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Gower in Fight

gunnamatta bay

Seriously ED if you watch the repeat (5pm fox 1 tue) make sure you wear a good set of sunnies (welding goggles might be a better option) because Tracey's new hair do is a shocker.

El Diablo

Post Whore
she made me puke with her hair previously. i can't see why i should punish myself by seeing her now if she looks even worse.


Assistant Moderator
But he denies any wrong doing. Innocent before proven guilty ozbash.
The other bloke who allegedly punched Gower first also reportedly punched another person at the same venue. And again, according to the reports, the bloke said he was going to come back with a gun. If that's true, it doesn't sound like Gower was the one with the problems.

gunnamatta bay

El Diablo said:
she made me puke with her hair previously. i can't see why i should punish myself by seeing her now if she looks even worse.

I will describe it for you then. Get a paper bag ready. Short and dyed platinum blonde with a blob of flamingo pink about the size of a meat pie centre right.


ozbash said:
so gower gets away with this incident ? again.
Numerous witnesses (with actual names) have stated that Craig Gowers recollection of events was spot on.

Gower didn't do touch this other person, this person punched Gower multiple times and rather then fighting back, Gower decided to leave.

Gower did nothing wrong. But the newspapers love to make it look like the Rugby League star started things and purposely twist the story and facts.


Gower the victim: witnesses
Brent Read
February 13, 2007
PENRITH halfback Craig Gower concedes he may be forced to spend his spare time indoors after becoming the latest rugby league player to be implicated in a late-night incident.
Panthers officials yesterday conducted an investigation into allegations Gower was involved in a scuffle at the Peppermint Lounge in Sydney's Kings Cross in the early hours of Sunday morning. It was alleged Gower had kissed and bitten a fellow patron on the neck.
However, officials were unable to find any evidence Gower had instigated the incident, or bitten anyone, and concluded he had been the victim.

Gower, who told The Australian yesterday he threw no punches and left the nightclub of his own accord, spoke of the effect the allegations had on his family. "It affects everyone around you," he said. "Mum is not the best at the moment. It just brings my name up, and I don't need that. I just can't go out any more. I might as well as stay at home."

A bouncer at the nightclub, who had made the biting allegation, rang the Panthers yesterday to say he had not witnessed the incident and had been misquoted in the Sunday papers. Penrith officials said they had received emails and phone calls of support for Gower from witnesses.

One email from a man named Joe, who said he was standing 3m away when the incident occurred at 2.30am on Sunday, said: "A large man in his late 20s began punching into Craig Gower's face. Craig Gower stumbled backwards and received four or five punches before some other men intervened to break up the scuffle. Craig Gower did not throw any punches in return.

"I did not see Craig Gower bite or kiss the man, per the newspaper claim. Craig Gower emerged from the group sporting a bloodied lip and immediately ran from the club. From what the public saw, Craig Gower did not appear to be the aggressor."

The club confirmed a review of the CCTV footage supported Gower's version of events.

Penrith coach Matthew Elliott said the allegation was a reminder his players had to be conscious they were targets.

Naturally, with Gower having a bad reputation for drunken behaviour, people accepted the initial stories, even though the newspapers made them up and/or twisted the events.

The club itself confirmed Craig Gowers story, ontop of the bouncer which the newspapers said witnessed it, stating he didn't witness anything, that his words were twisted, and that was the story handed to him from someone at the club.

It's funny that an NRL star who is assaulted at a club is made out to look like the bad guy, but 2 AFL stars who assault a women are left alone. :sarcasm:


The Wrong Eye said:
Should stick to drinking in the west , doesn't seem to get into to much mischieve out there.
Get off the drink otherwise.

That's because biting is the norm in Penrith ...


HevyDevy said:
That's because biting is the norm in Penrith ...
Or rather because less people start fights in that area then make up BS stories to try and shift the blame. :oops:


mxlegend99 said:
It's funny that an NRL star who is assaulted at a club is made out to look like the bad guy, but 2 alleged AFL stars who allegedly assault an alleged women are left alone. :sarcasm:

Remember a police investigation is underway, so it's all allegations at the moment.

Still it's bloody obvious that there is an agenda at work here, I think it was a total of 5 guys fined by their AwFuL club for the incident you mentioned, an incident currently being investigated by police where two members of the public, one of them a woman, claim to have been assaulted by at least one of the 5. Now compare the reactions to the Gower incident, no police, no official reports, at least one misquoted witness opinion pieces galore. It's f**king disgraceful and getting worse.


From the latest reports Gower could have thrown a few back and still not be in the wrong. He was attacked just like Benji that time. It's absurd that League players are reduced to just copping an attack to avoid bad publicity, but then they still cop negative press.


Willow said:
But he denies any wrong doing. Innocent before proven guilty ozbash.
The other bloke who allegedly punched Gower first also reportedly punched another person at the same venue. And again, according to the reports, the bloke said he was going to come back with a gun. If that's true, it doesn't sound like Gower was the one with the problems.

yea you are right, innocent until proven guilty.

i,d expect a fairly hefty lawsuit bought by gower against these reporters pretty soon then.

cant help but guess the reaction if the league 'star' was faumuina,latu or even big Aidrian Morley. most members of this board would be screaming for blood.... innocent or not.
Even if he is blameless in the actual incident, it takes a stupid person to put himself in the firing line again after having been through it a few times.

If I kept getting into fights where the common denominator was booze, I think I'd work out a solution.

So would most people.

Give him a day job, that'll sort him out.


panthersballboy said:
From the latest reports Gower could have thrown a few back and still not be in the wrong. He was attacked just like Benji that time. It's absurd that League players are reduced to just copping an attack to avoid bad publicity, but then they still cop negative press.

The only thing stopping him throwing some back was the knowledge that he would have been absolutely smashed.
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
If I kept getting into fights where the common denominator was booze, I think I'd work out a solution.

the other incidents wern't even fights , the first time he exposed himself the second time he gropped a girl.

so to say he 'keeps getting in fights' is stretching the truth , sure he should maybe cut back on the booze a bit but that cant stop some idiot wanting to pick a fight with a famous footballer.

the simple fact is though none of us have any idea of his level of intoxication and if that Intoxiaction ( if any ) was responsible for the incident.


Assistant Moderator
ozbash said:
yea you are right, innocent until proven guilty.

i,d expect a fairly hefty lawsuit bought by gower against these reporters pretty soon then.
Yeah, well you'd think so. But unfortunately its not always that straight forward. Trying to work with people is always preferable and clubs generally have enough on their plates as it is. But such things can only pushed so far. IMO, its only a matter of time before clubs or the NRL decide to move against dodgy reports. There have been grumblings already. Whether or not it'd make a difference is open to debate.


Notell said:
The only thing stopping him throwing some back was the knowledge that he would have been absolutely smashed.
Well he took apparently up to 4 or 5 hits and managed to walk away with little damage. I doubt he would have been smashed. And he is a pretty big boy... while drunk, i'm fairly confident he wouldn't be scared of "getting smashed".

Unless this other guy was built like a tank. Although he must have hit like a girl at any rate.
Notell said:
The only thing stopping him throwing some back was the knowledge that he would have been absolutely smashed.

how the f**k would you know that? according to reports gower was there with mates , when you have friends there backing you up usually you feel 10 feet tall. Not too mention gower is one of the toughest and strongest players in the halves in the NRL.

lets face it , he showed good judgment by not getting involved in a fight.
herbert henry1908 said:
the other incidents wern't even fights , the first time he exposed himself the second time he gropped a girl.

Well, that makes it totally different. lol

The booze causes his problems. Not being where people drink and not drinking tends to solve that problem.

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