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finch gets off, NRL a joke

Pierced Soul

First Grade
I hope someone dumps him on his head...............bucked tooth git. scifcock-sie is a wanker for doing what he did, maybe he wants to join the rorters


skeepe said:
In addition to what Pantherjim said, it's also acceptable for BPP to encourage suicide? Crazy rules madunit, he should be banned for that sort of crap.
You don't want to go there skeepe.

Calling for other members to be banned or taking on moderators is a no-no. There are proper channels for that and admin's PM are always open.

What we have here here is frank and open discussion with differences of opinion. But if it degenerates any further, I'll transfer this thread to Controversy Corner where there are stricter rules in place.


Willow said:
skeepe said:
In addition to what Pantherjim said, it's also acceptable for BPP to encourage suicide? Crazy rules madunit, he should be banned for that sort of crap.
You don't want to go there skeepe.

Calling for other members to be banned or taking on moderators is a no-no. There are proper channels for that and admin's PM are always open.

What we have here here is frank and open discussion with differences of opinion. But if it degenerates any further, I'll transfer this thread to Controversy Corner where there are stricter rules in place.

Apologies Willow, but suicide has been a very sensitive issue for me lately for reasons that I won't go into, and to see someone openly encouraging others to take that action, jokingly or not, upset me greatly.


Erm...Nice avatar there BPP...suits u and you club a treat!! Ya big bunch of clueless ponces you! :lol:

HELLO KITTY!!?! omfg :lol:


sretsoor said:

I didnt realise all of you hold such high respect for Finchy's strength. For such a little guy to lift up, turn around and spear another player head first into the ground who is at least a 1ft taller must be super strong. After all that is what you're all implying.

Of course it would have nothing to do with the momemtum and Shif twisting away to get to ground to avoid losing ground. Yes it had gone wrong but it was not intentional. As for his hand bewteen the legs, I think you will find there was no hand between the legs from the intial contact and the drive by Finch. Yes his hand ended up between the legs as Shif was coming down. BIG difference.

"Momentum", "twisting". You don't think these things happen in EVERY SINGLE dangerous throw case!! This is how these tackles occur! The tackler looses control, just like Finch did. I would love for someone to name ONE SINGLE INTENTIONAL dangerous throw in the last 5 years.... It can't be done, because they never are, but somehow lack of intent just became a claim for innocence.

And i am still baffled as to how someone can plead guilty to something they were never charged with (i.e a grade one dangerous throw)

And 25% discounts?!!!! from 3 weeks off to none! looks more like 300% discount to me.......

El Diablo

Post Whore
Bring it home Knights said:
What a terrible decission. Now when ever a player dumps a guy on hes head and risks breaking he's neck, they will show the clip from finch and use it as there defence.

Except they'll end up getting suspended.


PB said:
sretsoor said:

I didnt realise all of you hold such high respect for Finchy's strength. For such a little guy to lift up, turn around and spear another player head first into the ground who is at least a 1ft taller must be super strong. After all that is what you're all implying.

Of course it would have nothing to do with the momemtum and Shif twisting away to get to ground to avoid losing ground. Yes it had gone wrong but it was not intentional. As for his hand bewteen the legs, I think you will find there was no hand between the legs from the intial contact and the drive by Finch. Yes his hand ended up between the legs as Shif was coming down. BIG difference.

"Momentum", "twisting". You don't think these things happen in EVERY SINGLE dangerous throw case!! This is how these tackles occur! The tackler looses control, just like Finch did. I would love for someone to name ONE SINGLE INTENTIONAL dangerous throw in the last 5 years.... It can't be done, because they never are, but somehow lack of intent just became a claim for innocence.

And i am still baffled as to how someone can plead guilty to something they were never charged with (i.e a grade one dangerous throw)

And 25% discounts?!!!! from 3 weeks off to none! looks more like 300% discount to me.......

The difference is Finch didnt lift Shif as per your usual spear tackles.

As for the pleading guilty early and then getting it downgraded, please, every other team does it and now you have a problem cause the Roosters have done it. Just sums up the mentality of these forums.

Im just thankful the people who run the game are impartial to the jealous little tantums we see on these forums week in week out.

Here's a tissue.

Pierced Soul

First Grade

I would love for someone to name ONE SINGLE INTENTIONAL dangerous throw in the last 5 years.... It can't be done, because they never are, but somehow lack of intent just became a claim for innocence.


I would argue that kearney on McCracken was intentional, that had the "spearing motion". Finch should still be starting his mad monday today....


Thats just wrong!

How can he get off, some of the charges layed down by the NRL have been alot worse for tackles not as bad!



sretsoor said:
PB said:
sretsoor said:

I didnt realise all of you hold such high respect for Finchy's strength. For such a little guy to lift up, turn around and spear another player head first into the ground who is at least a 1ft taller must be super strong. After all that is what you're all implying.

Of course it would have nothing to do with the momemtum and Shif twisting away to get to ground to avoid losing ground. Yes it had gone wrong but it was not intentional. As for his hand bewteen the legs, I think you will find there was no hand between the legs from the intial contact and the drive by Finch. Yes his hand ended up between the legs as Shif was coming down. BIG difference.

"Momentum", "twisting". You don't think these things happen in EVERY SINGLE dangerous throw case!! This is how these tackles occur! The tackler looses control, just like Finch did. I would love for someone to name ONE SINGLE INTENTIONAL dangerous throw in the last 5 years.... It can't be done, because they never are, but somehow lack of intent just became a claim for innocence.

And i am still baffled as to how someone can plead guilty to something they were never charged with (i.e a grade one dangerous throw)

And 25% discounts?!!!! from 3 weeks off to none! looks more like 300% discount to me.......

The difference is Finch didnt lift Shif as per your usual spear tackles.

As for the pleading guilty early and then getting it downgraded, please, every other team does it and now you have a problem cause the Roosters have done it. Just sums up the mentality of these forums.

Bah....wha... Schif just jumped in the air did he??? Have you ever watched your football team play. what is their method of defence? To keep the player on his feet and drive him back. Problem is, if that player drops his weight, the tackler has to LIFT in order to keep him up and continue driving. Finch got careless, went to far, and the result was what we all (except for three num nuts and a bunch of roosters fans)saw.

And i am aware fo the rules about pleading early. But it does not make sense that a player, from any club, can plead guilty to something they are not charged with. its called "having your cake and eating it to"


Chicken_Hunter said:
No finch didnt lift him as per a normal spear did he? He just found a new way of spearing chifs head into the turf :?

**sniff sniff**

whats that? got sh1t in your eyes!

Did Finch place his hand between Shif's leg and lift? NOOOOO! It was plain as day you moron. There was no lifting. The tackle was made at the waste and drove back. Shif tried to get to the ground and in the process ended up on his head. It was an accident. By the time Shif hit the ground Finch's hand was between the leg.

FFS you are all a bunch of jealous farqing cretons.
First you say finches hand didnt go between his legs then you say it did towards the end?

No lifting? How the f**k did he go pass the horizontal then?

lol.... It was an accident :lol: :lol: So was clint newtons hit on ashton simms and he got 12 weeks.. An accident HAAAHAHAHAHAH.

It dosnt matter how you want to interpret the tackle, the fact remains that finch put chif in a dangerous position, and that is all that matters.