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Brisbane Broncos sack coach Ivan Henjak


weidler (sp?) on 9 news reckons it was as simple as lockyer wanting him gone, and reckons thatif it werent for henjak, GI would be in brisbane. this comes after cutie has said publicly that he too would still be with the broncos if not for henjak.

sounds like the sacking couldnt come soon enough.

and there doesnt have to be something more sinister behind it. like many of us in our jobs, coaches would have performance measures. if they dont meet them, theyre eligible to be let go.


But he isn't being paid for the length of the contract, if it was a typical sacking he would be paid out and the Broncos would just wear the cost. If it wasn't breached by him then he could sue the Broncos for the income.


weidler (sp?) on 9 news reckons it was as simple as lockyer wanting him gone, and reckons thatif it werent for henjak, GI would be in brisbane. this comes after cutie has said publicly that he too would still be with the broncos if not for henjak.

sounds like the sacking couldnt come soon enough.

and there doesnt have to be something more sinister behind it. like many of us in our jobs, coaches would have performance measures. if they dont meet them, theyre eligible to be let go.

So why the non-disclosure clause? It's just plain fishy.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Seriously how can a CONTRACT not be paid out in full without a breach?

Everyone who says this is because of last year is kidding themselves.

He has been paid for 3months to keep his mouth shut. If it was a simple sacking he would be paid in full for the length of the contract but just not have a job. Instead he is happy to take only 3months pay and not disclose anything....

Something happened, and this is from a Broncos fan.
My pure baseless speculation.

Lockyer said he would not play this year if Ivan remained coach.

The warriors now just need to ditch thier Ivan.


Yep somethings gone down.

It must be bad for Henjak to walk with only 3 months pay.


Lockyer should stfu and support his coach... even if he doesn't like him. The season is about to start ffs.

They had their performance review, elected to keep Henjak (which was the right decision)... so why pull a stunt like this now?

That place must be rotten in the back office. No wonder Bennet was trying to get out for years.

The only thing you could think of is a total relationship break down, telling each other to **** off and the rest of it and they agree to call it quits as it's not working. But why all the secrecy..

Did someone root another dog?


Seriously how can a CONTRACT not be paid out in full without a breach?

Everyone who says this is because of last year is kidding themselves.

He has been paid for 3months to keep his mouth shut. If it was a simple sacking he would be paid in full for the length of the contract but just not have a job. Instead he is happy to take only 3months pay and not disclose anything....

Something happened

x 2

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
weidler (sp?) on 9 news reckons it was as simple as lockyer wanting him gone, and reckons thatif it werent for henjak, GI would be in brisbane. this comes after cutie has said publicly that he too would still be with the broncos if not for henjak.

sounds like the sacking couldnt come soon enough.

and there doesnt have to be something more sinister behind it. like many of us in our jobs, coaches would have performance measures. if they dont meet them, theyre eligible to be let go.
But they would have under Peter Griffins cousin?


But he isn't being paid for the length of the contract, if it was a typical sacking he would be paid out and the Broncos would just wear the cost. If it wasn't breached by him then he could sue the Broncos for the income.

i wish i could find a job, get sacked for failure to perform, but still be paid the length of my contract.


well this is less than ideal. but still, farewell Ivan, thanks for nothing.
Preliminary final. Signature of Israel Folau, return of Ben Hannant, and blooding of a great crop of future Queensland Origin stars. Hardly nothing. He could have cured cancer and the element of fans who scream "WAYNE!" upon orgasm would bag him.

Henjak held it together after Bennet left. It could have been a mass exodus, but Brisbane's roster is stronger than the day Ivan took over.

It is also stupid to suggest that this indicates Bennet will be back. Why would he come to a rabble?

Like what was said previously, Henjak wasn't paid out. He was given 3 months pay to shut his mouth. Just like Lote Tequiri upon leaving Union.

I'd say Henjak did some as yet undisclosed no-no, and by May someone will have the scoop. This was sudden, otherwise the club would have organised it better. Something must have happened during the weekend in Alice Springs.

Gillett? Whoever he is, it's his gig now. And I reckon he'd be the favorite for 2012. Face it - he has a gun squad - and a stack of low contract young guns. He makes the semis - why would they look anywhere else?
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Mr Angry

Not a Referee
i wish i could find a job, get sacked for failure to perform, but still be paid the length of my contract.
Geez mate, you think this does not happen, heard the term golden handshake, happens with CEOs and SES govies all the time.

This is fishier than a St. Kilda schools girls twat.


Well they had Lote on some bs breach of contract technicality, and they still had to pay him out.

Either they got Ivan on a technicailty and he was sick of being undermined and threw his hands up.. but why agree to confidentiality for a pissweak payout.. or someone has been very naughty.

Either way they've got Henjak by the scruff of the neck.. wtf could it be?? Doing my head!

Was he caught wearing ladies underwear?

Anything worth an immediate dismissal and an agreement to confidentiality without a fight must be big.. why hasn't it leaked?

Maybe that's the simple answer.. nothing big has happened otherwise it'd make the papers. If Henjak sh*ts in the corridor of a hotel it makes the papers. Wtf could give them so much leverage over him?


As a Broncos fan I can’t say I’m disappointed. Wasn’t a big fan of Ivan, but gave support most of the time. He made some strange decisions in his time, such as playing Gillett at 5/8th that game and then leaving Norman on the bench for so long when it obviously wasn’t working. But anyways, I wish they did it sooner rather than three weeks out from the first game, although if the players didn’t like him, things will be better off.

As for Bennett speculation and his motivation. Bennett's motivation for coaching really comes down to one main thing. Family. He had said in the past that he wants to make as much money from coaching while he can, so that his two disabled children can be looked after in care for life once he and his wife pass. I’m sure being back in Brisbane where his family live, along with the opportunity to earn big money at the same time will be very appealing to him.

Then why did he leave in the first place?

This is as much an indicator that Bennet will be holding the Bronco clipboard as it is that Henjak is the reincarnation of Jack Gibson. Honestly, some of you lot reckon a dog farting in Weipa is proof that Bennet will be back.

I doubt that it's as simple as Heather having a tantrum. If it is, Heather is a f*cking sook and should have been the one that was punted.


First Grade
Shocked at the timing of it, i thought for sure he would be gone in the off-season but never expected this. What is Anthony griffins story? cant say i have heard of him.



Pfft - the journalistic geniuss at Poxsports have the headline"BRISBANE BRONCOS EYE WAYNE BENNET" because Laurie Daley and Gary Belcher THINK so! :lol::lol:

Good old Ruperts f*ckwit reporting is alive and well. News targeted at the brain dead genius market.


First Grade

Pfft - the journalistic geniuss at Poxsports have the headline"BRISBANE BRONCOS EYE WAYNE BENNET" because Laurie Daley and Gary Belcher THINK so! :lol::lol:

Good old Ruperts f*ckwit reporting is alive and well. News targeted at the brain dead genius market.

Of course Brisbane are eyeing Wayne Bennett, every club is. It doesnt mean he'll go there, regardless of the state they're in.

Bennett wants to go to a club where he can win his precious Premiership with a third club. So who does that put in the running?

The Knights? In a bit of strife at board level and Bennett may wait till deeper in the year before making a decision, but he's said he will announce sooner rather than later, so that looks unlikely.

Souths? Judging by their form at the moment and the egos at that club, Wayne may well decide to steer well clear. It's hardly a match made in heaven. More like a match lobbed into a tinder box.

Canberra? I'm not joking. They have all the ingredients for a full blown tilt at a Premiership including fast backs, a big pack and a five eighth that knows what he's doing. All the things Wayne likes. Plus he was there before and may see it as fulfilling his destiny.

Cronulla.... ok I'll wait..... go on, carry on laughing. Now change your pants..... I'll wait a bit more. This is a bit tongue in cheek and I say it because it will be as funny as f**k reading the reaction from the Red and White Army if it happens, but it's not as far fetched as it sounds. They have a good pack and with some leadership could really turn themselves into a decent outfit. Yes he'd need to get some halves and backs in place, but he would have the run of the place and if he could do the impossible and bring a Premiership to the Shi(t/r)e then he really would cement himself as the greatest coach of all time.

Or maybe I'm just the biggest f**king brain turd dribbler of all time.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
There is no bigger challenge than the sharks.

Not saying Wayne wants it, or is even considering it, but the fact is there is no bigger goal to knock off as a coach.

How does it go 43 years..won......