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Greg Inglis headed to South Sydney - no players to be shed

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Geez missed some of the latest posts in this thread




What's a genius like yourself doing amongst us common folk?
I'm like in the top 2 percent. Cool, so when I go out and look at a crowd of 100 people, I'm smarter than almost everyone there. Always thought I was special.
See, it looks like you think that you're being extremely witty with these remarks, funny even.

What you don't realise is that you're the only one who thinks that. The rest of us simply see a massive twat.
Relax bro, you'll live longer.

I think you'll find that us Saints fans will be reminding everyone that we are the champions over the next 12 months, so get used to it.

Not Souths fans counting chickens? So BunniesMan isn't a Souths fan? He has posted about 80% of this thread.

Also, I'm glad you used the correct terminology in the above post.

Bennett = God
Souths = Lessor club.

And Bumble, Inglis being "arguably the best player in the world" is laughable. He has had players like Cooper Cronk and Thurston giving him service over the years, let's see how he goes with Speedhump Sandow supplying him.

Move him to 5/8th? Looking at him, I'd say prop is more suitable.
I think it's hilarious that your mad at me when Dragons fans were "counting their chickens" since as soon as they were eliminated with their awesome choke in 2009.

As for Bennett being God, I agree he's the closest thing in league to it. And Souths are not a lesser club, if we were "God" wouldn't be coaching us 12 months from now.


Yeah, you're probably right:

[FONT=&quot]Awards: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2009 Golden Boot [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2009 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Dally M representative player of the year[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2009 Wally Lewis Medal for the best player of the State of Origin series[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2009 Four Nations player of the tournament[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2009 RLIF centre of the year[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2008 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Dally M representative player of the year[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2007 Clive Churchill Medal [/FONT]


2010 - Australian hamburger and KFC eating champion
2010 - Golden raincoat winner for player most masturbated over by Souths fans
2011 - Chris Sandow Medal Winner for best player in a team finishing 9th.


I'm not entirely sure a CC medal counts when your team cheated the salary cap and had their premierships revoked.

And those other awards.. at both SOO and international level he still had the halves that Dragon Dave alluded to playing inside him, did he not?

Inglis will be missing the sunshine of Brisbane and the class of Lockyer when Souths are running 13th, Sutton has gone MIA as usual and Sandow's inconsistent passing game comes to the fore yet again
A CC medal counts for even more on a team with so many stars. Maybe not winning the GF itself, but being the best player on such a talented team means a lot.

And btw, don't take too much notice of the photos. He didn't look as bad on tv, and it wouldn't surprise me if merkins from the papers who hate us touched up the photos with a bit of photoshop.


I'm like in the top 2 percent. Cool, so when I go out and look at a crowd of 100 people, I'm smarter than almost everyone there. Always thought I was special.

Relax bro, you'll live longer.

I think it's hilarious that your mad at me when Dragons fans were "counting their chickens" since as soon as they were eliminated with their awesome choke in 2009.

As for Bennett being God, I agree he's the closest thing in league to it. And Souths are not a lesser club, if we were "God" wouldn't be coaching us 12 months from now.

Doubt it, don't even understand basic grammar. Learnt that in like year 2.


neurologist said:
I'm like in the top 2 percent.
yeah like....it's like....cool like....you know like....
you certainly are in the top 2%
living brain donor said:
Cool, so when I go out and look at a crowd of 100 people, I'm smarter than almost everyone there.
correct. when you visit buranda special school or SWARA, you are smarter. well.....like...maybe not like...

iq man said:
Always thought I was special.

albert einstein said:
Relax bro, you'll live longer.
bro? this iq is expanding rapidly.

brain surgeon said:
I think it's hilarious that your mad.....
wow...your? as opposed to you're? don't worry i won't tell anyone.

but you really should pay attention to the grammatical two percenters. especially if you're a two percenter.

raiders_idiot's soul mate said:
As for Bennett being God, I agree he's the closest thing in league to it. And Souths are not a lesser club, if we were "God" wouldn't be coaching us 12 months from now.
swallow your keyboard, & insert the mouse into your ear. you'll make more sense.


yeah like....it's like....cool like....you know like....
you certainly are in the top 2%
correct. when you visit buranda special school or SWARA, you are smarter. well.....like...maybe not like...


bro? this iq is expanding rapidly.

wow...your? as opposed to you're? don't worry i won't tell anyone.

but you really should pay attention to the grammatical two percenters. especially if you're a two percenter.

swallow your keyboard, & insert the mouse into your ear. you'll make more sense.
Hilarious, I was literally laughing out loud. And I like how you used different names when quoting me, at first I thought you were talking to someone else then I realised it was all me. Which was fun.

As for grammar, I got better things to do than double check every post I make on a footy forum. I know the difference between your and you're, and even there, their and they're.

Dragon Dave

:LOL: ahh Souths fans, always good for a laugh.

Besides, coming 9th in the worlds best rugby league comp is good....for you.

Who knows, next year you might get to play a semi, now wouldn't that be a treat!

Good luck guys, not that you'll need it, it's in the bag according to BunniesMan. As we all know, premierships are won in the pre-season.


I've heard of August Premiers and April Premiers talking themselves up but isn't November-the-year-earlier Premiers a bit much BunniesMan?


lol@dwag queens.. they win a gf in a farcicle 15 team comp and you'd think they'd won 20 f**king premierships. Can't wait to see them get belted by every other team next September and return to their normal choking way.
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lol@dwag queens.. they win a gf in a farcicle 15 team comp and you'd think they'd won 20 f**king premierships. Can't wait to see them get belted by every other team next September and return to their normal choking way.

How did Souths go in this "farcicle 15 team comp"? I seem to remember the "dwag queens" resting a couple of players, but flogging them anyway?


How did Souths go in this "farcicle 15 team comp"? I seem to remember the "dwag queens" resting a couple of players, but flogging them anyway?
Yeah with half our squad missing and I seem to remember a record 41-6 flogging the previous September. Can't wait to smash you clowns again.


St George just won the comp and have been minor premiers 2 years running. In 2011 we wouldnt have won it for 40 years. I'm not sure why Souths fans are bloating around on here about a 41-6 win in 2009. Big whoop - our season was lost by then as it has been for far to long.
lol@dwag queens.. they win a gf in a farcicle 15 team comp and you'd think they'd won 20 f**king premierships. Can't wait to see them get belted by every other team next September and return to their normal choking way.

x 2

Their club and fans are like a cancer upon the game
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