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Bennett apologises for Darius after monosyballic media conference

Big Time

Gives them more ammo to write garbage about the club? As opposed to this incident now? He would've been better off giving some quality answers.

None of the questions were attacking him, in fact most seemed complimentary. And it wasn't just the Telegraph there - FOX Sports, ABC, Livenews etc were all there.

I'm normally the first person to jump on the media but this doesn't help Saints' cause.

What cause is that? I doubt they are too concerned with any cause except for trying to win a premiership and I don't think that is going to have an effect on that. League players continuously get a bad wrap in the media. I'd be reluctant to speak to the pr*cks aswell.

Mr Saab

No problems with what Darius did. Still, he has nothing on Wayne and his post press conference interview after the eagles game in 2007 on MNF!!!

It is on Youtube for those that have not seen it, but i am sure most of you on here would remember it.


not much annoys me, but what a clown. No need for it. Is he bennets long lost son?

Compare that to how Hindmarsh interviews.


the telecrap is running an agenda against Saints. (if you doubt it, check out Rothfields blog today

If this is how the players want to get the message out, good on them.

Sailor gave it to Massoud and Phelps on air yesterday, I see this as a continuation.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
some players dont like speaking to the media. are they all emant to be articulate and give 5 minute answers to questions?

i'm sure the media interview heaps of plaeyrs every week and dont use all their repsonses in each article but you never hear the players crying./ why dont the so called journalists go talk to a different player instead of crying over an interview which wasnt as good as they wanted ffs


What's the difference between a player using 3 words to say nothing and a full 5 minute ramble to say the same thing?

I think Boyd is probably a tosser but on this one I am on his side.


If I or my friends were put through all the crap that he would've went through with the bronco's cubicle incident last year I wouldnt be speaking to them either.

They'll get a story out of anything anyway- we know the media dont need cold hard facts before they start writing dribble.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
The Telegraph might have easily found something else to eat at the Saints about, but if Boyd doesn't give these tiny meaningless responses, and just uses a couple of normal RL cliches, the situation is avoided and there's nothing to report.

This doesn't compare to the premiership shirts story from last week - this actually happened, last week's story was a fabrication.

And I'll say it again, I hate the Tele - who I feel sorry for are the other journos who went there expecting a half-decent interview. There's no need for that crap.


Look after listening to the interview the reporters sounded pretty upbeat about everything & he kind of shut them down haha i mean they're even praising him for scoring a good try lol its a nothing story but he came off as a wanker

move onnnnnnnnn News LTD


About time they gave the media what they deserve, sweet f**k all. I don't believe for a second that Bennet was disappointed in him


First Grade
Gives them more ammo to write garbage about the club? As opposed to this incident now? He would've been better off giving some quality answers.

Hold on. Quality answers? This is a Rugby League player we're talking about. 70% of them have learnt to get out the book of quotes when answering interviewer questions, 5% are eloquent and 20% can't string two words together.

With those questions they should have expected "well, we're happy with how we're travelling - but there's always room for improvement"

"Yes it was great to score a try, but that's in the past now and we've got to focus on next week"

or "every game is a danger game for us at the moment and there are no easy games at this level. We've just got to focus on the task in hand and hopefully come away with the two points"

etc etc etc. Add in any number of ahhhh's and ummmm's and downgrade the grammar depending on the players.

"Yes it was great to score a try, but that's in the past now and we've got to focus on next week" becomes

"yeah mate, was good ta get over da line. But I errrr wanna errr yeah focus on errrrrr the (insert name of next opponent) now"

The answers he actually gave were pretty much the same - but just a bit shorter. Any journalist could have written a positive story without the quotes by using "Darrius Boyd agrees that next week's game could certainly be a danger game for the Dragons" even if all he'd said was "yeah" to the question "so do you think nexts weeks game will be tough"


Hold on. Quality answers? This is a Rugby League player we're talking about. 70% of them have learnt to get out the book of quotes when answering interviewer questions, 5% are eloquent and 20% can't string two words together.

With those questions they should have expected "well, we're happy with how we're travelling - but there's always room for improvement"

"Yes it was great to score a try, but that's in the past now and we've got to focus on next week"

or "every game is a danger game for us at the moment and there are no easy games at this level. We've just got to focus on the task in hand and hopefully come away with the two points"

etc etc etc. Add in any number of ahhhh's and ummmm's and downgrade the grammar depending on the players.

"Yes it was great to score a try, but that's in the past now and we've got to focus on next week" becomes

"yeah mate, was good ta get over da line. But I errrr wanna errr yeah focus on errrrrr the (insert name of next opponent) now"

The answers he actually gave were pretty much the same - but just a bit shorter. Any journalist could have written a positive story without the quotes by using "Darrius Boyd agrees that next week's game could certainly be a danger game for the Dragons" even if all he'd said was "yeah" to the question "so do you think nexts weeks game will be tough"

needs more "um yeaaah nah, ..."

wtf is with that????


standard rugby league player answer to any question

"um yeah nah everyone played well still got some improvement before next week but um yeah it was good."

do journos edit this to become a sensible sentence?

Steel Dragon

I wonder what Jack Gibson would've made outta all of this.
He was famous for being tight lipped - maybe not quite to this extent, but does remind me of the 'Did well, played strong' type pearls he used to deliver.


First Grade
I'd have to agree with Timmah on this one, wheres the harm in making a short sharp quip about beating his former team to get a bit of blood boiling?

Yep and Nup just don't cut it .


The News Ltd aligned chaps appearred to be the ones with their noses out of joint over this interview..rather amusing as it is the News Ltd aligned publications in the UK who are paying out shed loads of money for illegally tapping peoples phones for stories,,real ethical and professional bunch these News Ltd hacks.

As for Boyd he was gets his rocks off in public dunnies watching other men get blown..he is a class act and by his speech a real smart one as well. Mind you with this pedigree he has found a home at the Dragons.