And i've been wrong about a player before and criticised others for 'turning' on that player, examples been Ben Cross who i defended a lot around here before finally coming around to what most others had come to know - that he was a complete dud.
Costigan is another i defended a lot, whilst criticising Edwards for similar flaws, before i finally started to buy into the thought that Nev has been pretty bogus and it might remain that way.
Taia is a guy who divided a lot of the fanbase, i was probably second to only perverse as his biggest fan and then probably become perverse biggest nemesis on the subject of Taia post surgery. I can concede that i was wrong in a lot of my criticism of him. Good posters like perverse can expose flaws in your opinions.
Scott will be interesting next year, he's already dividing us everytime his name is bought up. Half the forum will be syaing told you so, the other half will be calling them on 'wanking' on about it.