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Burt v Hayne - The Stats


admiral the reason I think Hayne performance was better against he Storm, simply because we were lossing a forward battle (just mind you) and the storm where defending very well but every time Hayne got the ball, he would dent the line. His first run he was able to break the storm wide open and his last run, even thou he was obviously tired, he ran it just as hard. That game Hayne made over 200 meters when only 3 other players where able to make over 100 (Cordoba 101, Hindy 120 and mateo 130). If we talk on peformance, his game against brisbane where we won 68-22 he was amazing in.


One of the best players in the world? Don`t you think that`s a bit of an exaggeration?

Understatement of the year


Raudonikis i agree he isn't one of the best in the world, but if moved to fullback he could be in the top 10 players in the world. Definatly more talented than Falou IMO (falou just jumps higher), and Inu could also get there... but these guys have to see the ball alot more.


Hayne is a myth,he was great when he burst onto the scene in 07 but he has pretty much done nothing since for parra,he performed for fiji..i liked what Hindy said in an article 2 weeks ago when he was asked whos the funniest guys in the team,he said finchy cos he cracks us up,he said jarryds funny to,not cos of anything he says but cos we dont no if hes all there..he thinks hes the messiah and better than everyone one but hes just not.


Post Whore
Who said he is one of the best players in the world now???? I said in the back end of 2007 AT FULLBACK he was. Since then he has been shifted all over the place to accomodate at best an average first grader. I thought the reason we let Wade go was because we had Hayne coming through. Instead we are playing a guy who besides half a year in 2007 been nothing more than average.


Raudonikis i agree he isn't one of the best in the world, but if moved to fullback he could be in the top 10 players in the world. Definatly more talented than Falou IMO (falou just jumps higher), and Inu could also get there... but these guys have to see the ball alot more.

Sorry but i have been totally dissapointed in the both of them since they got big contracts when they were both wingers.

Ron Jeremy

One of the best players in the world? Don`t you think that`s a bit of an exaggeration?

by the end of 2007 it was talked about by many people due to his amazing form at fullback.

people really you have short memories...he was above good, he was simply amazing, then f**king burt came back and he hasn't really had a chance since.

f**k off burt.

Ron Jeremy

Actually, that`s exactly what stats do - they lie. Because they don`t tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

kinda funny then in that Hayne has almost as many wins as burt in half the games dont you think? also funny how we also score and conceade less points, add that to the fact that Hayne is generally a more gifted fullback and has performed in finals at that position for Parramatta and played rep football, there simply is no comparison.

So in this instance, yes, stats dont lie!

Admiral Awesome

Stats dont mean everything, just watching the game u can see Hayne is a better player and would be a better fullback. Stats just back that up in this case.

Burt is in the team because our old friend Hagan signed him for 3 years, we have no true 5/8th & no backup centres ready for first grade. Meaning Hayne has to fill the gaps and a spot opens up for Burt..

If im coach, i'd bite the bullet and give our best , highest paid back his preferred option and shift the backline around that. But im not. Also gotta remember Burt has friends in high places...coaches, senior players, groupies like HJ...


He was. But he was barking orders at a very, very unfit and uninterested team.

How come they still did better with Hayne at fullback last year?

If Burt's only real strength is his 'barking of orders' then why don't we just put him in a trainers jersey and give him some water bottles....

Ron Jeremy

How come they still did better with Hayne at fullback last year?

If Burt's only real strength is his 'barking of orders' then why don't we just put him in a trainers jersey and give him some water bottles....

:lol: saying that burts real strength is his barking of orders is much like when we talk about fat chicks, in that to salavage some hope we say they've got a nice heart and great personality:lol:

All fullbacks talk behing the line, and burts stats arent as superior as haynes in attack and defense, so i guess haynes words are more constructive hence the stats.

stats mean everything

Ron Jeremy

We were already on that run before Burt was injured; and Burt was slaying it at fullback. Hayne then came along and played very well, too. But the WHOLE team was playing well. For the record I think Burt is under-rated and Hayne is over-rated. Obviously, in theory, Hayne is a better player, but he`s not as good as some people think. He`s in a class behind Folau and Inglis and Slater and Stewart at the moment. He might improve when the team improves. Might get to their level, might not. But he`s not there yet.

burt lived of Tim Smith in 2007, after he went he went back to his normal self.

Ron Jeremy

When was the last time Burt held up a player attempting to score a try? Has he ever?

When was the last time Burt scored not off a kick or backing up someone elses break? Has he ever?

When was the last time he took a bomb on the full?

All things other fullbacks do weekly.

but but but he barks orders from the back:lol:

Admiral Awesome

but but but he barks orders from the back:lol:

Maybe he can order himself to catch kicks on the full and chew up easy metres to make the forwards job easier.

He picks it up on the 5th bounce and throws a ball across field to a winger. For a net gain of about 5metres. Does my head in!

I think everyone agrees he isnt the best fullback in the club (cept HahaHolloywood), the only argument is his gettin a run coz we dont have other centres / 5/8ths capable of making Burt redundent. We didnt have another halfback either. Thanks Hagan, legacy lives on!
If Burt's only real strength is his 'barking of orders' then why don't we just put him in a trainers jersey and give him some water bottles....

As I've already said, put Burt to five-eighth. We can still use his other invaluable skills there - kicking and second man play (which no one else in the team can do).

Get rid of Burt and you get rid of our only second man, our only chance for a 40-20 and a decent back up kicker, not to mention our #1 goalkicker. He can still do all of these things at 6.

We can then put Mateo into 13 and shove him up the middle in heavy traffic or just off the fringes where his offloads work best and where he can start the second phase.

Worried about defense? Chuck Hindmarsh next to him on one side and another decent defender on the other. Happens with a lot five-eighths so no problem there.
we dont have other centres / 5/8ths capable of making Burt redundent.

Which has been my argument all along.

Get rid of Burt and you get rid of second man play and our best all 'round kicker (40-20, back up, goalkicker). No one else in the team can do any of these things (except goals) let alone all of them like Burt does.

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