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Greg Inglis headed to South Sydney - no players to be shed

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Village Idiot
Staff member
so it's big 5 now..

anyone got easy access to crowd figures this year??? i don't have them handy, but do know you guys rank down near the bottom..

and how do you define "resources"?

is it stadiums (cause we've got two..)
is it leagues clubs (two of them as well..)
coaching staff? (bennett > lang)

just what is a "Resource" bunnies man?

russell crowe's wallet doesn't count..


Can't even trust Soufs membership and crowd numbers.

They give memberships to dead people and fudge numbers at Heartless, I mean Homebush every season.


so it's big 5 now..

anyone got easy access to crowd figures this year??? i don't have them handy, but do know you guys rank down near the bottom..

just what is a "Resource" bunnies man?

russell crowe's wallet doesn't count..
Russell's wallet does count.

And about crowds, there was a sticky for 2010 crowds for a while, don't know where it went.. We were 3rd in Sydney, within a couple hundred of 1st. And that's in a year we didn't even make the 8 for the 3rd year in a row. Expect 25k averages when we get success.


hang on, i thought you said you were the biggest club?

now you are 3rd...

dig up, stupid!
3rd in sydney in crowds, not overall, While 1st in the other 2 factors. No team is the biggest in every single way. We're the biggest in 2 out of 3 important categories, that's more than anyone else. Therefore, we win.

Dragon Dave

I love the lack of back-up that BunniesBoy gets, even from other Souths fans.

Give up, you've been owned on here, just like your club has been owned for 40 years.

You have nothing to crow about. In fact, as it stands, your club was the biggest disappointment THIS year. As it stands, you are the 9th best side in the NRL.

In November 2008 you had just made "the best signing" and all we heard was South Sydney to end their woes...you then went on to finish a pathetic 9th. This year, you've made "the best signing" and you're setting yourself up to be humiliated again, as the losing culture of the modern South Sydney Rabbitohs will resume as per normal come season 2011 - when it counts!

It's fans like you who make your constant failure more embarrassing for your club.


This year, you've made "the best signing" and you're setting yourself up to be humiliated again, as the losing culture of the modern South Sydney Rabbitohs will resume as per normal come season 2011 - when it counts!
Up until less than 2 months ago, the exact same was said about the Dragons. You changed that in 2010, we'll change that in 2011.


Lol. No. The 1908 premiership is as important as the 2010 one. And only a genius would piss on history. There wouldn't be a 2010 NRL competition if it wasn't for everything that came before it.

Except noone cares about a sh*tty QLD comp. This is, always was, and always will be, a Sydney centric comp. We brought in you other outposts just to make more money, you're nothing more than that. The Sydney teams are what makes the comp special. The NRL will always be the Sydney teams. You lightweights just make up the numbers.
Trolling again little fella?

Dragon Dave

Up until less than 2 months ago, the exact same was said about the Dragons. You changed that in 2010, we'll change that in 2011.

Incorrect, again. St George Illawarra finishes minor premiers in 2009 and made the semi finals majority of the time. Yes, we had a massive premiership drought, but we were always competing.

How many Finals matches have SS played in how many years? That's a losing culture.


Up until less than 2 months ago, the exact same was said about the Dragons. You changed that in 2010, we'll change that in 2011.

Didn't your teachers ever teach you about facts and opinions? They should have also taught you how your opinion is never right, hence your 36 iq.


Assistant Moderator
Up until less than 2 months ago, the exact same was said about the Dragons. You changed that in 2010, we'll change that in 2011.
Haha! Count up the number of semi-final appearances the two clubs have made over the last 20 years. I dare ya.


Ah, Souths and our sea of irrelevancy...I can see how having the biggest membership in Sydney makes us irrelevant.
You will need to back up your claim. I recall reading that Souths were pipped into second place late in the season. Happy to be corrected, just post the ticketed membership figures as of round 26, 2010.
BunniesMan said:
I can see how attracting the biggest signing of 2010 makes us irrelevant.
Define 'biggest'. Is it the size of the paycheck that makes it the biggest?

Or is the size of the player's girth?
BunniesMan said:
I can see how attracting the biggest and 2nd biggest signing of 2009 makes irrelevant.
Who? It's all subjective.

In any case, trying to buy big buck players didn't deliver the results on the field. And before you blame it on injuries, these are part of the game. It's a question of depth. Given the boast of having the 'biggest signings' last year, you should have had enough in the tank to at least make the finals.
BunniesMan said:
I can see how being the only profitable Sydney clubs makes us irrelevant.
Did you just say Souths are the only profitable Sydney club? lol. Where are you getting this from?
BunniesMan said:
I can see how we're regularly linked to the best coaches going around for after 2011 makes us irrelevant.
This makes no sense. Every club and coach are 'linked' in some way. If you're talking about Bennett, take a ticket.
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First Grade
Lol. No. The 1908 premiership is as important as the 2010 one. And only a genius would piss on history. There wouldn't be a 2010 NRL competition if it wasn't for everything that came before it.

Except noone cares about a sh*tty QLD comp. This is, always was, and always will be, a Sydney centric comp. We brought in you other outposts just to make more money, you're nothing more than that. The Sydney teams are what makes the comp special. The NRL will always be the Sydney teams. You lightweights just make up the numbers.

You are deadset the most moronic person I have ever seen. Always will be a Sydney-centric club? Tell that to all our expansion teams, how successful Melbourne and the Broncos have been, to how Suncorp Stadium is the home of Rugby League, to the dominance of the "sh*tty QLD" teams. I don't have to put any effort into my posts and I still make more sense than your worthless garbage.

Would it pain you to know your television ratings?
FFS, (as an example) the Eels were sh*t this year and they were the second or third most watched club on television across any code in the country. Go figure that your "biggest club" doesn't even compare.
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Incorrect, again. St George Illawarra finishes minor premiers in 2009 and made the semi finals majority of the time. Yes, we had a massive premiership drought, but we were always competing.

How many Finals matches have SS played in how many years? That's a losing culture.
If i was a Dragons fan I wouldn't boast about '09. You say we have a losing culture, did you not hear the "choker" calls after you guys embarrassed yourselves in September last year.

If you're talking about Bennett, take a ticket.
If Bennett wants to try and achieve something that will likely never be acheived again (premierships with 3 clubs), he'll go to Souths. If he wants to make big money before he retires and turns it into an auction, he'll go to Souths. Noone will match what Crowe would offer him.
You are deadset the most moronic person I have ever seen. Always will be a Sydney-centric club? Tell that to all our expansion teams, how successful Melbourne and the Broncos have been, to how Suncorp Stadium is the home of Rugby League, to the dominance of the "sh*tty QLD" teams. I don't have to put any effort into my posts and I still make more sense than your worthless garbage.
Sydney centric comp*. And what about expensaion clubs? I support expansion, it's good for the game, brings money in. That doesn't mean the NRL doesn't revolve around Sydney.

As for the success of Melbourne and the Broncos. Lol I wouldn't bring up Melbourne. Disgraced themselves, their 21st century premierships are meaningless. And even before the scandal broke, for a club that has had that much constant success, it didn't and doesn't have a big enough following. Can't even get games on before midnight.

As for the Broncos, pretty easy to have money and success with the natural advantages they have. If they weren't a success, it would be embarassing.

As for sh*tty qld teams doing well. It's just the broncos. What have the Cowboys and Titans done?

Dragon Dave

If i was a Dragons fan I wouldn't boast about '09. You say we have a losing culture, did you not hear the "choker" calls after you guys embarrassed yourselves in September last year.

You are boasting about 2011 you f*cking idiot!:lol:

I would rather win the minor premiership and bow out than make 1 semi final in years and years.

Again I say, you have nothing to boast about. As it stands, your club is the 9th best. I don't care if you signed J. Christ...you finished 9th. Failed. Again!

You are nothing more than a disappointment, and your culture is a losing one.

So before you start with the "biggest club" garbage, why don't you see if your boys can make the top freaking 8 for once, then you can start thinking (dreaming) about premierships.

Hate to spoil your delusional fantasy mate, but South Sydney is the epitome of has-been.

You are embarrassing yourself mate, give up.


If i was a Dragons fan I wouldn't boast about '09. You say we have a losing culture, did you not hear the "choker" calls after you guys embarrassed yourselves in September last year.

Spoken like a true souths supporter. Better off going no where near winning, then looking like winning and falling at the last hurdle. You guys are much better off losing every game and not making the finals, rather then "choking" at the end.

If Bennett wants to try and achieve something that will likely never be acheived again (premierships with 3 clubs), he'll go to Souths. If he wants to make big money before he retires and turns it into an auction, he'll go to Souths. Noone will match what Crowe would offer him.

Will he? You're now a mind reader. If you were truly a mind reader, then you should be doing what he does. But you can't your just a dumb merkin who blindly follows souths.

As for sh*tty qld teams doing well. It's just the broncos. What have the Cowboys and Titans done?

Titans have done a lot more than Souths since they have come in. So have Cowboys for that matter.


Will he? You're now a mind reader. If you were truly a mind reader, then you should be doing what he does. But you can't your just a dumb merkin who blindly follows souths.
I didn't say I could read his mind. I said IF he wants to go for legacy or IF he wants money. I didn't say I do know what he wants.
Could all of you vermin Stain supporters please be quiet, your club & fans are complete filth.

Thanks bye.


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