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Crowd Watch 2014

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Clearly you have NO IDEA about the NRL. You name three of the most successful Sydney clubs as candidates to break up? lol. You think Manly fans will start going for North Coast Bears? You think Rabbitohs or Roosters fans are going to support a relocated team?

NRL start attacking Sydney teams and they lose their fan base

"NRL start attacking Sydney teams and they lose their fan base" ??

What f**king fan base.
Mate Manchester has a fan base, Liverpool has a fan base, Collywood has a fan base, Sydney clubs. ???
No, your not fooling anyone.
Cut and chop, now before the other cities who blindly follow rugby league start going backwards as well.
Brisbane must be getting bored seeing our heartland with hugh, f**king huge crowds, 10 thousand,,,,,,,15 thousand, why,
cant be bothered, cant travel, dont like Manly, my leg hurts, me head is sore, i'm only four.

Grand Final replay, 15 f**king thousand. No wonder Fifita wants to go to union, to play in front of 80 thousand crowds while on holiday in europe,.

You get sick of the BS comign from Sydney fans, you cant chop them, you have no idea, they are the biggest club.
Load of crap. They are pathetic little clubs hanging on by some power broker who likes his little toy.

We kicked the bunnies out once, a 100 year old club, no worries.
Dont say we cant do it, of course we can, and for the good of the code we need to again.
All these so called fans saying they will leave and go to other codes, good, see ya.

The game wont miss a couple of hundred.
In the meantime we can have 3 Brisbane teams with true blockbusters.
Perth into the comp and a second New Zealand team so they dont go backwards.
Learning from other codes, well we have to expand and have derbies.
Like soccer, like AFL, both codes that have grown,,,,,,,,, while league has gone backwards.

The code will be dead in 5 years we keep going down this dead-end path.
We are losing viewers as well. Sattler is no longer watching, one of thousands.
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First Grade
Sydney people just wont leave couch...


Swans post 45k tonight

the fumbles & bumbles will be watched by the smallest crowd to watch these 2 sides at ANZ tonight

approx. half of the crowd of 72,600 that were there in 2003
proving beyond doubt that crowds are a problem across all sports in Sydney ATM
not just RL.
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First Grade
The spin has got to stop.
Two games less than 25 thousand to two of the biggest blockbusters in Sydney.

Time for the NRL to stop this nonsense and start merging and chopping Sydney teams and open up the game to the rest of Australia.
We have cities of 5 million people where the game can expand. Why are we persevering with Sydney who obviously have turned their back on the game.
Manly brawls, Roosters buying a comp, now the Dogs also trying to buy a comp is all coming back to haunt the code. Badly run clubs with their beaks forever open looking for handouts, bailouts, owing tens of millions of dollars in bad debts, how much longer before the NRL acts on this badly run comp, where players are simply making a mockery and walking into union while thumbing their noses at the code, and the media helping them sink in the boot.
We can have this for another 5 years until the death of the code, or we can bloody well damm change and do something about it.

Manly to change their name to North Coast Bears, Sharks to Wellington, Roosters or Bunnies to Queensland and start breaking up the Sydney monopoly which cant grow, and is now offically going backwards.

Need a tissue mate? That was one almighty sook.


Sydney people just wont leave couch...


Swans post 45k tonight

OUch, that is truely a kick in the guts to Sydney rugby league.

45 k. If that was rugby league we would be drooling, drooling i tell ya.

No, Sydney rugby league has hit the wall. It will take something huge to pull this code out of the doldrums.
Cant keep going down the path we heading, it's a dead-end road and everyone looking from the outside into Sydney can see the writing on the wall.
The stadiums are crap, they all need fixing and a new one built out west.

Brisbane lead the way by building a purpose built 53 thousand mega stadium, Sydney looked on and let the game wither on the vine while playing outta sorts in a big round elephant and one team use of Sydney Footy stadium, in the wrong spot for most teams out west.
They need a suncorp in Parra and all western teams to play out of this until crowds reach 50 thousand.
It is a simple solution.
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Hope Parra can beat both of those crowds last night so i can post the following

Wooden spooners > Roosters + Manly + Dragons


First Grade
OUch, that is truely a kick in the guts to Sydney rugby league.

45 k. If that was rugby league we would be drooling, drooling i tell ya.

No, Sydney rugby league has hit the wall. It will take something huge to pull this code out of the doldrums.
Cant keep going down the path we heading, it's a dead-end road and everyone looking from the outside into Sydney can see the writing on the wall.
The stadiums are crap, they all need fixing and a new one built out west.

Brisbane lead the way by building a purpose built 53 thousand mega stadium, Sydney looked on and let the game wither on the vine while playing outta sorts in a big round elephant and one team use of Sydney Footy stadium, in the wrong spot for most teams out west.
They need a suncorp in Parra and all western teams to play out of this until crowds reach 50 thousand.
It is a simple solution.

Over reacting much??

On the evidence I have seen Queensland struggles to support 3 sides. Ist sydney sides have more members and a better average than the cowboys or titans. The fact that sydney has nine teams means there will be smaller clubs and larger clubs which will all rise and fall in cycles.

I'm confident this is a blip and the game will overcome it in a short space of time


Lets look at this logically.
So two blockbusters in Sydney, a grand final rematch gets 14 thousand+.
Another Blockbuster between teams at the top of the ladder gets 10 thousand+.
So 25 thousand roughly for our two biggest blockbusters in Sydney.
In the meantime the swans drag 45 thousand.

Yes, i am the one who has not got a f**king clue.
Even after the Parra game we still wont beat the other crowd.
Carry on blind-uns, .
Hard to dispute cold hard facts.
I love rugby league but the game has got to change. It's dying a slow painful death.
The media have killed it, the players have killed it, and Sydney has killed it.
Trying to protect it in Sydney is going towards killing it.
What is the saying, trying to protect bad rubbish.
Solution, cut and chop. CaRVE sYDNEY UP LIEKA sUNDAY ROAST.


And how many times have Melbourne got 45? How many times have NQL got 45k or the titans? You think diluting the Brisbane market will increase crowds? You idiot.


Over reacting much??

On the evidence I have seen Queensland struggles to support 3 sides. Ist sydney sides have more members and a better average than the cowboys or titans. The fact that sydney has nine teams means there will be smaller clubs and larger clubs which will all rise and fall in cycles.

I'm confident this is a blip and the game will overcome it in a short space of time

Not at all, the Cowboys are doing fine in a city of 150 thousand. The Titans yes are struggling, but only because of the lack of support from a second or third Brisbane team.
If Brisbane had 3 teams, then the Cowboys and Titans would benefit from having more derbies to play in Brisbane and at their home ground from the other two Brisbane teams.

Look, this is not some magic formula, it's just common sense.
Sydney has too many teams, too many teams have a chance of not getting anywhere fast, and with more codes pushing into Sydney who are better run and have larger fan bases around the country, it is making it harder to grow crowds and fans.

In the meantime other cities are becoming harder to crack, the longer the NRL dont expand, the harder it is going to get.

Even Brisbane, the AFL is now expanding to four areas of growth.
Union is doing nicely on the back of lack of league games in Brisbane, and Soccer does well.
Gallop will probably decide to add a second team to Brisbane, he is not a fool, he knows what was holding league back.
Rugby league is eating itself by protecting the weak. The animla world has taught us nothing, Charles Darwin was wasting his time trying to teach rugby league anything.

His natural evolution is wasted on our leaders of rugby league.


And how many times have Melbourne got 45? How many times have NQL got 45k or the titans? You think diluting the Brisbane market will increase crowds? You idiot.

Stop talking nonsense, how can you dilute the Brisbane market , it is already established.
Your growing the Brisbane market, the Queensland market by putting new teams into this city.
Instead of talking out ya arse, try to understand this,
by adding a friday night game every week, your growing the market, by adding a extra game on the weekend either saturday or sunday, your growing the Brisbane Market.
By having a extra 7 to 10 derby games , your growing the market.

Brisbane is a goldmine, not a backwater.
Now talk sense or get out.
f**king holding the game back all these negative outlookers.

Same as New Zealnad, you give them a second team, your strengthening the NZ market and creating a huge two derbies games for them. Plus your growing a rivalry.

Rivalries, now thats another positive.
They are created by having city derbies, some of the worlds biggest come from city rivalries.


So your logic is that putting a new team in Brisbane will draw in new fans? Why don't they already follow the NRL? What will happen to the fans of the teams you're proposing to cut? I can tell you if my team gets merged or relocated then I'm done with the sport, and I bet a lot of fans would agree. Cutting tens of thousands of fans in sydney isn't the wisest thing to do and you have no guarantee that many would even follow the new team.


So your logic is that putting a new team in Brisbane will draw in new fans? Why don't they already follow the NRL? What will happen to the fans of the teams you're proposing to cut? I can tell you if my team gets merged or relocated then I'm done with the sport, and I bet a lot of fans would agree. Cutting tens of thousands of fans in sydney isn't the wisest thing to do and you have no guarantee that many would even follow the new team.

Fans threatening to leave the game has to be overcome.
As i said, maybe these fans are not real fans anyhow. I would never leave this game, i would fight to the very end for this code.
Even now i have walked away from a team i followed most my life to wait for the second Brisbane team to start following.
Hoping that team is Brothers.

I can and will change support for the good of the code. That is how much i love the game, you obviously dont feel the same way, you are willing to walk away.

Again, if you and 10 thousand like you turn away, we will be introducing the code to millions of new fans wanting a new team.
Brisbane Brothers has a huge supporter base in Brisbane and around Queensland.
Because league fans in Queensland are loyal to the game.

As for Sydney, your cutting back teams to grow other teams.
The whole of Sydney needs to be re-aligned for the new clubs.
No club name should die, i never said that, i have always said just move the brand to another city.
2 Sydney teams need to merge or better still join the NSW cup.
I could live with that as well.
No matter what happens, Sydney has to cut back to six or seven teams for the good of the game, for growth prosperity and survival.


The vast majority of people I know would not follow the game if their team was killed.

To expect fans of Sydney clubs to just pick another one is naive.

The Wanderers are about to be brought by private owners increasing their financial firepower. The Giants are about to become a powerhouse (on the field).

Killing teams would benefit nobody in the NRL and only help those 2, just like Super League rationalisation led to huge increases in Swans and Waratahs crowds and memberships.

No Sydney team can ever be forced out or it will be a net loss for the game.


OUch, that is truely a kick in the guts to Sydney rugby league.

45 k. If that was rugby league we would be drooling, drooling i tell ya.

No, Sydney rugby league has hit the wall. It will take something huge to pull this code out of the doldrums.
Cant keep going down the path we heading, it's a dead-end road and everyone looking from the outside into Sydney can see the writing on the wall.
The stadiums are crap, they all need fixing and a new one built out west.

Brisbane lead the way by building a purpose built 53 thousand mega stadium, Sydney looked on and let the game wither on the vine while playing outta sorts in a big round elephant and one team use of Sydney Footy stadium, in the wrong spot for most teams out west.
They need a suncorp in Parra and all western teams to play out of this until crowds reach 50 thousand.
It is a simple solution.

Hang on lets not get too carried away. You do need to consider the fact that this game has not even been played yet.
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