I'm happy to repeat myself:
This rule change is just a blatant concession (read: submission) to the naysayers, the soccer mums and the wowsers, especially in the mainstream media, who think that the onus is on the code to wrap its players in bubble wrap, not the onus is on the player to understand the risks involved in playing a full contact sport that has been going on for over 100 years, with one very clear set of rules without any major incident on field.
Come mid season next year, with all the negative press amongst footy commentators and the fans after numerous dud calls (as if the code needed more referee stuff ups giving wash ups like Phil Rothfield something to put in their columns. Wasn't Harrimerkin sacked for that??) the ARLC will already regret this decision as just flat out stupidity.
Cowardice and spinelessness are not the first things you wanna demonstrate as traits if you want to win over the supporterbase that keeps you afloat with their money. Fans will not tolerate the best players in their sides being suspended for 2-3+ games for what is a mundane, typical, run of the mill shoulder charge that is legal everywhere else except the NRL. They would have to be absolute dribblers to allow the English Super League to get one up on them like this, it is just ridiculous; and after the fans start chucking their shit around the room, the clubs and coaches will be next. Imagine if a penalty from an otherwise normal shoulder charge cost the Knights 2 points; Bennett would be spewing and in a weird way I hope that does happen to at least one club. We need as many real world examples as possible to prove just how dumb this whole fiasco is.
Roll on the shitstorm so we can finally put some vocal pressure on the ARLC to reverse this short sighted farce.