Whos james mahoney? Liked my post on wwos.
What's he meant to do? Walk in there with a gun and say put it on Gem or else?
I'm sure he is reminding them that they will get no favours when the next TV rights are negotiated. I would like to see Ten/One HD get it.
Whos james mahoney? Liked my post on wwos.
Hopefully Nine lose the rights followed up with a breach of contract lawsuit.
That be me. They deleted all my copy pastas
I was liking most peoples posts.
Haha, facebook think i am a spambot. Have to put in Captchas to post anything lol.
Though i dont know how seriously i'll be taken with my picture being mewtwo facing off with frieza :/
^^^^ Heres Hoping. This is fun. I wonder how long Channel 9 will keep my posts there for.