Thanks to all for the posts - I do read them all, and take them on board.
Any chance of submitting your articles to a media organisation...
Most of my articles on were published in print elsewhere.
Unfortunately the scope for paid freelance work is small these days.
Inside Sport are the exception - they have been a terrific supporter of me and many others, and pay fairly for what they use.
As any freelance writer will tell you, having work rejected and/or poorly paid is part of the gig. Other long established RL journos working freelance tell me they increasingly have the same problem with their pieces, not just me.
I have written pieces for RL mags (incl rep match programs), but 2011 hasn't afforded any opportunities, and most newspapers/mags these days have little/no budget for freelance work. None of the newspapers will generally pay for an unsolicited freelance piece - ultimately,
if you can get them to take a piece, it's good for your profile, but that's all.
Though at times you may see history stories on other codes/sports in newspapers, it's pretty rare for that to happen with RL - if it doesn't have a timely hook relating back to the present, don't even bother trying to get a newspaper to run with it.
That getting paid freelance work is increasingly harder, is probably why I've focused on's viability and trying to find a financial model that maximises that already written and valuable content.