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Bulldogs looking to recruit Josh Dugan


Post Whore
thats a good point p2bc, but even if he hasnt missed many games, every game you see limping, he usually goes into games not 100%...

i dont think you can doubt his injury concerns. He's unfortunately 2nd only to Catai for clutching at an injury post tackle


TBH, I don't buy all this stuff regarding Dugan's consistent injuries. In three seasons, he has only had one injury hit year, and in saying that he played more than half of the games in 2011.

Depends on how you look at it I guess. He's played 50 games from a possible 71 since his debut which is around 70 odd percent. Given he's still only very young and really just starting his career you should really expect him to have played more games than that. Especially given had it not been for injury he'd have definitely been picked in every one of those 71 games had he been available.

His injury history so far is certainly not going to stop Canberra throwing a heap to re-sign him and other clubs doing the same to sign him and nor should it, but you'd have to say there's somewhat of a risk there given he's had a few injuries so early in his career. Either way I hope he stays with Canberra and can stay fit cos he's one of those players I love watching when he does what he does best.


You should be proud of your heritage StormHi. There are very few morons of your calibre out there. LOL

And their is no such race as Jew you dopey Tryhard schlong.


What an idiot he is, good to see someone else call it how it is.

Place the muppet on ignore. He's a waste of life.


He can trace his lineage back to David? For f**k sake you genius a polish jew isn't half Polish and half Jewish. A polish Jew is a Jew from the diaspora who resides in Poland.

Jews are not a race imbecile. If you knew anything about 'your' people and its history you'd know that. Looking up Wiki is not knowing 'your' history.

What the f**k are you on about? You're reduced to spelling mistakes now. I could write a book on your grammatical f**k ups.

Its not trivial fool. You started the 'racial' element of this discussion anyway dingus.

Greenburg being a Jew is immaterial to the discussion. As a Jew surely you would realise how offensive it is too stereotype. Surely you would have the good sense not to bring his religion into the discussion. Calling GreenBurg Greenberg is an insult but not racially derogatory - unless your feeble mind is always switched on to prejudice.


He is a muppet, he has no clue about football or life, place him on ignore.

Yesturday he was american, today hes a jew. He is a loser who lives in his mothers basement and talks out his ass non stop. He has no idea on life or football, he has nothing to offer but lies. Ignore him.


Hardly surprising give the questions still lingering over Barba's ability to play fullback.


First Grade
I think he is looking at a solution in the halves - Manly's Keiran Foran who he built his side around previously.

I thought this comment was hilarious and shows that you know next to nothing about rugby league. The current Manly team (which still contains 8 players from the 2008 premiership win and has lost Michael Robertson recently) was built long before Foran was looking at being a member of the Manly first grade squad. Surely you aren't suggesting the team was built around a player that was playing Toyota Cup at the time?


oh well good luck to him



I thought this comment was hilarious and shows that you know next to nothing about rugby league. The current Manly team (which still contains 8 players from the 2008 premiership win and has lost Michael Robertson recently) was built long before Foran was looking at being a member of the Manly first grade squad. Surely you aren't suggesting the team was built around a player that was playing Toyota Cup at the time?

You build your team around your 1,6,7 and 9. They're your main points of attack. Of those I dare say Foran would be the most dominant. Neither of your halves last year were there in 2008, so there is a significant difference. Not saying Des completely built his team around Foran, but to deny he was a massive part of last years premiership is a little off the mark I think


First Grade
No denying he played a big part in the success of 2011 but to suggest the team was built around Foran is way off the mark. In fact I'd suggest the team was built around less dominant halves (Orford and Lyon vs DCE and Foran) in that there was more ball playing elsewhere (the Stewarts in particular) and when the halves were strengthened, the extra ball players simply gave more options in attack and that would be a parge part of the reason Manly were so dominant in 2011.

Walt Flanigan

Raiders start fight to keep Dugan green

15 Jan, 2012 01:00 AM

CANBERRA boss Don Furner has urged the NRL to look more seriously at introducing junior player concessions as the Raiders step up their fight to retain star fullback Josh Dugan.
Furner declared clubs with a heavy development focus, clubs such as the Raiders, should receive breathing space in the salary cap to help prevent their best youngsters being poached.

Dugan is off contract at the end of 2012, and Canterbury and St George Illawarra in particular have indicated they are desperate to sign the precocious talent.

Furner held preliminary discussions with Dugan's manager Paul Sutton on Friday, and described them as positive.

The Raiders are aware they face a fierce battle to retain the 21-year-old, and informed Sutton they want Dugan to decide on his future before the 2012 season kicks off.

''Certainly our aim is to either get an answer or get it done before the season starts, because the longer it drags on the more distracting it gets,'' Furner said.

''From my discussions yesterday, if we were in the same ballpark as the others, his preference would be to stay here.

''We recruit from this region and we have to, but we also have to keep them. We can't let our best young talent go and he's one of the best talents we've produced for a long time.''

Canberra has one of the best junior development programs in the game, with current first graders such as Shaun Fensom, Jarrod Croker and Joel Thompson also emerging from its system.

But the Raiders have dealt with the frustration of watching homegrown products enjoy success elsewhere for many years.

The NRL salary cap is set to be increased once the new television rights deal is brokered in June and July. Most clubs have indicated they prefer a straight increase, but Furner wants the concession concept put back on the table.

''There are other clubs that don't put as much as we do into development, they're happy to wait until they get to 23 or 24 when they're hitting their prime,'' Furner said. ''I'd love to see, as opposed to just a big straight increase of the salary cap, more allowances for long-serving players and juniors.



No denying he played a big part in the success of 2011 but to suggest the team was built around Foran is way off the mark. In fact I'd suggest the team was built around less dominant halves (Orford and Lyon vs DCE and Foran) in that there was more ball playing elsewhere (the Stewarts in particular) and when the halves were strengthened, the extra ball players simply gave more options in attack and that would be a parge part of the reason Manly were so dominant in 2011.

Agreed. The reason Manly won the comp was because of their massive range of talent across the park. Top quality ball players in the centres and second row, paired with a solid and exciting combination in the halves = win. In no way were they a team focused in one particular area.


What a load of crock, we got the NSW hooker what a shocker.

If the stories are true about what dogs have done before then i'm not worried about them being tricked, after all they are run by the best ceo in the comp and now a top coach. Not like they have players like moltzen backflip or anything.

You got a one tuff player there BRO, please see below quotes one from Rothfield in 2010 after Ennis went cowering behind his pack hahaha, like the dogs just a softy.

"Bulldogs hooker Michael Ennis should never be picked in a NSW Blues jersey again."

"Some other points to mention:-

Ennis’ brittle defence when Shillington busted through him before QLD scored their last try.

Hiding behind Snowden after starting the stink.

I hope this puts to rest the myth that he is made for origin"


You got a one tuff player there BRO, please see below quotes one from Rothfield in 2010 after Ennis went cowering behind his pack hahaha, like the dogs just a softy.

"Bulldogs hooker Michael Ennis should never be picked in a NSW Blues jersey again."

"Some other points to mention:-

Ennis’ brittle defence when Shillington busted through him before QLD scored their last try.

Hiding behind Snowden after starting the stink.

I hope this puts to rest the myth that he is made for origin"

Dragons fan talking about Origin players hiding :lol::lol:

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