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Hages mass culling of EELS?


Hurriflatch said:

Parra sign Shaun Timmins to 2 year deal

NO way f**k that sh*t!!!

Getting rid of deano, wade , morrss and lyon not coming to sign shaun timmins.

PLEASE THIDs MUST BE A JOKE. What the f**k woul;d hagan see in shaun timmins???


jayjayselmes said:
NO way f**k that sh*t!!!

Getting rid of deano, wade , morrss and lyon not coming to sign shaun timmins.

PLEASE THIDs MUST BE A JOKE. What the f**k woul;d hagan see in shaun timmins???

dude it was said with tongue in cheek well in mind, take it easy :crazy:


dude i think he was talking about the street sweeper analogy and timmins getting arrested over sitting in one... not actually signing him.. relax man...

The Colonel

jayjayselmes said:
NO way f**k that sh*t!!!

Getting rid of deano, wade , morrss and lyon not coming to sign shaun timmins.

PLEASE THIDs MUST BE A JOKE. What the f**k woul;d hagan see in shaun timmins???


Not everything you read on a message board like this forum or the official board should be taken as gospel particularly when no link is supplied to the information. Drink Mylanta for that ulcer problem you are likely to develop should you not heed this advice.

End announcement.

parra pete

Redback71 said:
i hate hagan even more now the stupid dick head why let widders go

Mate, don't call people spastics in a derogatory way. There but by the grace of God go you or I.

The Colonel

Redback71 said:
i hate hagan even more now the stupid dick head why let widders go

The club didn't JUST let him go. The offer for Deano from Souths was rumoured to be very substantial and not within our means at this time to match particularly with the players we are targetting. Souths haven't necessarily paid overs but they had to make deals few could refuse.


First Grade
still we need guys that can give us go forward not a bunch of powder puffs we lost morrison surly that money could have been used to keep him

The Colonel

Redback71 said:
still we need guys that can give us go forward not a bunch of powder puffs we lost morrison surly that money could have been used to keep him

We can only wait and see who the club is trying/going to recruit at this stage.


First Grade
all this talk we are targeting players id like to know who all we seem to be doing is loosing players

The Colonel

As eelavation and I have said there are four people who know who we are targetting. Fitzgerald, Hagan, Zappia and Mitchell. We'd all like to know.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Redback71 said:
i hate hagan even more now the stupid dick head why let widders go

if you have any idea how much Souths are paying him you'd drive him to Redfern yourself to make sure he'd sign the contract.


we all need to relax a little. everyone wants to unwrap their presents a week before their birthday!

2 years ago they delivered with quality players, lets have faith in them to deliver once again.

i'd prefer it than being linked with every player on the market and getting none of them.


eelavation said:
if you have any idea how much Souths are paying him you'd drive him to Redfern yourself to make sure he'd sign the contract.

good luck to him.

he is less effective as more teams are aware of him now, but i wish him all the best at souths.


Post Whore
I know it's not reality, but what the hell...

In my Rugby League 2 Franchise, I'm playing as the Bunnies. And THE most exciting part is July 1st - because you can get players you've always wanted to wear your team colours. In my first season I've signed Billy Slater, Jonathon Thurston, Mark O'Meley, Carl Webb and David Kidwell.

So, I guess what I'm saying is...Season 2006 has been an utter disaster thus far, and whenever a club announces signings, it's always exciting times for a fan.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Redback71 said:
all this talk we are targeting players id like to know who all we seem to be doing is loosing players

what talk????...if you read one of my several posts about this subject in the last few days i would of told you that the club have instructed player managers that they are dealing with, not to release any names to the media, I guess it can be percieved as being frustrating for us fans but at the end of the day, the club know what they're doing so lets see what happens. Fact is, we need to replace those players that are leaving the club, who they are?? we don't know.

exciting isn't it??? :D


First Grade
macavity said:
Hages likes to have a top heavy squad unlike smithy who seemed to like a balanced squad. he puts players in order and wont move them for love nor money. expect the same 1-17 irrespective of results barring injury. you will lose alot of promising juniors and have a demotivated mediocre PL team. may have a decent FG squad but might need to make some big signings in the most overcooked player market in history.

good luck - it will be team spirit that gets you through, not tactical prowess - lets hope u have alot of good players that love parra.

I have a question, who will be the new scapegoat once Hagan leaves? Will Kurt Gidley take over on his own or will you find a new one to replace Hages? Reynoldson is probably the safe money bet.

Is there anything more frustrating than a Knights troll? They piss and moan about Kurt Gidley being moved to fullback and Hinton not getting a chance, so when Hinton gets a chance, he plays like a busted arse and they still blame Hagan. I bet he's happy to be leaving that sh*thole. I also doubt we'll lose alot of promising juniors because we won't have a injury prone 30 something year old on $500k+ on our books, which seems to be convieniently overlooked everytime you blame Hagan for losing a promising player. If Hagan lets Joey go, the fans would string him up, he lets the promising players go and they still hate him.

Sorry, but (in general) Knights fans are the most one eyed and biased fans who continually ignore the facts to protect Joey (and his massive contract) from the criticism he quite often deserves.


Post Whore
ParraDude_Jay said:
I have a question, who will be the new scapegoat once Hagan leaves? Will Kurt Gidley take over on his own or will you find a new one to replace Hages? Reynoldson is probably the safe money bet.

Is there anything more frustrating than a Knights troll? They piss and moan about Kurt Gidley being moved to fullback and Hinton not getting a chance, so when Hinton gets a chance, he plays like a busted arse and they still blame Hagan. I bet he's happy to be leaving that sh*thole. I also doubt we'll lose alot of promising juniors because we won't have a injury prone 30 something year old on $500k+ on our books, which seems to be convieniently overlooked everytime you blame Hagan for losing a promising player. If Hagan lets Joey go, the fans would string him up, he lets the promising players go and they still hate him.

Sorry, but (in general) Knights fans are the most one eyed and biased fans who continually ignore the facts to protect Joey (and his massive contract) from the criticism he quite often deserves.

Don't apologise, mate! This here is our neck of the woods!
