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Golden Point.........again

Should Golden Point Stay

  • YES - Entertaining

    Votes: 29 46.0%
  • NO - Fulltime = shared points.

    Votes: 26 41.3%
  • How about that goal kicking idea

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • There is a better to determine winner.

    Votes: 5 7.9%

  • Total voters


Mighty Heighty said:
Twizzle said:
Cowboys 20 Souths 20

What's that I hear you say, how can that be.

What about the golden point.
i hope your being either sarcastic or bloody stupid. everyone who still has their left nut would know it remains a draw if the scores are locked after extra-time.

So in actual fact, what's the bloody point in having a golden point rule in the first place for weekly club rounds? :lol:

After all, isn't the entire concept behind the "golden point" rule to ensure that there is a victor rather than a draw?? If this is the case then the game between Souths and North Queensland have shown us that the "golden point" concept is total bullsh*t and a complete waste of everyone's time and energy!! Especially the players!! Get rid of it for weekly club rounds! :roll:




Pantherjim. said:
Mighty Heighty said:
Twizzle said:
Cowboys 20 Souths 20

What's that I hear you say, how can that be.

What about the golden point.
i hope your being either sarcastic or bloody stupid. everyone who still has their left nut would know it remains a draw if the scores are locked after extra-time.

So in actual fact, what's the bloody point in having a golden point rule in the first place for weekly club rounds? :lol:

After all, isn't the entire concept behind the "golden point" rule to ensure that their is a victor rather than a draw?? If this is the case then the game between Souths and North Queensland have shown us that the "golden point" concept is total bullsh*t and a complete waste of everyone's time and energy!! Especially the players!! Get rid of it for weekly club rounds! :roll:



The main selling point used when NSW drew a Origin series with Qld was that the Golden Point would take draws out of the game and that would never hapen again.

How it got that Golden Point was then added to NRL games I'm not quite sure.

The whole reason for the Golden Point was to take Draws out of the game. Yes, we knew that a draw could still occur (but not everyone knew that).

But now that it has occured (a Draw) I wonder what new suggestions will be made to take Draws out of the game, and will the NSWRL try and get them included into the Origin Series.

Oh, wait.

NSW won the last Origin Series so they won't be 'afraid' of a Series Draw this year. Next year they will be so expect to see a rule come in then to really take Draws out of the game.


Diehard said:
Golden point is here to stay, build a bridge and get over it. :lol:

Hey, If I disagree with something in this great game of ours It's my God given right to voice my opinion on the subject. we don't need you telling us to "get over it"

As yet, no one has given us a shred of logic as to how the "Golden Point Rule" benefits League one Iota, and the Souths/North Queensland Clash last Saturday night was a good example of why they should get rid of it.

The only valid argument so far is that it supposedly makes the game "more exciting" ??? :? I'm at a loss to understand how this great game of ours could be more exciting than what it is. Quite frankly if you need a "Golden Point Rule" to keep watching this great game of ours, then maybe you should f*ck off and watch AFL for the W.E. or that American inspired bullsh*t called basket ball. Oh, wait, they don't have a "Golden Point Rule" do they?? Oops! Sorry! :oops: Well If League doesn't excite you enough then there's all those extreme W.E. sports you can engage in Skydiving, Bunji jumping etc.

Fickle concepts and rules breed fickle fans. :roll:



Godz Illa

Yes you're a fool. Excitement like that is good for the game of rugby league, the golden point is good for the game of rugby league.


I hate it big time. Two losses this year. Its not exciting (and its heartbreaking when you lose), they might as well have 5 players from each team line up from 35 metres out and see who gets the most over. It should either be golden try, or accept the fact that a draw is a legitimate result. As I've said in another post, if Team A finished 9th with two golden point losses, had a better for and against different than Team B who finished 8th but were two points ahead, all of a sudden we have a distorted top 8.

By the way, nice win though. :D


Cowboy's haven't won a golden point game with a field goal. That's how golden point games should be played - no field goal. They've already played 3 this year!

I think it should be a set 10 minute play. 5 minutes a half. Try automatically wins the game. If scores are tied after 10 minutes, tied game.

Tupac Shakur

First Grade
Golden point games are exciting and great for Rugby League, i think they should stay how the rules are with it now.


Field goals are a cop out. A try or penalty goal should be the deciding score in extra time.


Golden Point is totally unnecessary for regular premiership matches. 80 minutes in enough time for a result.

Raider Ultra

Anyone that criticises golden point hasn't been at a game to see one. Obviously the low when you lose is crushing, but what a high when you win!


geez the cowboys are fast becoming the golden point specialists

they have had a lose ,two wins and a draw

at least we are getting better they havent lost in golden point since penrith :clap:


I also prefer either the golden try or they play out the full 10 minutes extra time.

Notice that FIFA have scrapped both the golden goal and silver goal.


sullyfan said:
Golden Point is totally unnecessary for regular premiership matches. 80 minutes in enough time for a result.


Really felt for the Knights this afternoon. There was no way in the world they deserved to lose that game.

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