you. I can't help but feel that the players felt they had no choice in the end, as they simply were not being listened to whatsoever.

Although it's messy, my gut feeling is now ultimately it's for the best.


SpaceMonkey said:
Good to see Kidwell's come out and put his nuts on the line next to Asotasi, nd I heard on the radio this morning that Stephen earney's come out in support of them as well. Kidwell also claimed that if push comes to have he'll have the backing of the majority of players.

Well kidwell has to worry about even making the kiwi team - what he is in his last year of nrl football. Have all you's have stated that he is overrated.
(im personally a fan of kidwell both as an player and person).

Just a reminder players like Graham, Filipaina, Prohm and more all tried to do the same to bring back/ keep Graham lowe in the coach in the 80's. They more power/mana than roy and kidwell.

Beavers Headgear

First Grade

NZRL must show loyalty to Kemble where players haven't
By TONY SMITH - The Press | Thursday, 17 January 2008

The New Zealand Rugby League cannot pander to player power and sack Gary Kemble as Kiwis coach.

But the national body has to tread a fine line on a stormy issue which threatens to cloud the Kiwis' World Cup build-up.

Do they stick to their guns, show some loyalty and and back their man? Or do they concede Kemble has lost the dressing room, bow to pressure from the side's two senior stalwarts and replace the former Kiwis fullback with Australian coaching legend Wayne Bennett?

Skipper Roy Asotasi was rapped over the knuckles by NZRL chairman Ray Haffenden on Monday for suggesting Kemble was out of his depth in last year's ill-starred campaign.

The simple solution then would have been to sack Asotasi as captain. He was only really in a holding role anyway while South Sydney clubmate David Kidwell was unavailable.

Kidwell always appealed as the likely leader for the World Cup in October and November. But now he has waded into the debate, saying the senior Kiwis do not have confidence in Kemble's coaching.

The NZRL board -- which meets tomorrow -- is now between a rock and a hard place.

They have to show some loyalty to Kemble to prove there remains a pathway for New Zealand-based coaches.

But do they risk losing Kidwell, Asotasi and others in World Cup year? The Rabbitohs' pair are the heart and soul of the New Zealand pack.

The obvious solution would be to leave Kemble as head coach for May's centenary test against Australia but appoint Bennett as a technical adviser.

Kemble was forced to field a massively under-strength side against Australia and Great Britain last spring and suffered record defeats.

But he should have his best players available for the Kangaroos' clash in Sydney.

That match should be Kemble's final trial. If the Kiwis are thrashed again, he should go.

In the interim, Asotasi, Kidwell and their anonymous Kiwi colleagues should keep their concerns in-house.

NZRL chairman Ray Haffenden hit the nail on the head when he said Asotasi "has shown no respect for the New Zealand coach's position. He has also shown little regard for the game's heritage and those Kiwi captains and players who have gone before him."

Asotasi apart, none of the Kiwis who pulled on the famous black jersey against Australia, Great Britain and France last spring can yet hold a candle to Kemble as a player. These were test tenderfoots, not NRL superstars.

It is irksome how coaches always carry the can in sport yet players rarely seem to accept accountability. Asotasi is one of the game's best front-rowers, yet he failed to lead from the front as skipper.

Gary Kemble may be a test coaching rookie, but it wasn't the coach who fell off all those tackles.


May not of been the coach falling off the tackles, but it is up to the coach (along with the individual) to make sure his team's in the right frame of mind when they take the field. It is up to the coach to mould the team he has (however inexperienced) into a focussed, cohesive, disciplined unit. It is up to the coach to make sure the game plan they have is understood by all his players, is constructed to suit the strengths of his team, and is aimed to exploit the weaknesses of the opposition. It is up to the coach to ensure his team has correct attacking strategies and defensive policies. And yes, it is up to the coach (as well as the captain) to inspire his team. Sadly, Kemble fell short of all of these. No i dont think he should be held entirely responsible. There should be a number of players axed, and i'd also get rid of those selectors. I just want to see the best coach for the job, wether that be Bennett, Kearney, Robbie Deans whoever.


Staff member
bennett yes proven good coach
chris anderson no
blueyyes, can motivate ,not a bad coach, has players respect
daniel anderson no had his chance, upset WGHB
graham norton possibly in a coupolla of years with NRL experience
sean McCrae no, have you heard him commentate ESL
ivan cleary no I dont think he would want to
graham lowe !! No , your time is over , you were a guru and now you are living on past glories
kempy No screwed the the pooch with Mick, tarred with his brush

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