In the wake of the allegations and accusations of the petulant Broncos players in the Valley earlier in the week. I wonder if anyone besides Mut took notice of the fact that Lockyer had asked his players to invoke an alcohol ban.
This obviously fell on deaf ears for the new breed of star players in the camp who are accused, and makes Mut wonder if he has the sides respect?
Radiers fans would attest that Tounge wishes would be adhered too, same with Fitzgibbon at the Roosters, or Buderus at the Knights...
That aside... Who is running the Broncos? A ban is a ban. The players have broken the rules but are still selected in the finals this week. What did Ian Lacey and Seymour do to be released form the club?
It was nearly identical situation that saw Seymour be banished to 'punish' him. If 'punish' means help salary cap pressure than you are spot on...
It seems when the stakes are at their highest, the Broncos are at their most contradictory... Mut does not want to hear anymore about this club being the tightest and strictess in the league. Its just bollocks that suits their own agenda, to play themselves up as being matyrs for the league, the jewel in the crown...
Mut hope the Storm destroy them, and Saab can than watch the finals with muts side still running around safe in the knowledge that 2008 is over, and with the poo going on at the place so is the next 25 years...