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eric grothe


Staff member
Taulima - Until Smith returns

Taulima - I think this kid is going to be a super star. I have read a lot on these forums giving him a hard time. Gee he is a centre who makes his debut as winger. I notice on the forums 2 - 3 years agi when Delany made his debut. After a year people weren't impressed with him but this year there has been a couple of mentions about it would have been nice to kept him. Well Taulima has done more in his approx 8 NRL games playing out of postion then Delany did in one whole year. It took Hayne several games before he made any impact. Put Taulima at centre he won't missing many tackles and will run hard - there was no way he was going to score at penrith that night.


Yes they scored too many times on his wing. If someone else was there or Ben Smith was next to him it probably would have been different. But to be fair, some of the trys were just good trys and are very hard to defend against. I won't say Grothe lost us the game, more that crucial errors at crucial times lost us the game. No- one is going on about Haynes poor defencive reads and his dropped ball late in the second half. No, cause Groth is the wipping boy.


Please no more Grothe I just cant bare to watch teams score tries against the worst defending winger in the COMP !!! Look I said weeks ago he does have a go but just cant read in defence !!!


First Grade
i do think that a move to the forwards, and the associated amount of defence he would have to get through would mean his attack would be severely diminished. he would be looking for the bench after the first 5.


8. Cayless Interchange No.2 Cordoba (25 min)
9. Keating (80 min)
10. Paulo Interchange No. 1 Moi Moi (20 min)
11. Hindmarsh (80 min)
12. Grothe Interchange No. 3 Riddell (25 min)
13. Robinson Interchange No. 4 Oake (30 min)

14. Riddell
15. Oake
16. Cordoba
17. Moimoi


Cordoba Interchange No.6 Robinson (50min)
Keating (80 min)
Moi Moi Interchange No.5Paulo (50min)Interchange No.10Cordoba (65min)
Hindmarsh (80 min)
Riddell Interchange No.7 Cayless (55min)InterchangeNo.9MoiMoi(75min)
Oake Interchange No.8 Grothe (65min)


8. Cayless (45min)
9. Keating (80 min)
10. Paulo (35min)
11. Hindmarsh (80 min)
12. Grothe (40min)
13. Robinson (60min)

14. Riddell (30min)
15. Oake (35min)
16. Cordoba (40min)
17. Moimoi (35min)

WA Eel

I can understand a small winger wanting to rush in on a larger opponent to stop him before he gathers momentum, but for the life of me, I can't understand why a man Grothe's size can't hold is position in the line then make the tackle. That is unless he can't tackle and there really is very little excuse for a man is size not to be able to tackle!


We are letting a guy like Chad robinson go and tony williams to keep grothe ... yaaaaayyyyyyy parrra we re-signed him on a 3 year deal woooooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and we also have lowrie yay ....

eric great retention,

Ike E Bear

That's a seperate issue, but yeah we can talk about that. Hayne mis read the play and was way off, Inu should have rapt him up. I think it's fair to say Inu had a fair game though.

The thing that irked me there, though, is that after Hayne missed he just dogged it and didn't chase. He just stood still and watched them run down for a try. The Broncos had to slow to make their passes stick and Hayne has the speed to have been there to pull down the support player when he got the ball ... or at least try. Jarryd didn't have a good game, but Eric had a worse one (by far).

As a team, though, the Eels really put in and probably deserved the win ... which probably just makes up for the Knights, Panthers and Dragons games where they probably didn't deserve to win, but got the points.


Long time reader of the forum, decided to make my first post due to the fact I can't believe someone would try to defend Grothe.

Defending Grothe is defending the indefensible. Anyone who has played oztag, let alone park footy knows he get's defensive reads wrong...all the time...

The boys played well tonight, it's just a pity that Eric let his team down AGAIN


Post Whore
Bit too much alcohol and un-targeted venom in this thread. Grothe was poor in defence, in fact he may have caused a certain overpassionate Baz to pop his knee cartilage. However, Reddy and the man inside cost us just as much. We have deep seated issues on that flank.....I pray for Benny's return, I really do. Put it this way....if Hindy could catch, we win, yet I see no "Hindy is a genius" threads...

On the positive side, Inu was fantastic......


Staff member
Bit too much alcohol and un-targeted venom in this thread. Grothe was poor in defence, in fact he may have caused a certain overpassionate Baz to pop his knee cartilage. However, Reddy and the man inside cost us just as much. We have deep seated issues on that flank.....I pray for Benny's return, I really do. Put it this way....if Hindy could catch, we win, yet I see no "Hindy is a genius" threads...

On the positive side, Inu was fantastic......

Ah, sanity prevails ...
Bit too much alcohol and un-targeted venom in this thread. Grothe was poor in defence, in fact he may have caused a certain overpassionate Baz to pop his knee cartilage. However, Reddy and the man inside cost us just as much. We have deep seated issues on that flank.....I pray for Benny's return, I really do. Put it this way....if Hindy could catch, we win, yet I see no "Hindy is a genius" threads...

On the positive side, Inu was fantastic......

That was the view we had from the game, although I have heard a few people say Eric will be a Wenty next week, I think it depends on what Ben Smith is doing.

Although "Green and Gold" Ready had a great first half, his combination with Eric is not as good. Eric is also a Damaging Ball Runner and someone we need in our team. Either way it is up to the Coach.

big boppa eel

Bit too much alcohol and un-targeted venom in this thread. Grothe was poor in defence, in fact he may have caused a certain overpassionate Baz to pop his knee cartilage. However, Reddy and the man inside cost us just as much. We have deep seated issues on that flank.....I pray for Benny's return, I really do. Put it this way....if Hindy could catch, we win, yet I see no "Hindy is a genius" threads...

On the positive side, Inu was fantastic......
That was only 1 mistake champ from Hindy, fmd Grothes opposing winger scored 4 tries that doesnt ring alarm bells for you.:?

big boppa eel

no .... the reason we lost tonight was because we fell off massively for a fair chunk of the 2nd half - the defense lost its intensity, their play the ball sped up and we got caught flat footed - thats where current day compacted defense, like we and just about every team tend to play gets caught out on the wings cos the opposition just get numbers and roll over ineffective defense .... when it happens the ONLY way to stop it is for someone to rush out and make a big play to stop a player - which I reckon is what eric is being told to do .... unfortunately he's very hit and miss and not great at it ..... but the ultimate problem is that its happening TOO OFTEN cos our defense goes soft up the guts which leaves us flat footed.

that and darren lockyer - they grew an extra set of balls when he was on the field tonight ...... he is class - he has the ball on a string - his kicks bounce just how he wants them to - he has great vision and he runs the ball brilliantly and gets his teammates running with him
And Grothes opposing winger scored 4 tries.

Stagger eel

Staff member
given our forwards found an extra piece of grunt with the ball in their hands I believe we can do without eric until he learns how to reads an attacking raid on his wing.


Seriously, there is some of the worst dribble on here I have ever read.

The problems on our right side defence start from Finch, and get worse from there. The space between Finch and Reddy we defend short to start with (why I will never ever understand - presumably because Finch has some bigger men stationed close to him.

Reddy is slow laterally that a single flat pass from centre field, or one second man play, give opposition an overlap of anywhere from 2-4.

When Brisbane play to the far right on the fourth and fifth, they went several passes wide and exposed this horribly.

Honestly, they could have scored 10 tries that side. They should have scored 4 before half time.

Every time Grothe had to make a tackle it had to be a try saver. He actually made 3 or 4 try savers in the first half. We shouldn't be putting players in that position.

This problem started last season and Finch two in is a big contributor. However with Reddy at centre it is even more pronounced. And as Eric gets under pressure his attention to detail gets worse.

But dropping him and leaving Reddy will be an absolute disaster and will leave the real problem unadressed.

People wanting to blame him alone seriously have no idea. Watch the game again and watch when the problems arise centre right.

One occasion they had 6 on 2 on us and didn't score. It is a woeful defensive structure.

Stagger eel

Staff member
I take your point Biggy, it's one of the reasons why I've kept an open mind with Eric in the past and although not all those tries were directly his fault it does pose the question as to why there isn't that much communication going on on the right side. it also shows how much we miss Ben out there and I can't wait for him to come back.

I would give the Smith/Reddy combo a decent shot.


Staff member
Tagic that we don't have a quick young kid that can play wing. The Broncs seem to have a cupboard full of them.

If I had my way I wouldn't have Reddy or Vatuvai2 (aka Grothe) in the side.


Seriously, there is some of the worst dribble on here I have ever read.

The problems on our right side defence start from Finch, and get worse from there. The space between Finch and Reddy we defend short to start with (why I will never ever understand - presumably because Finch has some bigger men stationed close to him.

Reddy is slow laterally that a single flat pass from centre field, or one second man play, give opposition an overlap of anywhere from 2-4.

When Brisbane play to the far right on the fourth and fifth, they went several passes wide and exposed this horribly.

Honestly, they could have scored 10 tries that side. They should have scored 4 before half time.

Every time Grothe had to make a tackle it had to be a try saver. He actually made 3 or 4 try savers in the first half. We shouldn't be putting players in that position.

This problem started last season and Finch two in is a big contributor. However with Reddy at centre it is even more pronounced. And as Eric gets under pressure his attention to detail gets worse.

But dropping him and leaving Reddy will be an absolute disaster and will leave the real problem unadressed.

People wanting to blame him alone seriously have no idea. Watch the game again and watch when the problems arise centre right.

One occasion they had 6 on 2 on us and didn't score. It is a woeful defensive structure.

Ive watched the tape twice.Have a look at the try Kemp scored to level the match up. We were on our line and it was a man against man number up. The ball comes to Locky on the left and Grothe rushes up between Kemp and the centre. Locky fires the ball across Grothe into Kemps hands and he falls over the line for a try.
A great ball from locky ? Yeah it was good but not better than I have seen a hundred times on the touch footy field. When the ball sails across Grothe he knows he stuffs up and held his head.
It was a B grade play from someone who should have known better. If it was a winger who made an honest mistake we would say - Ok lets learn from that but we are talking about an Aust rep player on good money.
Kemp is on about 80K Tops at the Broncos.
There is a time when you just have to say "Eric see you later"
He comes up with that sort of play practically every match and at the NRL level you just cant afford to carry a player like that.
Personally I like Eric but IMHO if his name wasnt Eric Grothe he would have been punted long ago. Thats the reason why he played so much reserves at the roosters.
Its time for the coaching staff to make a stand and reward the other players in the team.

Mr Slippery Eel

10 - 0 and we lose by 4 ...

mate that is rubbish ...

Manly had a player sent of tonight for something that at worst was a lazy high tackle .. and guess what manly won ... time for excuses is over, after this season get rid of whoever is dead wood ... but they will not do that ..

and next week, wait for it

parramatta searching for excuses,
parramatta searching for perfection
parramatta searching for a win ....

i am sick of this team i am sick of paying money to watch a coach put players who every friggin week kill you ...

you know what, it is not the players fault, its the person who puts them in ...

I used to say hagan will be good for us, we should of signed ricky stuart or a coach who has the balls to get rid of the rubbish that has been dished up ... better performance yes, better attitude yes, but same rubbish at the end ... and yes like the idiot that i am i will go and watch parra play next week, because i will think we played well, we will win, they do care, the players want to win for us and everything, but they do not, soft tries again, i will go and watch the coach put in the same team and watch the same result ...

but i am the biggest idiot who goes back to watch this rubbish we constantly throw up every week, i am the biggest idiot who cares about this team ...

I agree, the coach is doing the same thing each and every week and we are getting the same results. The wins are not convincing, as we are only just winning, and the some of the lose's at least came because of basic defensive errors and lazy play. Yes there are players that go beyond and others that are struggling.

But doing the same thing and with the smae players is producing the same results!!!!!!!!!

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