if it aint broke, don't fix it.
The last time we moved games to Cairns in 2000 the club lost money. Unless the city can guarantee the club won't lose money, 2 games max is about all I can see being moved there. Then you have to also look at the corporate side of things, you have to then give the companies that have boxes in Tvl a reduced rate, but then you have to make up the money from the Cairns venture, it's not as easy to move a substantial amount of games as it first seems. I understand we have to spread the love of the club with a big area, but at the same time the club needs to maximise it's revenue streams in order for all of us to actually have a club into the future.
On a lesser note, DFS needs upgrades, if we start moving games away it gives less clout to efforts in getting a roof around the joint and a new western stand. I love DFS but she needs some major tarting up, I'm sick of getting rained on for 3-5 games a year with the cowboys and about half the Fury season as well.