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finch gets off, NRL a joke

Moffo said:
A penalty?

Get your head out of your ring of fire and tell me exactly how Finch suffers (ie: the definition of a penalty) as a result of this?

What...he gets 90 fictional points that will in all likelihood mean SFA the next time he is up before the judicary

BIG penalty. Oh PUHLEASE

Not happy Janice

Now you're just being silly. He will still have those carry-over points should, in the future, he front the judiciary again. They aren't fictional and, indeed, it was the absence of those points that saved him from suspension, this time.


First Grade
Player A slips over while player B comes charging through to make a tackle. Player B hits Player A in the head, cuts his chin open and blood rushes out everywhere.

We see this numerous times in the NRL and players usually get a 1 or 2 week suspension for this type of incident in which is a matter of fate rather than pre-meditated attacks such as a back slam gone wrong which is what a spear tackle USUALLY is.

Finch should of at least been give 2 weeks for that tackle. He put the poor bloke on his head. What happens if he breaks his neck, Finch gets a week??



Exhibit A v Exhibit B

Exhibit B (NRL/Judicary) is so piss weak that they don't exist. If you look closely enough, one can see that they are only a shadow of them former selves

Carefully observe the nature of Exhibit A as it climbs all over the weak beast/skirt that is Exhibit B

DJ Raida

That really is a disgrace, those fatcats are ruining this game
honestly this is getting to the point of being stupid


What a load of sh*t! He pleaded GUILTY. He ADMITTED he SPEAR TACKLED someone and he GETS OFF.

Imagine this, you murder someone, admit you did it, then get off cause you get the charge downgraded to assault. Thats what this is like.

If Danny Williams was a Roosters player he would have got off, and Mark O'Neil would be in gaol.
Who is on the judiciary?

Wouldnt be this regular would it?

Royce Ayliffe was a no nonsense prop with deft ball skills. Captain of the undefeated 1972 Australian Schoolboys, Ayliffe returned to play for Wollongong before heading to Easts for a long career. He captained the Roosters to the 1980 minor premiership and grand final, winning Dally M captain of the year 2 years running. He then made his test debut against France in 1981 before playing in the 1982 State of Origin series. Ayliffe had one final season for Souths in 1984.



You can find this pic of him on the Roosters own website


Renowned League Expert wrote:

The Ross tackle has got nothing to do with the Finch tackle. They're completely separate tackles with a different set of circumstances.

Only a dullard would make a comparison.

It is interesting that the making of a comparison where the tackle was found to be more serious would, in your view, render someone a dullard, when it was totally legitimate for the Roosters to show other Grade 1 tackles by way of comparison.

Arent they all totally different tackles with different circumstances as you claim. If so why would;

The Roosters' defence, which also included submissions from coach Ricky Stuart and club chief executive Brian Canavan, showed footage from other tackles that were given grade one suspensions this season, pointing out their similarities.

Obviously, you are bereft of logic my friend!!!

The other point I find difficult to understand is how finch (and any other player for that matter) gets a reduction in sentence for making an early guilty plea but disputing grading. What exactly are they pleading guilty to? In this case tiger nicks analogy is accurate and no reduction should be given


Andy04 said:
The other point I find difficult to understand is how finch (and any other player for that matter) gets a reduction in sentence for making an early guilty plea but disputing grading. What exactly are they pleading guilty to? In this case tiger nicks analogy is accurate and no reduction should be given

Exactly, he pleaded guilty to the charge. There are no ifs or buts about it! You can not say 'I plead guilty BUT what really happened ...'


tiger_nick said:
Andy04 said:
The other point I find difficult to understand is how finch (and any other player for that matter) gets a reduction in sentence for making an early guilty plea but disputing grading. What exactly are they pleading guilty to? In this case tiger nicks analogy is accurate and no reduction should be given

Exactly, he pleaded guilty to the charge. There are no ifs or buts about it! You can not say 'I plead guilty BUT what really happened ...'
Thats right Nicky boy!! He pleaded guilty and what option does the Judiciary allow him? TO CONTEST THE GRADING. And he did. And Guess what? It was downgraded to 1 week....which proves he was guilty as he admitted. But then the Judiciary rules, the ones that everyone else fall under came into play. NO PRIOR RECORD = DISCOUNT to 93 points.....and once again fool, the Judiciary rules state 93 points not= suspension.

Isnt it great that your hatred blinds you?


One thing that still cracks me up despite this farce is the fact that the Roosters were denied when they asked for their Telstra Stadium semi final to be moved, yet they were happy to move the Cowboys/Broncos game to Townsville. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:
lotm said:
i'm going to get hammered for this, but having another look at the tackle, i can see why the tackle was downgraded, and am not disappointed that it was.

but i hope that the roosters fans on this forum sincerely thank schifcofske for his mature response to the situation.

It's exactly right I didn't think he would get it downgraded but I can see why he did and how Schifcofske played a bit part in the tackle going wrong but it was solely based on the eveidence that Schifcofske presented that allowed Brett to get off and for that I think Brett owes him quite a big Thankyou.
tiger_nick said:
What a load of sh*t! He pleaded GUILTY. He ADMITTED he SPEAR TACKLED someone and he GETS OFF.

Imagine this, you murder someone, admit you did it, then get off cause you get the charge downgraded to assault. Thats what this is like.

If Danny Williams was a Roosters player he would have got off, and Mark O'Neil would be in gaol.

In your scenario that happens all the time.

People get charged with murder (killing someone) but with evidence and mitigating circumstances it can be downgraded to Manslaughter.


I'm Filthy!

Absolutely disgraceful decision!

I'll never look at the N.R.L. judiciary the same way again.

What's the point of having rules against dangerous tackles if a few select players can plead guilty, have their charge downgraded, and walk off scott free while others do the same and cop 6 weeks on the sidelines for a much less severe throw??

Of course, there are rules against dangerous play and penalties for breaching those rules for every player in the N.R.L. Roosters players, however, seem to be an exception to those rules and penalties! :x




Southern Rooster said:
it was solely based on the eveidence that Schifcofske presented that allowed Brett to get off and for that I think Brett owes him quite a big Thankyou.

Don't you mean: "The Sydney Roosters owe Schif a big bank cheque?"

I don't know, maybe it's the judiciary panel they "owe the bank cheque" to, after all I'm just speculating here... but your esteemed club owes money to someone... I know that. After all, how else would Finch get off scott free?




To be fair, a few years back Jim Dymock got Craig Gower I think it was, to testify at the judiciary, in the finals, that Gower dived head first into the ground when he was lifted to try and milk a penalty. I've still got the SMH article on that around somewhere, highlighting some of the classic quotes from the case, I think one question to Gower was: 'do you dive head first into the ground often?' Gower: 'Only in semi finals.' It also had some humourous references to Dymock grabbing Gower's testicles.

So there is a precedent there for the victims of the tackle testifying on behalf of the charged player helping them get off the charge, as Dymock escaped suspension for that one. In saying that, we all knew deep inside Finch would find some way of escaping the charge, I mean, its the finals, its the Roosters, its one of their star players no less, there is no way he was going to sit this one out. We all knew the judiciary was a joke, inconsistent and biased before this, so its no big surprise.

Big Poppa Pump

This is the funniest stuff I have ever read. These howls of outrage from a few hundred internet nerds on a Rugby League forum are the most pathetic, pointless waste of time I have ever seen. As if anything any of you sad little faceless trolls say or do will ever have any significance. Your lives are worthless & I would suggest you do all of us Rooster fans a favour & just end them now. Your constant whining is making me laugh that much I have spilt my latte on my $2000 Armani shoes - being a Rooster fan I get them for free you know.

Conspiracy theories, Roosters own the game, NRL bias towards the Roosters, piss weak judiciary are just a few of the comments I have seen on here & you know what........................they are all true. We do run the show and there is nothing you can do about it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Just give us the trophy now Mr Gallop :clap: :clap: :clap: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We are Roosters. The best you've ever seen. The red, white & bluesters. THE EASTERN SUBURBS TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Big Poppa Pump said:
This is the funniest stuff I have ever read. These howls of outrage from a few hundred internet nerds on a Rugby League forum are the most pathetic, pointless waste of time I have ever seen. As if anything any of you sad little faceless trolls say or do will ever have any significance. Your lives are worthless & I would suggest you do all of us Rooster fans a favour & just end them now. Your constant whining is making me laugh that much I have spilt my latte on my $2000 Armani shoes - being a Rooster fan I get them for free you know.

Conspiracy theories, Roosters own the game, NRL bias towards the Roosters, piss weak judiciary are just a few of the comments I have seen on here & you know what........................they are all true. We do run the show and there is nothing you can do about it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Just give us the trophy now Mr Gallop :clap: :clap: :clap: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We are Roosters. The best you've ever seen. The red, white & bluesters. THE EASTERN SUBURBS TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

You're obviously a person that likes hearing themselves talk, and likes reading your own posts B.P.P. as this is the third time you've posted the exact same toss material on three different threads!

What a self indulgent wanker!

Typical Roosters supporter! :lol:



Big Poppa Pump

Pantherjim. said:
You're obviously a person that likes hearing themselves talk, and likes reading your own posts B.P.P. as this is the third time you've posted the exact same toss material on three different threads!

What a self indulgent wanker!

Typical Roosters supporter! :lol:

I think you'll find that I actually posted the same thing on at least 6 threads.

I do like hearing myself talk. Its the talk of a winner, a success story. That I grace you lower life forms with my presence is the indulgence my little serf.

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