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Cross is a Toss


I'm comparing a serial offender who started it, with a one-off. Morrison has been getting away with cheap shots for years.
The Only Grub is Cross and if you want to look at another Grub have a look at your own back yard at the Guy u cal Mozzzzzz.


So you're both saying you didn't see Morrison perform high shots first on Cross and then Morley in the first half and Cayless in the second, is that right?

Simpkins sent Morley off for less. And only one incident. Morrison is a serial offender.


Ryan Cross is such a sook, who does he think he is by previously suggesting that he should play state of origin, there are quite a few centres much more worthy of the spot than he is, but then again maybe he is just shocked that he hasn't been given the special treatment by the Bluesters.


Fairfax said:
So you're both saying you didn't see Morrison perform high shots first on Cross and then Morley in the first half and Cayless in the second, is that right?

Simpkins sent Morley off for less. And only one incident. Morrison is a serial offender.

I saw them all........you'll see several every week from Morrison sailing close to the wind. He got Reick & Fulton VERY high in cosecutive tackles V Wests round 1.
Doesnt give someone the excuse though to go pop his eyeball out.

The only good thing about this incident is that both players involved are both maggotty merkins.

The Business

I don't know about anybody else but during my days as a park footballer I reckon I was eye gouged 5000 times. Not a pleasant experience but certainly something that happens. I just got on with it.


Cross will go, but I don't want to hear indignant defenses of Morrison, he's an absolute grub. A serial offender.

I also seem to be missing the thread where people are attacking Brian Smith for accusing Cayless of lieing down to get a penalty. Or is that just reserved for Ricky Stuart and the Roosters?


Dirk Shark said:
Channel 9 made nothing of the incident, no replay or comentry. Any other team or player I wonder.

They replayed it after the incident, at half time and after the game. Ray Warren continually referred to the incident. I was incensed that they didn't mention Morrison's first hit on Morley where he got up sick after being hit in the throat by a swinging arm. Or his high shot on Cross or grapple tackle on Fitzgibbon. Simply put, he made Mick Crocker look like one of the good guys.

You must be seriously deluded. Did you watch the game at all?


Fairfax said:
Morrison is a serial offender.
No doubts about that. It's ironic really. Cross is a wanker who whinges constantly, so is Morrison. They are both grubs, and both had parts of their game last night that should come under scrutiny. Only Cross did a dispicable act that should attract a heavy suspension.


Tommy Smith said:
Psycho in him? More like deep-seated anger. He needs anger management. You see he's the cashier who keeps on holding it all in, until one day, BOOM!

You're talking about Morrison there - but let me ask one question: how many players has the 'deep-seated anger man' EYE GOUGED in his career??

Is that NONE???

I think there was an incident involving 2 players, and one of them has 'deep seated anger' - and it's not Morrison.

Danny Williams king hit on a guy from behind was disgraceful and shameful.

Ryan Cross' eye-gouge was less than shameful, it was disgusting, vile an defenceless. Ryan Cross is the biggest loser in the world because he cannot control himself out on the football field, and, worst of all, pretended that he couldn't remember the incident after the game, claiming 'it's not my go'.

I guess he hasn't done it before - but neither had Danny Williams king hit a player in the back of the head before... so, now that Cross has gouged, it IS HIS GO. He is a filthy gouger, and I don't care who he gouged, he could've gouged Hopoate, it does not make it ok.

It is plainly clear from watching this years games that Cross has got some brain-control issues on the field, he has lashed out at players many times while being tackled - and did so last night. This eye-gouge is just the icing on the cake, time for Ryan Cross to sit down for a year or so to think about why he is an idiot.

Whatever suspsension he gets will be too short. But, taking Greg Bird's kneeing and Danny Williams king hit into account (both of which are lesser acts than assaulting a player's eye): I would say somewhere in the vicinity of 22-30 weeks would be right. Probably 24 games - an entire season - would let Cross know that the game is not about him, and he must learn to control his filth.


he should have been sent off the park when it happened.

Any way Cross will go for 8 weeks, and if he does'ent, then we all know *edit*
Like we did'ent know before!


Fairfax said:
So you're both saying you didn't see Morrison perform high shots first on Cross and then Morley in the first half and Cayless in the second, is that right?

Simpkins sent Morley off for less. And only one incident. Morrison is a serial offender.
oh and did you not see morleys knees into burts back
is that right ........no of course not

Harold Bishop

Cross will get 10 weeks minimum, what would have happened if Morrison lost sight in one of his eyes? people would be talking life bans here.
Morrison on the other hand needs to do something about his tackling technique, nearly every game he racks up around 5 borderline high shots.


First Grade
i didnt see it but of course chanel nine rnt gonna do a thing they dont say a bad thing about the roosters.
he did score 2 tries but i dont think he is good enough for SOO


I'm saying that 10 weeks is not good enough! It is clearly worse than Greg Bird's knee to the head (16 weeks), or Danny Williams cheap shot (18weeks) - has to be a longer suspension.

Just because Morrison's eye didn't pop out doesn't mean the suspension should be any less - imagine if he'd scratched his cornea or something?? We'd all be far more outraged!!


First Grade
Eye gouge without a doubt. I hate seeing that sort of stuff. It makes the game look bad. A high shot is one thing, but racking you fingers across someones eyes is not appropriate.

Morrisson's hit was high and deserving of a penalty.

Surprised the Eels couldn't put the Roosters away with all of the possession and field position. There was some terrible ball control by the Roosters last night.

I love wet weather footy.
hybrideel said:
i'm guessing tommy is just a bit excited that england won a few cricket games. i see you haven't updated your sig with last nights result you tosser.

Of all the ludicrous teenage-slang I've heard on this board -- "merkin" has got to be the most ridiculous. Isn't a "merkin" a pubic wig? Why on earth would you call someone a "pubic wig"??? Baffled!

I didn't think there was much in the facial Cross handed out. I've seen dozens just like it this year. Johhny Gibbs said on 2UE that he didn't think Cross had a case to answer.

Dirk Titan

On 2UE this morning they are talking it down, saying that he did not run his fingers across his eyes. They are saying he was tring to work the players face and his fingers were on his eyes with no gouge.

I saw his fingers pushing into his eyes as he was looking at them.