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Do You Want Tim Back At Parramatta

Do you want Tim at Parra again

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 58.1%
  • No

    Votes: 49 41.9%

  • Total voters

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
Thanks, Swiftstyles. You make a good point about the medical certificate - although I have seen (many times) people get such medical certificates from doctors, psychologists with little foundation. It`s a very complicated process, diagnosing a mental illness. The thing I took exception to in your original post was when you said that Tim`s condition was going on a long time before he started playing NRL. I just don`t see how you could know that.
And thanks for your information, MITS. That`s more or less what I was asking for originally. No-one`s right or wrong in this, but I wouldn`t mind trying some of Tezza`s humble pie. I hear it`s very nice with a dollop of fresh cream.
I admit, I`ve been very sceptical about Tim Smith`s 'illness'. However, if he actually does have bi-polar disorder, I`d be the first to apologise to him. I must admit, I`ve not strongly considered that as a possibility. Maybe I should.

:clap::clap::clap:Good on you Lingard, Well said....

I don't mind eating humble pie as well.

Thanks, I got a real buzz reading your post.

Booooooo Casper


Just to follow up now I am not on my iPhone.

He was diagnosed after his counseling sessions following the infamous "Santa" attack. I have heard Brian was quite supportive of him staying at the club and was one of the few things Brian did some work on during the 05 - 06 off season when he was diagnosed. From that Time on Tim was on 2 drugs and always lived with a flat mate, partially to keep and eye on Tim and that he took the pills. However outside influences still played a role in things, like the incident 2 days before Brian Smith quit.

With the change of structure in the coaching staff not much changed, the boys were fit and playing well and the relaxed culture was a sigh of relief to everyone, however the biggest change was when Tim was back to full fitness after an operation at the end of 07 when he moved out by himself. With no one looking over his shoulder, he stopped taking his drugs (figuring he was a normal 21 year old and shouldn't have to take them) and started to self medicate purely on alcohol. Causing the two issues that happened Late 2007, 1 before and 1 directly after the Christmas Party. Then with things not going right at the club, no one able to step in an help him like his flat mate did through most of 2007, Tim felt he had to do something about it and in my opinion took the wrong option to quit.

Now I myself am depressive, I am not Manic depressive (bi-polar) but I have suffered depression to the point where I had the hot water running and the Razor blades out (Cut up not across kiddies it makes it quicker), but I didn't follow through because I at the age of 21 took personal responsibility for my life and didn't quit. Actually I quit doing something that night but I stayed at my job, I stayed employed and I kept seeing my friends and family, I kept living my life. At the time I criticized Tim in an F7's article for quiting and that it would be something he would have to live with for a long time. Hence why I said earlier in this thread, if Tim came back, played at Wenty until he got his skills and confidence right, till he found some form and not just match fitness like the other coach wanted, then he could be an asset to the club. Indeed he could be an asset to any club.



Thanks for that, MITS. That seems to clear up a lot of things. Shame some of this stuff wasn`t made public earlier - it might have prevented a lot of ill-feeling toward him. By the way, who was Smith`s flat-mate?

From the start of this thread you virtually said T Smith was a lier and now cos u heard Mits story you change yr mind,yet didnt want to listen to what the rest of us were telling you about T Smith cos of your disgust in him.
Mits well done in overcoming yr problems,i have had similar issues myself.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
isn't the fact that his form this year for Wigan has been very erratic and his impending shoulder reconstruction good enough reason not to sign him?

We all have challenges to overcome Stagger.

Maybe its time for you to confront some of yours????

Jarred Hayne, Kristian Inu etc have/had many challenges to overcome and during the course of overcoming some of them they got heavily crapped on by those who also have challenges to overcome but are blatantly ignoring confronting them because they enjoy the darkness where they act as righteous smartarses.

Tim Smith also has challenges to overcome and there are many of us who really enjoy (get a real high/buzz) supporting Tim in whatever way is possible for him to overcome whatever obstacles have held him back from achieving his true potential.

Loving others and supporting them wholeheartedly is a great challenge as well!!!! It makes us better men and women which can only benefit friends, families, associates and communities we interact with.

How sad it is to see those who willingly miss out on the opportunity of becoming a better man or woman which Tim Smith presently offers to those still acting as righteous smartarses, dumping all their self-created darkness (garbage) on Tim Smith.

We should all be grateful for the Tim Smith's of this world because they offer us all the opportunity of developing our powers of love.

Thank you Tim for raising the bar!!!!

Boooooooo Casper


........So now you are saying he used his condition as an exuse,not only have you been a moral crusader reguarding player behaviour but now you are virtually implying he was full of sh*t for his reasons leaving parra?
Blah blah blah. Take my opinions simply as written, rather than seeing red and inferring other things into them.

i think if you have a grown up think about it,you would realise he had to get out of that fishbowl and more than likely was advised to go continue his careere elsewhere so he could overcome his issues.
Tim had already gotten out of the fish bowl by gaining an agreement to be paid his contract in full from us for the whole of the season. Hence the comment of mine that you quoted - your problem if you think it's saying more than it actually was.

The more i read of your comments,which by the way you actually thrive on commenting about issues other than rugby league matters.Ala kiki sh*t.The more i realise you are just a an idiot who has more than likely lived a very sheltered life and think no one should ever do any wrong.You have become quiet amusing
Care factor zero. It's an internet forum, and people's opinions are just that. If they upset you so much that you feel the need to make personal references and assumption rather than just discuss the issues, then it lessens the value of your comments. Good luck with all that :lol:.


That's actually a fairly easy question to answer in theory. Personality disorders like bipolar and anxiety/panic disorder, which are very similar, alter our emotive and latent biological responses to certain situations and feelings. Basically, a certain emotion or feeling or situation that may seem harmless to a normal, healthy person triggers the sufferers fight or flight response...and then the sufferer will almost always, and without thinking they have a choice, choose flight. For some (myself and Tim) that can be a symbolic escape such as alcohol or a literal escape like a change of job, lifestyle or location. Tim left us to escape the situation that caused his fight or flight response; the media attention and seeing his own head all over the news week after week, but he couldn't even escape that at home with reports about what he was doing up there all over the place. So, once again, his condition caused him to take flight and he looked for a fresh start in England. I have no doubt that the decision seemed totally logical to him at the time because of the effects of his condition, and may have even been endorsed by his doctor, as often a change like that will significantly help a disorder like this. I know I got out of a job that caused me significant and needless anxiety and have been immeasurably better since...
Thanks Bazal for pointing out the flight or fight aspect of Tim chasing a contract in England after gaining release from us on fully paid compassionate/medical grounds. There is logic in that choice of Tim's to move away from Sydney and then away from family in Queensland... but as you point out it is basically running away.

I hope for Tim's sake that moving back from England at the end of this contract isn't another example of running away. From my own understanding of his and similar issues, you never stop running away until you are actually really ready to face up to it all. For real, NRL contract or no NRL contract.

I still maintain that Tim based on current/recent form would not be a great signing for Parramatta. One recent article suggested Tim would end up in Queensland Cup - I think that's the best place for him (around family support), until such time as his form displays a consistency that warrants a higher level contract.

But of course, people that can't handle differing opinions will choose to make comment about other forum members, rather than just respect and discuss the differing opinions that obviously exist, and people's right to put them forward...:roll:
Thanks Bazal for pointing out the flight or fight aspect of Tim chasing a contract in England after gaining release from us on fully paid compassionate/medical grounds. There is logic in that choice of Tim's to move away from Sydney and then away from family in Queensland... but as you point out it is basically running away.

I just have to Bring you up short Bart.

Tim was never Fully paid out and anyone who tells you so is out and out lying. Tim only stayed at the club for 6 months of his year commitment (October to April) and hence only received that money. The rest was forfeit.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
obviously there's a few tim smith supporters slowly coming to grips with reality in their own way

A car that is terribly out of tune is not capable of what it can really achieve, therefore is of no benefit until its serviced. Those who dump sh*t on Tim just because they enjoy dumping sh*t will never help anyone perform at their best.

Its subtle, but this negative attitude is terribly destructive to all concerned.

What a waste of real resources.

Time for service anyone????

Boooooo Casper


I just have to Bring you up short Bart.

Tim was never Fully paid out and anyone who tells you so is out and out lying. Tim only stayed at the club for 6 months of his year commitment (October to April) and hence only received that money. The rest was forfeit.
No worries Mark. But I thought it was reported at the time that Tim was paid out for the rest of the season, and Riolo was even seeking payment for the following season (2009) in Tim's contract as well?


Smith will be paid the remainder of his contract for this season, but not the final term of his deal, season 2009.


Blah blah blah. Take my opinions simply as written, rather than seeing red and inferring other things into them.

Tim had already gotten out of the fish bowl by gaining an agreement to be paid his contract in full from us for the whole of the season. Hence the comment of mine that you quoted - your problem if you think it's saying more than it actually was.

Care factor zero. It's an internet forum, and people's opinions are just that. If they upset you so much that you feel the need to make personal references and assumption rather than just discuss the issues, then it lessens the value of your comments. Good luck with all that :lol:.

You are dreaming with everything you have said there.im not the 1 who froths at the mouth on here when an issue comes up reguarding any players issues.Nor am i the 1 who persists with said issues for a week. im actually pissing myself laughing at people like you with your so called moral standards and then try shoving them down everyones throat via these forums just bcause its what you believe,and cos you believe it,it just must be true


Whatever you reckon. Mate, I forget what I type on here about three minutes after I've typed it. They're all just opinions, and they're all worth exactly the same. This place would be boring if we all thought the same things, and just posted "as above".

There's no frothing at the mouth on this side of the screen, but for some reason you feel a need to believe there is?

Now did you have anything to add about Osborne saying Tim is not returning to Parra...?


only that those decisions are the decision of the head coach not the ceo of the footy club,and theres not much point saying anything more to someone who is always backing away slowly

Stagger eel

Staff member
only that those decisions are the decision of the head coach not the ceo of the footy club,and theres not much point saying anything more to someone who is always backing away slowly

well I guess in a unique case like this the CEO is more than entitled not to sign off on the contract if he doesn't want to, and he's really only a 50K player so why would you bother worrying about it when you can probably get several other capable halfbacks including Robo at the same price.


And I think a CEO and board have every right to at a bare minimum give a direction to a coach as to whether a certain type of player (i.e. a no dickheads policy) should not be welcome at the club


So stagger you are rating Robson in the same class as Smith?your kidding?
And mickdo,why is a bloke a dickhead for having a few beers now and then, seriously the guy DID NOT f**k UP,he played up but did nothing morally wrong or legally wrong,i am shocked that some of you people think so badly of him actually. I am sure if DA wants him he will have him down the track,if not next season the 1 after, when he shows him he is serious.HE is way to good a talent to waste and you should be able to see that.

Stagger eel

Staff member
So stagger you are rating Robson in the same class as Smith?your kidding?.

in terms of ability they would probably be on par..honestly it appears that Tim is so overated by people that it's getting to the ridiculous stage..

meanwhile he's still off contract..funny that!


Post Whore
in terms of ability they would probably be on par..honestly it appears that Tim is so overated by people that it's getting to the ridiculous stage..

meanwhile he's still off contract..funny that!

Now you're deadset having a laugh...regardless of whether Smith is welcome here or not he's five times the half Robbo is, and that's when he's out of form


Post Whore
on ability tim smith is 10x the player robo is
on mental toughness and applying themselves, robo is all over timmy

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