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Greg Bird charged and released by Sharks


First Grade
It`s all in the character, these kinds of incidents don`t just come out of nowhere, they come from the character of the offender. If he does this sort of stuff, then I`m sure he`s not exactly a great communicator and a caring, kind mate in the first place.

Usually they are. They can be quite charming which is a facade, a front which hides low self esteem of themselves. Many females stay in the relationship because they are and/or feel threatened. It's not just physical abuse, most of it is emotional abuse and it's the emotional abuse that is more damaging. Let's face it most men are physically stronger than females, once in a relationship like that, it's hard to get them to release their grip on you physically and emotionally.

Every situation is different and yes unfortunately there are a few who don't know any better and tend to be a magnet for these sort of relationships due to their upbringing but I wouldn't characterise Katie this way, she has only known him less than a year and lived with him 2 months. That's unfair to characterise her this way.
f**k me hasn't this thread dragged out a few cave men.

There is no excuse for what Bird did.

There is no pointing the finger at the girl and saying "she should have known better...he's a grub...".

Pathetic really.

Grow the f**k up or keep your inular wife beating opinions to yourselves, you f**king neanderthals.

Oh Thomas, Thomas, didn`t your momma tell you not to stay at home smoking dope when you were supposed to be at school?

Is that why you have trouble understanding the English language? Try going back to kindergarten, starting from scratch may help.


Staff member
It`s all in the character, these kinds of incidents don`t just come out of nowhere, they come from the character of the offender. If he does this sort of stuff, then I`m sure he`s not exactly a great communicator and a caring, kind mate in the first place.
Pretty big generalisation there.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Atilla the Gorilla has massive problems with women, you should have seen the bile he was spewing in the thread on Crockett and the on going sexual assault case against him.

A lot of abusive people are charming and pleasant to be around at first. No person will walk up to a perspective partner and say, "hey baby wanna come back to my place, so i can beat you"

It will start slowly, with the abusive partner (and women can be abusive as well) putting their partner down with insults and put downs to make them feel they can't do better and then violence will start. Nobody is logical when it comes to relationships. How many of us have done something dumb over a woman (or a man for any female readers)

Hurr hormones hurr emotions hurr dumb women is not an answer in this case. Love is a funny emotion really.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
It is also like saying if you drive and get killed by a truck it is your fault. 300 odd die every year. Your asking for it getting in a car.

God-King Dean

Atilla the Gorilla has massive problems with women, you should have seen the bile he was spewing in the thread on Crockett and the on going sexual assault case against him.

A lot of abusive people are charming and pleasant to be around at first. No person will walk up to a perspective partner and say, "hey baby wanna come back to my place, so i can beat you"

It will start slowly, with the abusive partner (and women can be abusive as well) putting their partner down with insults and put downs to make them feel they can't do better and then violence will start. Nobody is logical when it comes to relationships. How many of us have done something dumb over a woman (or a man for any female readers)

Hurr hormones hurr emotions hurr dumb women is not an answer in this case. Love is a funny emotion really.

Works the other way around though...

Pete Cash

Post Whore
If only Bird had done this first, then the Raiders could have just said "Well at least he isn't Greg Bird" and everyone would have said fair point, put him straight back in the side.

That is now the standard Rugby League defence, I call it the, "not Greg Bird defence"


He's denying it, his GF could back him up for the sake of his career , the case could be dropped and he could be back playing in two weeks.

Stranger things have happened.


I cant believe he stitched up his golfer mate. What a f**ken lollipoper of the highest order. Its one thing to do it, its another thing to go to the lengths he did to get out of it. hes gone for life.


Wayne Carey did the same thing to his girlfriend. The girlfriend came out and said it was an accident, all is forgiven.


rickys already said if he's proven not guilty, he'll be back playing...

so wouldn't it be in the sharks best interests for it all to go away? as soon as possible?

Rockin Ronny

I cant believe he stitched up his golfer mate. What a f**ken lollipoper of the highest order. Its one thing to do it, its another thing to go to the lengths he did to get out of it. hes gone for life.

Unless his mate was a Manly fan. Then it's cool to set him up.


rickys already said if he's proven not guilty, he'll be back playing...

so wouldn't it be in the sharks best interests for it all to go away? as soon as possible?

Yeah - proven not guilty - means that the courts have found him not guilty. Its a criminal matter now - not a club one to be swept aside as quickly as possible. not a lovers tiff to be fortgotten and forgiven.

While not having him play for the Sharks may hinder their chances in the finals, the controversy surrounding him could cause just as much damage if he played...targetted by opposing players for extra special attention, fans and officials (as much as they'd like to be perceived as being neutral)


Unless his mate was a Manly fan. Then it's cool to set him up.
When i saw it was you posting on this thread i thought to myself there is no way he can bring manly into this subject, but wow you still managed it. How did the bears go the other day against us btw?

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