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Commission to outlaw 'shoulder charge'

Should the Shoulder Charge be banned?

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What would Sandow do in defense if they banned the shoulder charge? He might just literally stand there as defenders run past, we all know tackling properly is beyond him


More than A-okay, legal hits are f**king awesome, it's just a shame such a softcock player and sooking team who can't handle tough legal play (but love a good elbow to the face) try and bring the whole league down to their own level of softcockness.

I was wrong, you're even dumber than Gordie :lol:

And who justified Prior's hit, d*ckhead?



Banning the shoulder charge is stupid and an overreaction. Just penalise contact with the head! The worse the contact, the heavier the penalty.

I see shoulder charges that come into contact with the head the same as head high tackles, which they haven't been able to remove from the game and never will.

A perfectly executed shoulder charge is one of the best sights in the modern game of rugby league and it is what sets our game above the skirt wearing fumbleball and yawnion bullshit.


I know. But we can't do any sort of study or stats comparison on minor concussions because nobody reports them :lol:

Just wtf is your point?
You asked about the last time a player suffered a "proper" concussion from a legal shoulder charge, i was merely pointing out that a player
doesn't need to be sent directly to no.55 silly street to have suffered a brain injury


More than A-okay, legal hits are f**king awesome, it's just a shame such a softcock player and sooking team who can't handle tough legal play (but love a good elbow to the face) try and bring the whole league down to their own level of softcockness.

You were doing okay until this post. Back to your hole dribbler.

It's hilarious reading and watching comments from ex-players and current players regarding the shoulder charge. They all claim that the move must remain in the game, that it's an exciting and integral part of the game. Yet when a player destroys another with a shoulder to the head they all cry foul. You can't have it both ways. I see no reason to ban the shoulder charge but if you connect with another players head you deserve to miss numerous games - accident or not.

Unfortunately when it comes to player safety the game is let down by ex-players and current players who can't fathom actual medical and scientific evidence. Players need to be protected from themselves sometimes. The blame here lies squarely with the NRL. They should be far more proactive and ignore the cries from players past and present. We're leagues behind other world class sporting organisations in this key area.


First Grade
Banning the shoulder charge is stupid and an overreaction. Just penalise contact with the head! The worse the contact, the heavier the penalty.

I see shoulder charges that come into contact with the head the same as head high tackles, which they haven't been able to remove from the game and never will.

A perfectly executed shoulder charge is one of the best sights in the modern game of rugby league and it is what sets our game above the skirt wearing fumbleball and yawnion bullshit.

This. Plus as someone who plays and watches union i've seen how hard it is to police. Seeing the ability of our refs to adjucate on simple things just makes me think they wouldn't be able to handle this properly either.


This. Plus as someone who plays and watches union i've seen how hard it is to police. Seeing the ability of our refs to adjucate on simple things just makes me think they wouldn't be able to handle this properly either.
Yep, actually, I think this is the best argument of them all.

Imagine a game that is decided on a referees interpretation of what is a shoulder charge?

Right now the video referee changes his mind from week to week on what constitutes a try. We don't need yet another rule that is being interpreted rather than simply enforced.
Seeing Kyle O'Donnell nearly knocked out cold by a legal shoulder charge was good enough for me.

Its not about being tough its the fact that players every year are become stronger and stronger and the damage to their opponents is going to get worse and worse.

Oh yeah and I'll also limit tackles to a maximum of 2 people at once?

Why because I actually care about players quality of life afterwoulds.

You're a moron. Concussions from head clashes in legal wrapping tackles happen quite often in Rugby.

You're just going to act like players like Owen Franks and Matu'u aren't running around knocking people out with their heads every couple of games?

You effectively want to ban the shoulder charge because accidents happen. Well by the same token we should ban tackling itself.
to all you tough guys who say , toughen up , softcocks etc etc. maybe you better start thinking about following something else , because , the shoulder charge will not be allowed next year due to people power. the game is tough enough without shoulder charges.what is the drama with having to use your arms ? you still hit with the shoulder in a proper tackle. cannot see a drama in pissing it off straight away.

The vast majority support the shoulder charge.

Shove your people power up your arse, you deluded f**kwit.

YOU are in the minority, especially where player opinion is concerned.

The only people in support of a shoulder charge ban are non league fans, who want to cripple the game and turn it into a union derpfest
You asked about the last time a player suffered a "proper" concussion from a legal shoulder charge, i was merely pointing out that a player
doesn't need to be sent directly to no.55 silly street to have suffered a brain injury

Well thanks for stating the obvious. I didn't know there were several levels of concussions, I only specifically made reference to a specific type of concussion because I was blissfully aware of concussion variation...........

Does what you're saying even make sense while typing it? The very fact I asked for a "proper" concussion should tell you that I know of other varying degrees of concussion.

f**k me.


Well thanks for stating the obvious. I didn't know there were several levels of concussions, I only specifically made reference to a specific type of concussion because I was blissfully aware of concussion variation...........

Does what you're saying even make sense while typing it? The very fact I asked for a "proper" concussion should tell you that I know of other varying degrees of concussion.

f**k me.
Fair enough,then


not up to the players to decide... as players don't think about their own welfare..as doctors...

Shoulder charges are a problem now as players are bigger and stronger then ever before...

they are high risk with season ending injuries..with small benefit...


The game is very cautious now with head injuries... as their is a massive law suits with ex NFL players in America....


Seeing Kyle O'Donnell nearly knocked out cold by a legal shoulder charge was good enough for me.

Its not about being tough its the fact that players every year are become stronger and stronger and the damage to their opponents is going to get worse and worse.

Oh yeah and I'll also limit tackles to a maximum of 2 people at once?

Why because I actually care about players quality of life afterwoulds.

to all you tough guys who say , toughen up , softcocks etc etc. maybe you better start thinking about following something else , because , the shoulder charge will not be allowed next year due to people power. the game is tough enough without shoulder charges.what is the drama with having to use your arms ? you still hit with the shoulder in a proper tackle. cannot see a drama in pissing it off straight away.

Honestly, go support f**king netball or AFL or something.

I don't believe we have people saying we need to protect the players from themselves. They're adults for f**ks sake!
not up to the players to decide... as players don't think about their own welfare..as doctors...

Shoulder charges are a problem now as players are bigger and stronger then ever before...

they are high risk with season ending injuries..with small benefit...

Doctors would ban f**king tackling if they were given a chance :lol:

Shoulder charges are not a problem and there has been not one valid argument put forward to give that claim any weight. We've heard over and over for 50 pages that shoulder charges are a big problem and that shoulder charges are a serious injury risk, and nobody saying so has given weight to it.

If you're going to make statements then back your statements with evidence.

List off the season ending injuries from shoulder charges this year.

You people disgust me with your agendas and filthy lies, repeating cliches from eejit doctors who aren't even using facts to form their own opinions, but are instead following media indoctrination.

Where's the facts. Where is the hard science which says shoulder charges are a significant health risk. 1 concussion in 10,000 tackles? f**k off.
I've been pleading with you all for the duration of the thread to put the evidence up, bring the evidence, show us the evidence that proves shoulder charges are a serious health risk.

Not one of you has been able to do it. Like cowards, you disappear from the thread, or you avoid the request all together.

You're all so matter-of-fact about shoulder charges being this massive injury risk, but even you know there is no evidence, you're just going off what the media and some f**kwit doctors have told you. As if the opinion of doctors is infallible, like most of them aren't in the business of peddling prescription medication to bankroll the pharma industry lmao. Real credible characters these doctors.

David Givney comes out making these preposterous statements, but he knows his claims are baseless and without evidence.

All this bullshit about health and players going to break their necks. Well so what if a player does eventually, after 50 years, break his neck in a freak accident? As if one broken neck would be proof that the shoulder charge is dangerous. 1 broken neck in 10 million tackles, lol. Might as well ban people from leaving their bed on the basis that there is a 1 in 10 million chance a ninja attacks them with a samurai sword. f**k me. People break their necks in Rugby ALL the time! You reckon the Rugby lot would get rid of the scrum? You reckon there would even be a sustained media campaign against the scrum in rugby? Never.

Learn to think for yourselves. Stop parroting media myths. That goes for f**kwit doctors like Givney, too.


I fear for this game. Pissweak moronic fans will drag it to the lowest common denominator, but hey, at least Mums will be content knowing their 6 year old is safe playing mini-league.

Here's a pro tip - if you're agreeing with Phil Rothfield, you're wrong.

Jason Maher

I'm with Warren Ryan on this one. A lot of shoulder charges involve blind-siding a player, and frequently they involve a player leading with a forearm/elbow. A lot of players seem to think putting a shoulder on someone proves how tough they are. It doesn't. If anything, it proves the opposite. The tough players are blokes like Gillmeister and Gillespie who snapped blokes in half with conventional tackles. Carl Webb's hit on Bailey in Origin was tough, GI Jane's hit on Dean Young wasn't.

But what would Warren Ryan know? He's certainly not a Rugby League person.