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Central Coast Bears release new logo, aiming for 2012 inclusion


First Grade
Knew you'd turn up you NSW hating whinger.

Got the coach
Got the ground
Got the logo
Got the history

Reds past level 1 yet?

How can you possibly apply historyto an expansion team you bint?

The Reds have all 3 of those by the way (ignoring that ridiculous history sh*t, and counting Chris Dever as current coach)

Perth Red

Post Whore
Why does it have a bright red nose?

Why isn't there any push from the people of the CC?

Smacks of a failed Sydney club just desperate to get back in the big time and the CC is their only option.

ps Loudstrat we launched our new logo 18 months ago but i wouldn't expect a sydneycentric like you to have noticed!

Makes sense to have the CC in one day, we really really need another NSW team, we simply don't have enough!
Get rid of Cronulla and NSW can have the Bears back. They haven't been missed, they hadn't done anything for 80 years anyway and I doubt anyone will give 2 sh*ts if they don't get Gosford either.


Get rid of Cronulla and NSW can have the Bears back. They haven't been missed, they hadn't done anything for 80 years anyway and I doubt anyone will give 2 sh*ts if they don't get Gosford either.

Here is the reason why storm supporters and people from melbourne get treated with contempt when it come to oour game. Rugby leaguneeds a team on the cc, not nsw. You just dont get it.


Why does it have a bright red nose?

Why isn't there any push from the people of the CC?

Smacks of a failed Sydney club just desperate to get back in the big time and the CC is their only option.

ps Loudstrat we launched our new logo 18 months ago but i wouldn't expect a sydneycentric like you to have noticed!

Makes sense to have the CC in one day, we really really need another NSW team, we simply don't have enough!

I like the logo but yes I am biased, Maybe you should worry about the rabid sunburnt roo.

This is a Sydney club that moved to the CC over 10 years ago willingly without deperation. After that failed attempt (I wont go over the history again but if you are a league supporter you would probably be across it).

It is ridiculous to keep bringing up these tired arguments about NSW when you have an area like the Central Coast adjoing the North Shore with a combined massive population. Who gives a rats if it is in NSW.

They have a stadium, They have the ready made supporter base, They have links to a foundation club with a great brand (this is a plus).

This is an oppurtunity to do something great and bring a lot of supporters back to the NRL, whilst at the same time establishing a team in an area with a very strong league in its own right.

There is support on the Central Coast for this and it will only get stronger. They haven't even submitted a bid yet. I can't give you mames and numbers just a general feeeling.

They have actively sought out and got support from local councils and other parties and identities etc in the region. The local press seem to be getting behind it too.

There will be people to poo poo it (and I include you as one of these people) but I dont expect this sniping to derail the bid. As an observer, I think they are treading carefully but heading in the right direction.
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Why does it have a bright red nose?

Why isn't there any push from the people of the CC?

Smacks of a failed Sydney club just desperate to get back in the big time and the CC is their only option.

ps Loudstrat we launched our new logo 18 months ago but i wouldn't expect a sydneycentric like you to have noticed!

Makes sense to have the CC in one day, we really really need another NSW team, we simply don't have enough!

PerthRed, that's bvllsh!t. The Bears made the decision to relocate to the Central Coast in 1999 WHILST THEY WERE STILL IN THE COMP. Their intentions in 1999 were not mere speculation and rumour, but they officially announced that the will be relocating AND THEY FINANCIALLY CONTRUBUTED THE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STADIUM IN GOSFORD. And then they got shafted by News Ltd and the NRL.

So it's hardly a case of the Bears all of a sudden becoming warm and fuzzy about the Central Coast now that they are out of the comp. They are trying to get back what they were denied in 1999/2000.

If any team is a 'failed club' it's the Perth Reds. We all know that you are passionate League fan based in Perth that desperately wants to see the Reds reinstated - and that's fair enough too. Stop being so bitchy about other teams trying to get into the comp.

Don't you realise that if the Bears get in, it will actually help the Reds' cause because the NRL will not want an uneven 17 team comp. If the Bears get in they will want an 18th team.

Stop tryin to hijack every expansion post with a whinge about the Reds - I want the Reds back in the comp too.
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Perth Red stop being a pest. Loads of people here would love to see the Reds return but you just give everyone the sh*ts with your constant thread hijacking and Sydney bashing


First Grade
PerthRed, that's bvllsh!t. The Bears made the decision to relocate to the Central Coast in 1999 WHILST THEY WERE STILL IN THE COMP. Their intentions in 1999 were not mere speculation and rumour, but they officially announced that the will be relocating AND THEY FINANCIALLY CONTRUBUTED THE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STADIUM IN GOSFORD. And then they got shafted by News Ltd and the NRL.

So it's hardly a case of the Bears all of a sudden becoming warm and fuzzy about the Central Coast now that they are out of the comp. They are trying to get back what they were denied in 1999/2000.

If any team is a 'failed club' it's the Perth Reds. We all know that you are passionate League fan based in Perth that desperately wants to see the Reds reinstated - and that's fair enough too. Stop being so bitchy about other teams trying to get into the comp.

Don't you realise that if the Bears get in, it will actually help the Reds' cause because the NRL will not want an uneven 17 team comp. If the Bears get in they will want an 18th team.

Stop tryin to hijack every expansion post with a whinge about the Reds - I want the Reds back in the comp too.
I don't understand what the problem with an odd number of teams is, personally. We have an even number of teams now and there are 2 byes per team with reduced rounds. Isn't that just as bad, if not worse? The NRL would be shooting itself in the foot if it added a team just to avoid a weekly bye - 16 teams is proving more and more to be the right balance at the moment, as far as consistently distributed player talent is concerned. We have 272 players running around each week and there is still a fair chunk of ordinary ones in that bunch. Even adding one team, we have to find an extra 17 a week which, by definition, means 17 extra ordinary players we have to watch every week. I like it how it is now, 8 games is plenty, and every team has a generous portion of quality players.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Stop tryin to hijack every expansion post with a whinge about the Reds - I want the Reds back in the comp too.

Think you'll find it was Loudstrat who brought the Reds into the discussion not me, I simply commented on my thoughts about wether the NRL should be concentrating its meagre resources on another NSW team above true expansion. Excuse me for having an opinion!

Ultimately there isn't a lot to choose between the CC, Wellington, Perth or Brisbane Mk2. All have decent stadiums, a solid fanbase, a structure (Brisbane2 and Wellington less so than the others imo). Major unknown at this point is financial backing and knowing how skint and conservative the NRL are that will probably be the ultimate deciding factor (unless the next TV deal throws in a wildcard and asks for expansion and dictates where).

Good luck the fans on the CC and anywhere else that want a team. We'll fight our fight and may the best bids win!
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I don't understand what the problem with an odd number of teams is, personally. We have an even number of teams now and there are 2 byes per team with reduced rounds. Isn't that just as bad, if not worse? The NRL would be shooting itself in the foot if it added a team just to avoid a weekly bye - 16 teams is proving more and more to be the right balance at the moment, as far as consistently distributed player talent is concerned. We have 272 players running around each week and there is still a fair chunk of ordinary ones in that bunch. Even adding one team, we have to find an extra 17 a week which, by definition, means 17 extra ordinary players we have to watch every week. I like it how it is now, 8 games is plenty, and every team has a generous portion of quality players.

I understand where you are coming from, but generally when you look back on when there has been an uneven number of teams it has been short-lived. And most major leagues in teh world have an even number.

Having a team have a bye each week will be looked upon as an wasted opportunity to sell and promote the game further to fans/broadcasters/ sponsors.

Think you'll find it was Loudstrat who brought the Reds into the discussion not me, I simply commented on my thoughts about wether the NRL should be concentrating its meagre resources on another NSW team above true expansion. Excuse me for having an opinion!

Ultimately there isn't a lot to choose between the CC, Wellington, Perth or Brisbane Mk2. All have decent stadiums, a solid fanbase, a structure (Brisbane2 and Wellington less so than the others imo). Major unknown at this point is financial backing and knowing how skint and conservative the NRL are that will probably be the ultimate deciding factor (unless the next TV deal throws in a wildcard and asks for expansion and dictates where).

Good luck the fans on the CC and anywhere else that want a team. We'll fight our fight and may the best bids win!

I never said you weren't entitled to your opinion, but to just bag off the Bears as a broken down Sydney team that only wants to go to the Central Coast because they are out of the comp is plain wrong and I had to correct you on that. It's common knowledge that the Bears were to relocate to Central Coast back in 1999/2000.

And I disagree with you that having a team on the Central Coast isn't 'true expansion'. It is expansion - adding a team in a heavily populated and vast geographical area stretching from the Harbour Bridge to Lake Maquarie with a ready-made fanbase in a Rugby League stronghold isn't to be sneezed at. And the North Shore is the wealthiest area in Sydney so it's crazy that they don't have a Rugby League team.

Just becasue the team is in NSW is irrelevant.

The best thing going for the Bears is that as far as expansion teams go is it's very low-risk - the stadium, suporters, and everything else needed for a team is there (a 2nd Brisbnane team is also low-risk for expansion). Which means that maybe the NRL can take a gamble and bring in Perth which is a higher risk. Bringing in 2 high-risk teams at the same time is a no-no so maybe the Bears and the Reds would be a good fit for the next 2 teams.


Adding only 1 team doesn't give an extra game. So its extra costs for the game without more TV money, gate takings, and extra sponsorship. Makes far more sense to have 2 teams in give the game a big income boost every week
It's a cool logo...LOL @ the painted red claws though. Pretty!...Kinda gives away the fact a female designed it.


Logo is ok, not a bad start, probably still a work in progress.I can see them putting in a Bears 1908 somewhere on it.
It makes sense for the Bears to be redmitted now, all our competing codse are expanding in league areas, western Sydney, Qld etc..the NRL cannot afford to be caught napping.


besides a few people on here saying that the cc is screaming out for a team...where is the proof?

When GC campaigned, they were getting 18-19k to TRIAL games with two Sydney clubs.

They had thousands of people turn up to campaign for a team in their promo video.

If CC was in such dire need of a team why isnt this happening. Why arent the NRL games they get sell outs, they get Sydney teams which are close to them and NRL games, GC sold out trials with teams 1000km away.

So tell me, how the hell is CC so desperate for a team