I don't believe in this whole "no carbs" argument. Look at Asian people for instance. A lot of them basically live on Rice, most meals in a day and on the whole, they are generally fairly thin. I'm not talking about those that are of low socio economic status either. I have a lot of Asian friends, most of those come from households where they basically have rice in the rice cooker 24/7. First thing they do whenever they get home is have a plate of rice with whatever else has been cooked to go with it and on the whole, I would say that they are all fairly slim.
I notice that most of my Asian friends don't eat a lot of junk food. They don't really snack but eat at irregular hours so when they do eat, they eat as per above. They would be more likely to have several small meals (with rice on the side) per day than three large meals and some snacks. These small meals could be at normal-ish hours or they may be eating rice at 3am. Completely going against what everyone says about carbs yet they are within healthy weight range.