No it’s not you are suggesting he committed a criminal act Which is absolutely absurd.
Are you familiar which the definition of sexual assault as defined by the criminal code. I don’t propose to go into the precise definition but suffice to it doesn’t meet the threshold so we’ll leave it there.
Take a deep breath and if you knuckleheads want to continue down a path of Soni committing a criminal act let’s look at perhaps the lesser offence, perhaps an act of indecency or indecent assault. Do his actions meet the criminal threshold, are you all comfortable he had the necessary criminal intent to touch Hopgood arsehole. He’s wearing shorts and swimming trunks so bit if an issue there, going to be really difficult for Soni to accomplish his goals if that what you believe.
You want to convict the kid in the court of public opinion, go for it, but you want to stretch your views to suggesting he committed a crime I suggest to you it is bullshit And rather sad. Maybe do a little research, case law, criminal law and get a grip around what constitutes a sexual assault.