Don't forget BM you have a lot of good players at your disposal. What Robson has basically said is that Arsenal just generally play off the cuff without some real plan.
Here are some things he said:
"You never actually hear Arsene Wenger talk about his tactics or his game plan, you only ever hear him talk about spirit, and focus, and determination..."he should be talking about why the opposition have beaten them, why they aren't playing well"
"When it starts to go wrong, they haven't got a default mode...players looking around moaning at eachother"
"ozil's not quite sure what his job his"
I think he definitely makes a good point. I don't believe they lack a plan every single game, but it seems for a lot of them they do. Robson is implying that Arsenal have got where they are because they are fantastic at off-the-cuff football. What do you think?