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Grand Theft Auto IV


First Grade
Just ordered from gpstore, Play-Asia doesn't even have a field to enter your state so I thought bugger it I'll give the kiwis my money.
i PM'd them this question but don't know when they'll get back to me ... it says you can pay via bank deposti ... kiwis only or can we do that here too ??


First Grade
Yeah I picked that option too, all the banks they listed are NZ websites so I'm not sure, I've already asked them to change my order to credit card.


In the end I think I'm just going to grab the Aussie version.

I'm sure the only things edited out are the ability to pick up hookers and maybe some digital boobs in a strip joint. I'm basing this on the fact that all previous edited versions have only had these things taken out, I'm sure it won't be anything that affects the game in any major way.

Obviously though I would prefer if nothing was taken out... You'd think Rockstar would put it through un-edited first to see if it got through then make changes if necessary...that's what sh*ts me the most.


So we can order a Special Edition from NZ minus the edits?

It looks like the Kiwis will be getting the same edited version:


Raisty just let us know that he's received an email from gpstore.co.nz, a New Zealand-based online game retailer, letting him know that they've just been informed that they're getting the same edited version of Grand Theft Auto 4 that we'll receive in Australia - so if you were planning on importing it, you might have to look further away than the Kiwis:
We have been informed today that New Zealand will be receiving the same version of Grand Theft Auto IV as Australia.

As you have placed your order after Rockstar announced that the Australian version was edited, we are assuming that you will no longer require the game to be shipped from us, as we can't supply you with an uncut version.​
They've also canceled any orders Australians might've made with them, so check your email for updates if you've already been in contact with them.

That sucks, was planning to pick up a new 360 this week (red ring of death, no warranty) and preorder from the kiwis, does anyone know which version Playasia will have for sale?


Yep, I can confirm that. GP Store NZ sent me an email informing me my order had been cancelled.

Bugger it, I'll just get the Aussie version then.


For NZers IMO this must be worse than the underarm incident.

You guys were going to get a 100% uncut game but you were lumped in with us. Where as what were the odds of that bloke actually hitting a six?

While it is dissapointing news it shows what class GpStore has.

How many retailers would automatically cancel orders when they found out it wasn't what their customers wanted?

Most would try to catch them out.


Didn't even look at it that way Munky, would definitely order from these guys if that is an example of their customer service, no doubt they have cost themselves a lot of pre-orders and it looks like they had no hesitation in releasing the information as soon as they got it.


First Grade
Oh for f**k's sake I just gave them my credit card details yesterday morning, f**k this.

How do I cancel? Is it even possible now?

Also, can someone tell me how Play-Asia's shipping works because they didn't even include a field for my state. Does it ship OK if you don't specify a state?


Oh for f**k's sake I just gave them my credit card details yesterday morning, f**k this.

How do I cancel? Is it even possible now?

Also, can someone tell me how Play-Asia's shipping works because they didn't even include a field for my state. Does it ship OK if you don't specify a state?

Your order should have been cancelled automatically parradude...

If not, just email them and it will be done. I had my order sitting with them with my c/c details and it was cancelled automatically, with an email to confirm it had been done.

I am just going to wait and see what the aussie version cuts out now, and then only buy the overseas version if it is a big enough change (I consider not being able to sleep with hookers a big enough change btw).

I am also not going to order from anywhere until I can confirm they get the US version of the game.


Don't know if this is true or not..

But I was reading about some guy ringing up and asking about what is cut out, and I guess this contains some spoilers but not a huge one IMO..

In one mission scen Niko (the main character) shoves his weapon up someone where the sun doesnt shine, I guess you could say.

And yeah apparently only that scene or mission is cut out.

IF that is the case, big whoop IMO.


Post Whore
[furrycat];4141098 said:
YOu only got the email if you pre-ordered after the Australian announcement.

Well, I sent a quick e-mal to GPStore to confirm and yes - they replied and said that unfortunately we'd be getting the "cut" copy.

So now the question is - what exactly is cut from it?


First Grade
This is the latest;

Well, this is certainly an eye-opener. Tipster Mick managed to get his hands on the Office of Film & Literature Classification's report for Grand Theft Auto IV. It's not very large at three pages, but it's more than enough for us to find out what we want to know.

Firstly, the violence. The OFLC doesn't see it as anything out of the ordinary for the MA15+ rating, describing it as "hand to hand combat (basic punching and kicking) [that] more regularly involves use of various weapons". It does make particular mention of what you can do to corpses: "Blood pooling occurs under bodies that are shot at after death however no post mortem damage (such as decapitation or dismemberment) is possible". You'll remember that it was decapitation and dismemberment that got Soldier of Fortune: Payback and Dark Sector in trouble with the board. There's also a few words given to the "ability of the player to set an enemy alight causing them to burn", though it notes that this is infrequent.

The board marked the usage of the words "f**k", and a lot less frequently, "merkin". It also talks of a cut scene where a drug dealer "is depicted implicitly, then explicitly, snorting lines of white powder (implied to be cocaine) from a table".

It also looks like prostitution got through unscathed, with the OFLC stating "when picking up a prostitute, the player is depicted in a car where he parks and honks the horn. The woman enters the car and the camera angle switches to the view of the number plate. While the car is visibly moving up and down, only audio cues are heard".

Fascinating, indeed, but what is more interesting is what the report doesn't mention.

Yes, it's that scene that was rumoured to have been removed from our version of the game before the OFLC could see it. The scene is more than explicit enough that Rockstar would have been forced to show it as part of the sample of the most extreme and questionable sections of the game. Since we posted the rumour, Rockstar has broken its silence and stated it as "untrue", yet the report quite clearly contradicts this.

In fact, the words "anus", "bum, "butt" or "buttocks" don't appear at all. Neither does "sodomise". So if the board didn't see it, where did it go?
Don't you think it's about time the publisher was honest with us?

UPDATE: Another possibility is that the scene itself was cut from or not present in any edition, and hence what Rockstar meant about it being untrue. Sadly, it wasn't very specific at all on this point and has so far been unwilling to reply to my request for more detail. We may just have to wait until enough people have played the game here and overseas to narrow down what was cut.

P.S. The word that is used less frequently is not actually merkin :lol:.

Edit: Incase you don't click the link, in the comments section the guy who runs Kotaku AU says that there was no mention of drink driving in the OFLC report, and with all the buzz (read: bullsh*t) about young people behind the wheel at the moment it's pretty likely that drink driving got the chop.

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